APIS MELLIFICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy APIS MELLIFICA…

      APIS-MELL Poison of the Honey Bee(See “New Materia medica”).


Nerves of Motion. We infer that it operates as a gentle stimulant and tonic upon he anterior portion of the spinal

column,. An increase of muscle power, and a tendency to spasmodic movements of various muscles have now and then been observed from a protracted use of large doses.

Nervous of Sensation.

It rouses the nerves of sensation into a condition of morbid excitability. A marked effect produced upon several provers was excessive sensitiveness if all parts of the body to the touch, the heat, and cold;a nd their sensitiveness was usually accompanied by great mental irritability.

Ganglionic Nerves.

Many facts prove that it acts specifically upon this system of nerves. Its influence in producing muscular contractions of he uterus, miscarriages, menorrhagia,., is probably due to a primary action upon the great sympathetic. Other reflex phenomena have occasionally been noticed, which lead us to the same conclusion.

Mucus tissues.

Upon the mucus membranes of the tongue, mouth, fauces, and throat it acts specifically; redness, burning sensation of fulness and dryness are the chief effects. Two proves experienced coryza. With feeling of swelling and burning of the Schneiderian membrane. It acts especially upon the neck of the bladder, producing mucus and bloody maturation. Its influence upon the pulmonary mucus membrane is evidenced by oppression of he chest, frequent inclination to expectorate, and burning of the membrane.

Serous Tissues.

Its action upon the serous tissues is strongly marked. Among the first effects which e experienced while proving it, was great tenderness of the entire peritoneum on pressure, or an turning in bed. It impresses specifically all the serous membranes, producing the kind of inflammation which disposes to dropsical effusions. the physiological and clinical facts adduced farther on will demonstrate this conclusively.

Muscular Tissue.

Temporarily, it exalts muscular power; but a reaction occurs in a few hours, which leave the muscles wearied, weak, and tremulous. the muscles are apt to become stiff, tender upon pressure, and somewhat swollen.


Ovaries. Upon these organs it exerts most powerful influence. Not only does it produce inflammation and enlargement of the ovaries themselves but it operates specifically upon their serous envelopes.


It acts slightly upon the tonsils and the salivary glands; but this slight action may be due to the effect produced upon the mucous membrane covering these glands.

The action of Apis is very similar to that to Cantharides, Euphorbium, Mezereum and Rhus, and it often succeeds when these remedies fail. It is often wonderfully useful in erysipelatous, serous, and oedematous inflammations, and in serous effusion and dropsies; still we have often seen it fail in our own and others hands, when it seemed fully indicated. J. C. P.


In doses of five, ten, or fifteen drops, three or four times a day, it is highly recommended in may diseases for he bladder and kidneys, and well as in some uterine affections. Some practitioners assert that it will produce abortion in the pregnant female if its use be too long continued or when employed too freely. It seems to have been most successful in quinsy, ascites (particularly post-scarlatina.) amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, hypertrophy of uterus, with induration,. some forms of ophthalmia, and also hordeolum or stye, erysipelas,,., have been cured. See the report above alluded to. for hydrops-amnii et oedema-labii, see Peters’ “Diseases of Married Females.” it is appropriate in scarlatina, when there are much heat, redness, and irritation of the skin, great restlessness and nervous agitation, sensitiveness of the entire surface of the body, an oedematous and erysipelatous appearance around the ulcers in the throat, frequent and painful urination, redness, heat and burning of to tongue, disturbed sleep and thirst. In many instance, s where the above group of symptoms have been prominent, the third dilution of Apis has afforded speedy relief. Its virtues in scarlatinal drops are well known. Operating, as it evident that it must prevent an excellent simile to a majority of the cases. Post-scarlatinal dropsy, in a in a girl about nine years old, developing itself a month subsequence to an attack of scarlatina, was treated successfully, by Dr. E. A. Munger, with Apis; the patient was in the following condition;Puffed face, violent beating for he heart,. distinct over the whole chest; pulse 160 or more; respiration excessively labored, panting, and hurried; inability to assume a recumbent posture; urine very scanty and high colored; heat and dryness of the surface, with thirst; no pain. Aconite, Arsenicum, Belladonna, digit., Hello., with no apparent change for the bete; on the contrary, on the second day of January, being being the third or fourth day of her present illness, the condition became still more alarming; face and lips livid; gasping and exceedingly rapid respiration;, and cold face and extremities. The case distinct;cold perspiration and cold face and extremities. The case was considered as extremely doubtful of recovery; however, after the use of Apis, 3, for about twenty four hours, the patient began to pass large quantities of urine, and from that time gradually recovered, when, on the tenth day of treatment, she was considered perfect cured.

