170. Pain in little finger of right hand M., 5m 10m.

While writing cannot keep the hand from trembling; the pen moves further than he designs; thus he makes a “t” or a “y” too long. J. 10m. See also Skin.


Sudden giving way of legs while walking, as though they would be paralyzed; fears she will have Typhoid Fever. P. 6th 200th.

Unsteady gait. Hn., 10m.

After getting up for several mornings, legs feel from knees down heavy, as if paralyzed. M., cm.

175. On getting up after sitting awhile, knees tremble. Dr. S., cm.

Tired in the morning, weak feeling in the legs seemingly relieved by forcibly stretching. Dr. D., cm. Slight drawing in left ischiatic nerve from foramen to middle of thigh. Dr. D., cm.

When walking, calves feel, as if pulled right. M. 10m. Muscles of left knee pain, as if hamstrings were too short. M. 10m.

180. Feeling, as if cords were shortened; after menses. Hamstrings feel stiff when he attempts to rise; he Kicks out to limber up. M. cm.

Drawing in the hamstrings of left leg while walking. J.10m.

Twitching in joint of left knee. Dr. D., cm Pain in left popliteal space going upstairs. P., 6th. 185. Synovial crepitation. P. 6th. J.,1m., 10m., 50m. Bruised pain inside of things when walking upstairs. M., 10m Pains about the patella. M., cm.

Dull aching in right thigh, very severe. M. 10m., Drawing in inner side of left thigh. M., 50m.

190. Sensation, as of a needle piercing calf while walking. M.,


Right calf feels, as if tightly bandaged. M., 1m.

Pains between knees and ankles when walking fast. M., cm.

Slight pains about shin and left testicle. M., 6th.

Aching along the shins while walking, P. 6th.

195. Big toe pains. p., 6th 200th. When rubbing it, it prickles, as if going to sleep. p., 200th.

Right big toe pains; as this gets better, pain in heart. p.6th. Pain in ball of left foot. M., cm.

Pain in hollow of left foot, worse walking or exercising; alternates from foot to foot. M.,50 m.

Muscle pain when flexing left foot. M. cm.

200. Ball of left foot pains; pain in calf, worse on first rising M., cm., Pain in ball of left foot walking. M. 10m.

Pain in hollow of right foot after going upstairs; also while riding. p., 6th. See also Skin.


Right wrist and left ankle weak, and ache, as if paralyzed; after menses.

Drawing in hands, feet, wrist-joints and left shoulder. Dr. D.,



205. Ascending; chest, 132; heart, 139; hollow of foot, 202; inside of thigh, 186; pain in popliteal space, 184; heavy feeling in epigastrium, 132.

Descending; knees ache.

Walking; shins, 194, between knees and ankles, pains, 192; legs give way, 172; like needle in calf. 190: calves, 178; hamstrings, 182; ball of foot pains, 201; crepitation of joints; pain in hollow of foot, 198.

Motion; crick in neck; intercostals sore; worse moving arms, 149; must move.9.

209 1/2 Stepping :pulsating pains in head, 21.

Stretching: relieves legs, 176.

210 Flexing: foot, muscles pain, 199.

Stooping: pain over right eye.

Standing legs weary, tired, 216.

Sitting erect: intercostals sore, 147; falls asleep while sitting, 219.

Lie down: desire to, 79.

214 1/2 Lying: in bed, feels pulsation all over; ears, 45; lying on back, back weak, 154; lying down at night hears heart beat, 142.

215. Rising; hamstrings, 181; stiff; knees tremble, 175; on first rising legs feel paralyzed, 174; pain in calf, 200; flickering of sight, 31.


Weariness of the legs while standing. M. 50m General lassitude. C.Hg., Ha., M., P., Dr. S., Dr. D., h.

Languid in hot weather (hitherto indifferent to summer heat). M.

cm Very tired in the afternoon, falls asleep while sitting. Dr. D., 10m, cm.

SLEEP 220. Sleepless after 12 p.m. until 3 A.M. Dr. Hn., 30th.

Cannot get to sleep, feels so hot; thoughts crowd on his mind. Dr. D., cm Restless sleep during and after menses. F. 30th.

Restless sleep all through the proving. Dr. Hn. 30th. Could not get to sleep until 4 A.M.; then had a tiresome sleep until 5 A.M. 10th.

225. Drowsy all day, mostly forenoon. M., 1m.

Drowsy afternoons, must lie down; after dinner, so sleepy can hardly keep his eyes open; tried, weary, not disposed to do anything Dr. D. cm.

Sleepy from 3 P.M. until bed time, then sleepless from thoughts; finally on going to sleep, dreamed of these thoughts. Dr. Hn. 30th.

Sits up in bed, seizes the sheet, and folds it precisely along the hems. M., 50m.

Wide awake from the least noise. Dr. D. cm.

250. Awakens after 12 P.M.; soon after, a sensation as from an electric shock through the body, trembling and palpitation as from fright. Dr. D., cm.

Awakens in the night and imagines pieces of furniture are persons. M. 50 m.

