Sensation, as of a pin pricking the right side of the throat, worse swallowing liquids, better from solids. Dr. S., 10m.

Accumulation of mucus in the throat, causing hawking, afternoon; this causes a tickling and slight cough. Dr. D,. cm.

Right side of throat sore. Dr. S., cm.


65. Desires strong-tasting things, even Alcohol. Dr. Hn., 30.

Desires strong-tasting things J., 1m.

Desires for beer; it relieves the goneness. M., 5m.

Desires for fried eggs, J., 1m; for eggs, M., 50m.

Aversion to bread and butter, yet formerly found thereof; very persistent for weeks. Dr. D., 10m., cm.

70. Not very hungry for meals, yet enjoys them; most appetite for supper. Dr. D., cm.

No desire for food; sick, gone feeling. Dr. S., cm.


Before breakfast, pressure from spine to stomach, A., 10m.; headache better. Dr. S., cm.

After breakfast; nervous, went to bed again. Dr. S., cm.

Before dinner; 11 to 12 o’ clock sick feeling, nervous; empty gone feeling; pulse quick, jerking. Dr. S., cm.

75. After eating a little, feels full M., 50m.

After dinner, headache. Dr.S., cm.

Fulness in the stomach all the time, but worse after eating. Dr.D., cm.

Sensation of heaviness in the epigastrium, better after eating. P., 30th.

Feels weak and cross after dinner, would like to lie down, Dr. D., cm.; empty feeling in the chest and abdomen, M., 1m., empty, gone feeling all day, but worse after eating, Dr. S., cm.


80. Eructations after eating. M. 1m.

Eructations frequent, tasteless. 10m., 50m.


Heavy feeling in the stomach, causing a restless feeling; third day after tea. A., 10m.

Constant feeling of fulness. Dr. D., cm.

Awakens, 2 A.M.., with pressure in the stomach; feels, as if a stick was pressing up and forward from about the last dorsal vertebra into the stomach. A. 10m.

Goneness in the stomach and abdomen, even in the chest. M., 1 m. 10., 50m, cm.; H., 10m. See also symptom by Dr. S.; goneness at 4 p.m. M.

85. Goneness in stomach and abdomen, with a feeling of weight above the ensiform. See Chest and Arms. M., 50m.; H.,10m.

ABDOMEN Anxiety felt through the abdomen, lasting only a few moments. Dr.K., 1m.

Bloated feeling, worse evening; wind in the bowels; must loosen the clothing; urging to stool. Dr. S. cm.

Pain in the bowels ascends to the stomach; flatulence; at the same time return of pain in left orbit.

Goneness. See 85.

95. Colic, as from wind pressing on the bladder, causing frequent micturition; urging to stool. M., 50., cm.


Distressing, burning, contracting pain in anus and lowest part of rectum; feels it after awaking from a troubled dream. Dr. D.,


Diarrhoea, colicky pains before morning. M., 50m.

Three or four diarrhoeic stools a day, with much flatus; crampy pains in stomach and abdomen; is afraid to pass flatus lest faces escape also. Dr. D., cm.

One day costive, next day diarrhoea. M., 50m.

95. Costive M., 1m.; Dr. D., 10m, cm.

Urging to stool two evenings, 8 P.M. in succession. M., 10m., cm.

While at stool, sensation, as if a marble dropped in left abdomen (descending colon) two evenings, 8 P.M. M 10m.

Itching of the anus. Soreness. M., 50m.

Urging to stool; feels often, as if bowels would move, but they do not.

100. Itching about the anus.


Fine stitching pains in left renal region. Dr. D., cm.

Urine dark-red; no sediment. 1m.

Constant urging. M., 10m.

Burning during urine apparently normal. M., 50m.

105. Obliged to urinate, but pressure not hereby relieved. A., 10m. Frequent micturition, 90m., cm; Dr.S., cm.

MALE PARTS Sexual desire, but no erections, 1m.; later, total absence of desire. M. 10m.

Great sexual excitement. Dr. S., 70m.

Sexual desire diminished; drawing in the right spermatic cord. M., 5m.

110. Seminal emissions without erotic dreams; two in one night Dr. S., cm.

Emission of semen some hours after coitus; no dream or erection. M., 50m, cm.

Emission almost every night (married man); preceded by slight pains in the testicles, mostly left. M. 50m.

Three emissions in one week; unconscious thereof until morning. J., 1m.; M., 10m.

Emissions every night; no lascivious dreams; semen thin, watery, smells like stale urine. J. 10m.

115. Emissions every other night. Dr. S., cm.

After coitus, burning and itching at meatus urinarius; urging to stools, and urine; bowels loose; stools small. M., 50m.

After emissions, melancholy; pain through right groin next day. M, 50m., For weeks dull drawing in testicle and cord. M., cm.

