Nux Vomica produces congestion of the portal circulation as indicated by its beneficial influence over hepatic and gastric disturbances arising from the excessive use of alcoholics, highly-seasoned foods and the use of purgative medicines. The liver is often found to be swollen and hard and sensitive to the pressure of the clothing.

57. What is the action of Calcarea Phosphorica in Fractures of Bones?

It has been noted that where bones have suture or joint, there Calcarea Phosphoric has an action. It causes pain along the sagittal suture, and again at the sacro-iliac symphyses. In the case of fractures we may assume that there is an artificial joint for the time being. And so we reason that with delayed union Calcarea Phosphorica may be a remedy, and clinically we get results. It promotes union in delayed healing of fractures, especially in a person of the Calcarea Phosphorica-constitution.

58. What changes are produced in the urine by Colchicum?

The urine is made dark and turbid; in some cases, it is almost black from admixture of altered blood. It is highly albuminous.

59. What changes are made in the Larynx by Iodine?

Iodine produces an inflammation of the larynx, either specific or non-specific, including Diphtheria, syphilitic or tuberculous. The indications are hoarseness lasting all day; phlegm in small quantities and touch; constant hemming and hawking; dry morning cough from tickling of the larynx.


1. When is Cactus the Remedy in Heart Affections?

Cactus is indicated in the so-called cardiac neuroses (Angina Pectoris) and in cardiac hypertrophy. Its special characteristic symptoms is a sensation of constriction about the heart.

2. When is Ipecac the Remedy in Cough?

In the bronchial catarrhs of infants and chubby children; cough with inclination to vomit; constant coughing without expectoration, though chest is apparently full of mucus; cough, with strangling; with much accumulation of mucus in the chest; cough with gagging and vomiting.

3. When is Chelidonium the Remedy in Capillary Bronchitis?

Capillary Bronchitis following Measles or Whooping Cough:, the characteristic hepatic symptoms are present. The face is of a deep red; great oppression of the chest; one foot hot, the other cold; expectoration raised with difficulty; sharp stitching pain under the right scapula.

4. When is Belladonna the Remedy in Cerebral Congestion?

In the milder cases, when there is sensation of heat about the head, the feet being cold. In the violent form; Face red and conjunctivae injected; severe throbbing headache; patient may be drowsy or wakeful; or the drowsiness and wakefulness alternate; rouses from slumber, as if started; jerking of the limbs; twitching of individual muscles of jerking of entire limbs; violent throbbing of the carotid arteries; pupils dilated; scanty urine.

5. When is Rhus Toxicodendron indicated in Rheumatism?

Rhus is the remedy more for the rheumatic diathesis than for typical rheumatic fever. In the rheumatic diathesis it is indicated by its characteristic modalities. i.e. aggravation in damp weather, and relief from continued motion. Prominences of bones, as those on the cheeks, are sore to the touch. Rhus affects specially the sheaths of muscles, and has a special affinity for the back. It is our best remedy for Lumbago.

6.When is Cantharis the Remedy in Dysuria?

The symptoms of Cantharis may relate to the entire urinary tract. There are: Burning pains extending from the kidneys down either ureter to the bladder; persistent violent urging to urinate; violent cutting pains extending along the spermatic cords to the testicles; burning in the glans penis. Urine does not pass copiously, but dribbles drop by drop; bloody urine; pain in the region of the kidneys; region of the kidneys sensitive to touch.

7. When is Elaps the Remedy in Haemoptysis?

When there is a feeling of coldness in the chest after drinking; cough accompanied by intense pain in the chest, especially on the right side, in the apex; sputum consists of dark blood; right lung more involved than the left; morning pain sufficiently severe to prevent patient from getting up.

8. When is Psorinum the Remedy in Cholera Infantum?

Child wakes up from sleep, as if frightened; crises out in sleep. Diarrhoea; stools profuse, watery and offensive and black; stools of green mucus, mixed with blood; aggravation at night; odor almost putrid. Nervousness and fretfulness precede the diarrhoea by two or three nights. Pale, sickly, delicate children; lack of reaction.

9. When is Ustilago indicated at Climaxis?

Vertigo. Haemorrhages at climaxis; Metrorrhagia; bright-red blood, partly fluid and partly clotted; or, oozing of dark blood with small coagula.