A case of eruption was cured by Dr. Bishop, with the following characteristics: commencing with small pustular formations just Under the cuticle, with burning, smarting stinging sensation; in coming to maturity, deposition of dry scabby matter, laminated form, scaly brownish nd sometimes straw colored. looseness of the bowels in the morning, thin watery, yellowish; some griping at times, but generally painfulness. the looseness of the bowels had continued three or four weeks. Treatment for the last ten days, Rhus and other antipsoric remedies; no abatement of symptoms, either of skin or bowels. The parts mostly affected with the eruption were the inner back of the neck, and upon the central portion of the body. He was received Apis, first, to be taken twice in twentyfour hours, which was followed by an effectual and almost immediate cure of both diarrhoea and eruption; no return for eighteen months.

The cutaneous affections or which Apis is most appropriate are urticaria, lichen, porrigo, eczema, prurigo, and certain forms of scarlatina. The special indications are, itching, stinging, pricking, and burning of the eruptions. When the eruption presents this peculiarity, and other symptoms correspond, one of the high dilutions will generally afford prompt relief. Dr. E.A. Munger has used Apis mellifica with success in several cases of Urticaria, of which the following are the most prominent symptoms: Hard, red, somewhat conical swellings, occurring usually on the lower extremity, s below the knees, but sometimes on the arms, and occasionally, but rarely, on other parts of the body, varying in number and size, some being no larger that a halfdime, others an inch or two in diameter. Heat, redness, extreme soreness, and a burning, smarting, stinging pain are the principal characteristic symptoms. In from two to six days the spots which made their appearance become livid, and the swellings heat, and pain subside but, unless the disease is checked, new ones continue to appear for an indefinite time. There is usually but slight general swellings of the limbs affected, and but little febrile excitement or other constitutional symptoms; but, in a few instances, they have been considerable. The accumulation of evidence of its efficacy in ascites and anasarca is too voluminous for a work of this nature; suffice it to say that it is among the most prominent and certain of its therapeutic properties.


Irritable disposition the whole day;nothing appeared to satisfy him, everything awry. Unfitness for mental exertion. Dread of death, or sensation as if the should not be able to breath again Great anxiety, and apprehension of some approaching disaster. Intellect clear and active, but morose and irritable.


Confused vertigo for several days, at time very violent, worse when sitting that when walking, and extreme then lying down, and closing the eyes, from several doses of he thirtieth. Head is dull and slightly confused Crazy, wild, blind staggers in horses (old observations). Vertigo on riding suddenly from bed Lightness of the head on rising, and when walking in the open air.


Chronic headache in nervous subjects; violent pain in the forehead and temples, at times involving the eyes, attended by vertigo, nausea, and vomiting must hold the head and eyes down Pain in h sinciput, and confusion of the head. Violent headache, mostly confined to the forehead, with fever, second day Burning and throbbing in. The head aggravated by motion or stooping, temporarily relieved by pressing the head firmly with the hands, with occasional sweat for some hours. Violent pressive pains in the forehead and temples for several days. Violent sharp pain in the left temple. Headache, e with fullness and heaviness in the occiput. Sense of fullness and heaviness of the head. Head feels as if swollen. Severe pains in the eyeballs, increased by exposure to light. Puffiness of the scalp, forehead and around the eyes.Integuments of the head feel swollen and stiff.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.