33. What changes are made in Portal Circulation by Sulphur?

Congestion of single parts or any organ, more especially at the climaxis. “Scrofulous” diathesis; subject to venous congestion, especially of the genital system. Chronic alcoholism: dropsy and ailments of drunkards. Frequent desire for stool (more marked than in Nux Vomica), constipation or early morning diarrhoea-haemorrhoids.

34. What changes are made in Cerebrum by Opium?

Congestion: inflammation: Apoplexy.

Indicative symptomatology: Delirious talking. Eyes wide open, face red, puffed up. Thinks she is not at home. Imagine parts of the body are large.

35. What changes are made in functions of Nerves by Phosphorus?

Nervous asthenia: lowered vitality; mental hyperactivity; hallucinations.

Indicative symptomatology: Over-sensitiveness to external impressions; fears loss of reason; restless, fidgety, moves continuously cannot sit or stand still a moment. Excitable, easily angered and vehement, from which he suffers. Mind over- active.

36. What changes are made in Nutrition by Ferrum?

Mal-assimilation; wasting due to haemorrhage, etc. Chlorosis, Anaemia.

Indicative symptomatology: Extreme paleness of the face, lips, tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth. Weakly persons with fiery red face. Least exertion or emotion causes flushing of the face.

37. What changes are made in Skin by Graphites?

Chronic inflammation; pruritis; fissure-vesicles; pustules; ulcerations.

Indicative symptomatology: Cracks and fissures at the end of fingers, nipples, labial commissure, anus and between toes. Unhealthy skin. Every injury suppurates. Old cicatrices. Unhealthy skin. Chronic Erysipelas. Eczema, in the hollow of the knees; finger-nails thick and chippled. Finger-nails black, rough, matrix inflamed. sore, throbbing, numbness; no suppuration.

38. What changes are made in Spinal Circulation by Belladonna?


Indicative symptomatology: Loss of co-ordination of muscles of both upper and lower extremities, very like the heaviness and helplessness of movement observed in the first stages of Progressive Paralysis of the Insane.

39. What changes are made in Color of Skin by Argentum Nitricum?

Indicative symptomatology: Skin blue, gray violet, bronze color to a real black. Skin brown, tense, hard.

40. What changes are made in urine by Lycopodium?

Haematuria, from gravel and chronic catarrh. Red, sandy, sediment in the Urine. Foamy urine.

41. What changes are made in Connective Tissue by Silicea?

Stimulates fibrosis and cicatrization in chronic suppurative inflammations.

42. What changes are made in the Solar Plexus by Carbo. Veg?

Farrington attributed the abdominal symptomatology of Carbo. Veg. to a hypothetic action on the solar plexus. His indicative symptomatology was as follows; Indigestion of low type, especially cases resulting from debauchery, indulgence in table luxuries and from bad effects of wines and liquors and all kinds of dissipation. In the bad effects of dissipation, it was held to be indicated by headache, especially in the morning when awakening from sleep; dull headache referred to the back part of the head with a great confusion of mind; humming or buzzing in the head; aggravation in the warm room, pain going from the occiput into the head and into the eyes, giving a dull heavy aching in that locality. Nausea and weakness referred to the stomach, usually a burning sort of distress referred to the epigastrium; unable to take milk because it produces flatulence; stomach feels heavy; flatus; belching and borborygmi, both offensive. Constipation with flatulence, which are aggravated after every spree. Morning diarrhoea with stool which is watery and thin; peevish, easily angry. Vertigo, reflex from gastric disturbance; worse after a debauch.

43. What changes are made in Skin by Petroleum?

Inflammation. Intertrigo, Eczema.

Indicative symptomatology: Humid soreness behind the ears, Eczema. Skin hard, rough, cracked, tips of the fingers rough. Deep rhagades on hand; thick crusts worse during Winter. Hot swelling of the soles of the feet. Feet tender, bathed in a foul-smelling sweat. Ulcers, stinging pains. Ulcers heal slowly.

44. What changes are made in Mucous Secretion by Kali Bich?

Inflammation of mucous membrane with plastic exudate; pseudo- membrane: excessive activity of glands and profuse secretion of mucus. The excessive secretion is converted rapidly into a fibrous exudate -and formation of a so-called false membrane.