Awakens, fears his child, who has a trifling ailment, is dead; he goes to her room to relieve the otherwise ineffaceable impression (never nervous before in sickness). M., 50m.

Dreams of sexual excitement.

Troublesome dreams. A., 10m.

235. Vexing dreams, Dr. H., 1m.; J., 50m.

Dreams of the dead; tired on awakening. Dr. D., cm.


Night; easily started, 11; mucus from post. nares, 50; emissions, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,; feet burn 124 hears heart, 142, imagines furniture people, 231.

After 12 P.M. 2. A.M. pressure in stomach, 83; cannot sleep until 1 A.M. 121; sleepless, 220,; awakens, 230.

Morning; dizzy, 12; temples, 29; on rising, 5 A.M. flickering of sight, 31; offensive odor before nose, 47; epistaxis, 48; mucus on teeth, 55, coppery taste, 56, bad taste, 57,; diarrhoea, 92: awoke, 5 A.M. unrested, 121,; stitches rear of spine, 153, legs feel weak, 173, 176; drawing in deltoid, 156.

9 A.M. headache, 24, 240. 10. A.M. headache 25; drowsy, lachrymation, 38; 11 to 12 A.M. sick, nervous, gone feeling, etc., 74.

Fore-noon, ill-humour, 7; drowsy, 225.

Afternoon; heavy head, flushes, 19; headache, 26; hawking, 63; tired, 219, 226; sleepy, 227; flushes of heat, 251.

4 P.M. goneness, 84.

5 P.M. pain in temple; better.

Evening: gloomy, 3; inclined to study, 7; eyes sore, 35; bloated, 87; pressing, sore pain in chest, 149, 11 P.M., weak feeling in back, 154; flushes, sweat, 252; itching of skin.

8. P.M. headache suddenly leaves, 24; urging to stool, 97.


Feels warm weather more than usual.

245. Nervousness, goneness at the stomach, headache, crick in the neck, worse in a thunder-storm. M., 50m.

Desire to take a long breath, as if room was too close; menses.

Worse in open air; left nostril stopped up, 52.

CHILL, FEVER, SWEAT Chilly, felt mostly in the chest. 1m.

Chill, followed by hot flushes around the body. Dr. H., 1m.

250. Feet icy-cold, but burn at night, menses.

Flushes of heat and sweat; evening. M., 10m.

Flushes every afternoon, headache, in a lady who though 50, never had them before. P., 30th.


Right: Temple, 15, pressure over eye, 17; lid quivers, 32; inner canthus sore, 39; eye-ball aches, 40; lobe of ear itches, 46; pricking throat, 62; throat sore, 64; drawing in cord, 109; pain through groin, 117; burning in chest, 135; clavicle to stomach, 136; bruised spot in chest, 148, 149; walls of chest feel contracted, 150; shoulder pains, 151; stitches to rear of spine, 153; heaviness in arm, 157; hand numb, 158; drawing in wrist- joint, 162; index finger, 165; wrist to centre of hand, 165; like needle in index finger, 167; pain in little finger, 170; dull aching in thigh, 188; calf feels, as if bandaged, 191; big toe, 196; hollow of foot, 202; right wrist, left ankle, 203.

Left: Headache, 14; temple, 15; tearing in head, 16; pinching in temple, 18; centre eye-brow, 22; orbit, 23; drawing up the occiput, 28; flickering in eye, 31; like sand in eye, 37 eye-ball dry, 41; nostril stopped up, sore, 51, 52, 53,; like a marble in left side of abdomen while at stool, 98; stitches in renal region, 101; pain in testicle, 112; in cord, 118; in testicle and shin, 119,; in chest and shoulder, 137 138; deep twitches in inguinal region, 154; soreness about sacrum, etc., 155; drawing in deltoid, 156; arms, especially left feel “gone” 159; drawing, crampy pain in wrist, 163; crampy pain in hand, 164; pains in joints of little finger, 168; drawing in ischiatic nerve, 177; hamstrings short, 179, 182; twitching in knee, 183; pain in popliteal space, 184; drawing in inner side of thigh, 189; ball of foot, 197; hollow of foot, 198; muscles pain, flexing left foot, 188; ball of foot, 200, 201,;drawing in hands, feet, left shoulder, 204; itching pimples, 265.

255. Right-Left: Temples 15; pressure over eyes, 17.

Left-Right: Darting in little finger of left, then of right hand, 169.

Worse from touch, rubbing, etc.; Big toe prickles when rubbed. 195; must loosen clothing, 87.

Pressure relieves; Head at first, 24; want to rub eye, 39.

Riding: Headache, pains in right foot, knee, left hand.


260. Intense itching of the face, especially of the nose, also spots on body and limbs, etc., feel like insect-bites; she wants to tear the flesh. A. 10m.

After going to bed, itching here and there, and lumps similar to hives raise up; scratching relieves itching, but is followed by burning; could not sleep. Dr. S., cm.

Itching of the skin, particularly lumbar region and hips; rubbing causes an eruption of papules about the size of lentils and of the color of the skin Dr. D., cm.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.