Pains in left spermatic cord. M., cm.

Pain in left testicle and about the chin. M., cm., 120. Itching of the prepuce. Dr. D., cm.


Great and unusual excitement; not able to get to sleep until near 1 A.m.; awoke at 5 unrested. A., 10m.

Three nights later sexual dreams; thinks she is with her husband. But the act is prevented by the unbidden entrance of some stranger. A., 10m

Menses five days too early. A., 10m.

Menses five days too early (always regular before,) feet icy-cold by day, burn at night in bed; flow pale (dark in health), with pressure over right eye, and desire to take a long breath, as if room was too close. Three days later, headache over left eye; all worse 3 to 4 P.M. Fifth day, flow dark as usual.

125. After menses much worse. Trembling about the heart; worse walking upstairs; pressure in pit of stomach; better eating; headache returns every afternoon, how over one, now over other eye; sleep restless, tosses from side to side. F., 30th.

Next period three days too early. Same symptoms as before but flow stopped two days and returned with headache. chilliness, restless sleep, and paralytic aching in right wrist; knees felt, is if the cords were shortened. F. 30th. (Was under treatment eighteen months before symptoms were all removed.)

BREATHING Constant tendency to sigh; menses. F., 30th.

COUGH Cough after drinking water. J., 10m Cough from tickling in the throat, See 63.


130. Like a weight above the ensiform, with feeling in stomach and abdomen. M., 50m.

Empty feeling in the chest and abdomen after a meal M. 1m. Heaviness in epigastrium and lower third of sternum, worse going upstairs; during menses. F., 30th.

Lower third of sternum pains, as if torn in two. J., 10m Sudden feeling of fulness in upper part of chest. P. 6th 200th

135. Burning deep in chest, worse right side; evening in bed Dr. S., cm.

Pain from right clavicle diagonally to stomach, so intense that it made her start, followed. by hoarseness. P. 6th. Pain through left chest and in left shoulder. Dr. S., cm. Pain through chest after dinner, especially left side. Dr. S.,



Trembling about the heart going upstairs; after menses. F. 30th.

140. Heart feels uneasy and pains especially about its base when pains in limbs and great toe are better. P. 6th. (Twenty years ago had pains in toe and heart relieved with Lycopodium; no return until now.

Every strange noise causes palpitation. Dr. D., cm. Lying down at night, hears the heart beat, as though it came from under the pillow. M., cm.

Feels the pulse all over the body. J. 1 m. Pulse is felt in different parts of body, as if shot were rolling through the artery. M. 50m.

145. Feels as if a lump or bubbles started from the heart and were forced through the arteries J., 10m.

Pulse quick, jerking. See 74; Dr. S., cm.


Intercostal muscles feel sore, and as if drawn when sitting erect or moving chest, not in ordinary breathing. M., 50m.

A spot in right chest feels bruised. P. 200th.

Sore, pressing pain, as after a contusion, about cartilages of fourth to sixth ribs, right side; worse from deep breathing, deep pressure; later in the evening, cannot breathe deeply, or move the arms, or bend body backwards. Dr. D., cm.

150. Contracted feeling in walls of right chest, lasting only a few moments. Dr. D., 10m.

NECK, BACK Rheumatic pain in right shoulder; feels nervous. M., 50m.

Crick in both sides of neck. M., 1m, 50m.

On taking a deep breath, stitches to right of spine, morning. Dr. D., 10 m.

Lying in bed, 11 P.M. week feeling in small of back, most felt when lying in back, but not relieved by lying on the side; diminishes in a few minutes, and is followed by an annoying deep- seated twitching in left inguinal region. Dr. D., cm.

155. Pain in the articulation of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, left side; pressing the spot causes a pain down the thigh to knee, 10m. Later this spot grew more painful, and the leg seemed to give way walking, as though knee was weak J., 50m.

UPPER LIMBS Slight drawing in the left deltoid, morning. Dr. D. cm.

Heaviness of the right arm. M., 50m.

Numbness or right hand and arm. P. 200th.

Arms (left) feel gone tired. J. 10m.

160. Arms so weak she must let them drop. P. 6th.

Synovial crepitation. P., 6th, J., 10m M., 1m.,10m 50 m Drawing in right wrist-joint. Dr. D. cm. Sudden drawing crampy pain in left wrist, at various times, extending over dorsum of hand to fingers; index finger intensely painful Dr. D., cm.

Slight crampy pain in left hand, particularly in index finger Dr. D., cm. 165. Pain in right index finger in an old gouty joint. P., 5th.

Deep-seated pain in right wrist going to centre of palm. P. 6th- Sharp pain, like a needle, in middle finger of right hand. Dr. D., cm. Rheumatic pains in joints of little finger, left hand. M.50m. Pains darting in little finger, left hand, then in the right; worse riding P. 6th.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.