10. When is Sepia the Remedy in Over-exertion of the Mind?

The indicative symptoms are mainly mental. They include indifference to one’s family; anxiety with fear; great irritability alternating with indifference; flushes of heat over the face.

11. When is Secale the Remedy in Cholera?

Patient cold; almost pulseless; spasmodic twitching of the body, here and there; cannot bear being covered. Collapse, face sunken, distorted, particularly the mouth; crawling sensation as from ants. Stools watery, slimy; stools greenish, discharged rapidly with great force or even involuntarily; stools painless, without effort and with prostration.

12. When is Apis Mellifica the Remedy in Dropsies?

Dropsies of renal or cardiac origin. In renal cases, waxen hue to the surface of the skin; transparent whitish or slightly yellow tinge. Urine scanty. Thirstlessness. After Scarlatina with Nephritis; swelling of the eye-lids. Urine scanty and albuminous: surface of the body feels sore and bruised. In cardiac cases, the Dropsy is especially manifested in the feet.

13. When is Psorinum the Remedy in Typhoid Types of Fevers?

When the general condition is such that the physician feels assured that so far as organic changes are concerned the patient is safe; and the patient is mentally depressed or low- spirited, or hopeless of recovery. At the same time, he is weak of body. Weakening night-sweats; defective reaction to ordinary apparently well-indicated remedies.

14. When is Theridion the Remedy in Headache?

For nervous headaches generally, and in Hemicrania. Throbbing over the left eye and across the forehead; sick headache, with aggravation from persons walking across the floor or from slight noises. Nausea, aggravated on rising from lying posture. Sensation of pain in the vertex, as if patient could lift off top of the head. Hemicrania; flickering before the eyes and then blurring of vision, nausea aggravated by closing the eyes, and by noise.

15. When is Cantharis the Remedy in Erysipelas?

In Erysipelas of the vesicular type. Characteristically the rash appears first on the nose with or without vesicles. From this point it spreads to one or the other cheek with formation of vesicles, which break and discharge an excoriating fluid.

16. When is Sepia the Remedy in Prolapsus Uteri?

Prolapsus uteri with congestion; yellowish Leucorrhoea. Prolapsus, with inclination to left side causing numbness in left half of the body with pain; pain in the pelvic region relieved by lying; tenderness of the os uteri; pressure, as if, everything would protrude through vulvae.

17. When is Sepia the Remedy for Ulcers?

Small ulcers appearing about the joints of the hands, and especially on the fingers. These ulcers are painless.

18. When is Apis Mellifica the Remedy in Urticaria?

Useful especially in acute, rather than in chronic cases.

Sudden appearance of long white or pinkish-white wheals, attended by itching, burning and stinging; intervening skin is of deep scarlet. Especially indicated in cases caused by eating shell fish.

19. When is Cantharis the Remedy in Diphtheria?

Diphtheria attended by burning or raw feeling in the throat; great constriction of the throat and larynx, amounting almost to suffocation on any attempt at swallowing; debility pronounced; especially indicated in cases in which dysuria is present.

20. When is Lachesis the Remedy in Tonsillitis?

In Tonsillitis with suppuration, when the pus is of a dark, thin and offensive character. The inflammation starts on the left side, and spreads to the right. The throat is of a bluish-red hue; frequent sense of constriction; sensation, as of a lump in the throat, which must be constantly swallowed; throat externally very sensitive, patient finds relief from swallowing solids and aggravation from liquids or empty swallowing.

21. When is Sepia the Remedy in Ozena?

In cases in which large lumps of yellow-greenish mucus or yellowish-green crusts with blood are discharged from the nose; loss of sense of smell; fetid odor from the nose.

22. When is Apis the Remedy in Diphtheria?

The case is generally one of insidious onset and insidious progress; prostration is profound with high fever and drowsiness; the pulse is rapid and not strong. The throat presents a varnished appearance; the membrane is thick and looks wash leather; oedema of the uvula; rim of the glottis is swollen and oedematous, causing breathing to be hard or labored; burning, stinging pains in the throat; blisters on the border of the tongue. Often associated with oedema in other portions of the body. Red rash over the body in some cases. The throat externally may be swollen and oedematous.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.