23. When is Tarentula the Remedy in Hysteria?

Patient jerks the limbs and body generally. She becomes quiet when attention is directed away from her. Lively music tends to promote activity of movements.

24. When is Lachesis the Remedy in Typhoid Fever?

In adynamic cases with low delirium of the low muttering type; increasing mental torpor with coolness of the extremities; tremor of the hands and feet; tongue protruded with difficulty and trembling, or it catches on the teeth; tongue coated brown, sometimes with small blisters on its tip; lips crack and ooze a dark blood; loquacity, followed by depression. Diarrhoea usually present; stools characteristically of a highly offensive odor.

25. When is Naja the Remedy in Heart Affections?

When in infectious disease, as Diphtheria, there is impending Paralysis of the heart. The patient is blue; wakens from sleep gasping; pulse, intermittent and thready.

26. When is Apis the Remedy in Ovaritis?

When the right ovary especially is involved. Extreme soreness of the right ovary, with burning, stinging pains or sensations. Some tumefaction detected by examination per rectum or vagina. Sometimes associated with pain in the left pectoral region and cough. Sharp lancinating pains extending down the right thigh.

27. When is Secale the Remedy in Cholera Infantum?

Stools large and contain undigested food; stools watery and offensive; sudden spasmodic expulsion of watery stool followed by great prostration.

28. When is Lachesis the Remedy in COnstipation?

In any diseased condition in which constipation may exist when the following symptoms are present : Costive, ineffectual urging to stool; anus feels closed. Stools offensive even when formed. Sense of constriction of the sphincter. Throbbing at the anus. IT also may be indicated in constipation with Haemorrhoids, especially in cases occurring at climaxis, in women with scanty menstruation or in drunkards.

29. When is Sepia the Remedy in Amenorrhoea?

Amenorrhoea at puberty or later; pains in the uterus, bearing- down; crosses the limbs to prevent protrusion of the parts. Uterine induration.

30. When is Coccus Cacti the Remedy in Cough?

In Whooping Cough or Pulmonary Tuberculosis, when the cough has a morning aggravation and is followed by vomiting of long ropes of stringy mucus. In Tuberculosis, there are sharp, stitching pains beneath the clavicles.

31. When is Cantharis the Remedy in Dysentery?

Stools are slimy and bloody, and contain flakes that look like scrapings of the intestines, but which really consist of fibrinous formations. Tenesmus is pronounced and may be attended by dysuria. Pains are of colicky character; cutting, burning, gripping pains of wandering character.

32. When is Sepia the Remedy in Dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia incident to uterine disease, associated with an empty, gone feeling in the epigastrium or abdomen with sour or bitter risings or taste in the mouth; longing for pickles and acids, indulgence in which seems to relieve. Tongue coated white. Bowels constipated; stools hard, dry and insufficient. Abdomen swollen and distended with flatus. Soreness in the hepatic region from congestion of the liver.

33. When is Apis Mellifica the Remedy in Tubercular Meningitis?

Early in the case when there is effusion. Patient cries out with a piercing shriek. Child is sleepy, and awakened from sleep with a shrill cry; it may be wholly or partly conscious; sleepy, but cannot sleep; spasms of the flexors so that the big toes are turned upwards. Child bores its head into the pillow. Body convulsed and other side, as if paralyzed. Strabismus. Pulse, rapid and weak.

34. When is Lachesis the Remedy in Heart Affections?

In organic affections and in functional disturbances at climaxis. Palpitation with sense of constriction, as if held by a cord. Oppression on awakening; inability to lie down. Hydrothorax; Hydro-pericardium. Horrible sensation of smothernig feeling about the heart on awakening from sleep, forcing patient to get out of bed.

35. When is Ustilago the Remedy in Uterine Haemorrhage?

Usually in cases characterized by passive uterine congestion. Bright-red blood, partly fluid and partly clotted. Uterus indurated; the examining finger causes bleeding. Haemorrhages at climaxis or during labor.

36. When is Variolinum the Remedy in Small-pox?

Appears to be traditional or empiric; most standard text-books silent on the subject.

37. When is Psorinum the Remedy in Eruptions?

In cases presenting a constitutional defect by reason of which the illness fails to respond to well-selected remedies. Eruptions essentially of a herpetic character, and accompanied by great itching, which is aggravated as soon as the patient gets warm in bed. Later, the skin has a dirty, dingy appearance, as though the patient had not been properly washed. Skin may present a coarse look, as if it had been bathed in oil. Eruption moist. In children especially about the scalp, but characteristically from the scalp down either side of the face, involving the cheeks and ears, like Tinea Capitis. Eruption at times moist, and oozes an offensive secretion; at other times is dry, or furfuraceous. Ulcers on legs, usually about the tibia and around the ankles or other joints.

38. When is Cantharis the Remedy in Gonorrhoea?

Chordee in the course of Gonorrhoea; complicating Cystitis with the usual Cantharis-symptoms.

39. When is Sepia the Remedy in Leucorrhoea?

Discharge of a yellowish-green color and somewhat offensive, with bearing-down pains in the abdomen and in the small of the back; feeling, as if, everything will be forced out through vulvae; backache, referable to the lumbar or sacral region. decidedly worse when patient is standing or walking. Burning pains in the uterus, and sometimes pains of a sharp character shooting upwards, or there may be a sensation, as if the uterus was clutched by a hand. Menses, usually late and scanty.

40. When is Lachesis the Remedy in Ovaritis?

In Ovaritis, when the left ovary is affected; tenderness to pressure of clothing. Menses scanty, feeble; blood lumpy and black and very offensive; pains in the hips : bearing-down in the left ovary. Uterus intolerant of the least pressure.

41. When is Aranea Diadema the Remedy in Aggravation from State of Atmosphere?

All the symptoms of Aranea Diadema are characteristically worse in damp weather or from dwelling in damp localities.

42. When is Secale the Remedy in Spinal Congestion?

Secale produces a passive congestion of the spinal cord, and hence prolonged use of it or chronic poisoning by Ergot may be followed by a train of symptoms strongly simulating those of Tabes.

43. When is Apis Mellifica the Remedy is Heart Disease?

In cardiac affection and inflammation with dropsy or oedema; dyspnoea; sudden lancinating or stinging pains; restlessness, anxiety. The restlessness is of a fidgety character.

44. When is Lachesis the Remedy in Erysipelas?

When the rash is most pronounced on the left side. The face at first is bright-red but soon assumes a bluish hue; considerable infiltration of the cellular tissue; pulse is accelerated and weak; feet are apt to be cool; patient drowsy; muttering delirium.

45. When is Tarantula the Remedy in Spinal Irritation?

Excitability of the peripheral nerves; hands in constant motion; headache, relieved by burrowing the head into the pillow; enlargement of the uterus and ovaries.

46. When is Psorinum the Remedy in Imperfect Reaction?

In Psoric constitution, and after acute exhausting illnesses; usual remedies though well-indicated failing to act satisfactorily.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.