Indicative symptomatology: Tickling as from a hair high up in nose. Pressing pain at the root of the nose. Discharge of large quantities of mucus from nose when blown. Stitches in the right side, and a sensation, as if, two loose bones rubbed against each other. Scabs on septum-ulcerations of the septum.

45. What changes are made in Cicatrices by Graphites?

Graphites has an excellent effect in reducing or even removing cicatricial tissue. This therapeutic use of the remedy originated in an observation that workers in graphite experienced very ready healing of wounds on the hands, and cicatricial contraction of the eyelids following wounds and surgical operations Graphites may also be used successfully for the absorption of indurated surfaces.

46. What changes are made in the Urine by Benzoic Acid?

Strong odor like horse-urine (hippuric acid).

Indicative symptomatology: Urine when passing is hot and has strong, pungent, fetid odor. Urine high coloured; increased specific gravity; hot, scalding. Ammoniacal and very offensive. Enuresis Nocturna of children.

47. What changes are made in the Larynx by Bromine?

Inflammation, and formation of exudate.

Indicative symptomatology; Cold sensation in larynx: Cold feeling when inspiring. Asthma worse during the night. Rattling of mucus long before it can be expectorated. Wheezing and panting, with violent cough. Difficult expectoration of tough, stringy mucus. Membranous Croup. Cough, worse, on dressing better on getting warm in bed. The peculiarity of this discharge is its thick, stringy nature, and difficulty of detachment. It stretches out into long strings.

48. What changes are made in the Blood by Cinchona?

The specific action of Cinchona (Quinine) on the blood with the exception of its specific anti-plasmodium malariae destructive action is rather poorly developed. Indicative symptomatology: Haemorrhages from the mouth, nose, lungs, and bowels, with a longing for sour things. Metrorrhagic dark blood.

49. What changes are made in Nutrition by Natrum Mur.?

Mal-nutrition. Emaciation.

Indicative symptomatology: Emaciation even when living well, great weakness, relaxation of all bodily and physical powers from least exertion.

50.What changes are made in Bones by Aurum?

Exostosis of bones in skull and other bones.

Indicative symptomatology: Boring pains in bones; especially after the administration of Mercury. Pains driving to desperation. Pains wander from joint to joint. Tearing pains in the meta-tarsal joints. Laming twinges in toes of the right foot.

51. What changes are made in the Blood by Pulsatilla?

Haemorrhages. Blood dark easily co-agulating. Pulsatilla is an invaluable remedy in Anaemias, but is indicated more for the collateral symptoms than by reason of Anaemia producing action per se. Chlorosis is a particular sphere, the symptoms of which it presents of a characteristic degree; chlorotic or anaemic women, always complaining of sensations as of chills, and yet find relief for their ill-feelings in the open air and cannot tolerate a warm room. Pains are associated with chilliness. Chlorosis, after failure of Iron. Late and scanty menstruation. Fickle appetite, and especially for indigestible articles, as pickles.

52. What changes are made in Functions of Nerves by Caulophyllum?

Hysterical and epileptiform spasms at puberty; with menstrual irregularities, especially in hysterical females.

53. What changes are made in Spinal Cord by Conium?

In poisoning cases, Conium produces a progressing Paralysis, starting from below and proceeding upwards, without loss of consciousness. Associated symptoms are prickling sensations in the muscles, pain in the head, twitching and tremors together with stiffness and rigidity of some of the muscles. Movements weak and unsteady, gait staggering. Nausea and occasionally vomiting with profuse salivation. Deglutition difficult. Respiration at first accelerated, later becoming slow and labored, weak and irregular and finally ceasing.

NOTE: Seguin utilized the depresso-motor effect of Conium in the treatment of obstinate tics, but it seems to have produced little permanent good effects.

54. What changes are mad in Functions of Nerves by Gelsemium?

Motor Paralysis.

Indicative symptomatology: Complete relaxation and prostration of whole muscular system. Great weakness and trembling of the tongue, hands, legs and entire body.

55. What changes are made in Nutrition by Calcarea?

The apparent changes in Calcium and general mineral metabolism.

Indicative symptomatology: Bone-swelling, softenings and curvature. Caries. Stinging pains.

56. What changes are made in the Portal Circulation by Nux Vomica?

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.