Cachectic,, anxious, frightened look. Pale, waxy and chlorotic. Lips pale. Lips bluish, or even black. Dark circles below the eyes. The face is sunken and pinched. Face covered with eruptions; eczema, herpes, scurfs, vesicles. Furfuraceous eruption in the beard. Eruptions on nose, and about the mouth. The face is sickly, haggard and suffering. Itching of the face. Inflammation of the parotid and submaxillary glands. Much perspiration on the face. Twitching of the muscles of the face. Ulcers on face and lips. Epithelioma of lips. Oedema of face. Swollen lips. Pain in face in cold air, ameliorated by heat. Rheumatic and neuralgic pains, coming periodically. The pains are burning, stitching and tearing. Aphthae and ulcers in mouth. Dryness of mouth and tongue. Tongue is red, and coated white. Inflammation of tongue. Bleeding gums. Offensive odours from mouth. Burning, raw mouth and tongue. Excoriation of tongue. Swollen gums and tongue. Taste bad, bitter, insipid, putrid, sour, sweetish. Vesicles in mouth and on tongue.

The teeth are sore, and there is pain on masticating. Pain in teeth from cold drinks, during menses, extending to ear, head and temples; ameliorated by warmth. Pulsating, tearing pains in teeth.

Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder. Inflammation, with heat and dryness. Lump rising from stomach to throat, like globus hystericus, ameliorated by eructations. Choking, with copious flow of saliva. Roughness, and scraping the throat. Spasms of the oesophagus. Swallowing is very difficult and painful. There are burning, soreness and stitching in the throat. Ulcers in throat.

A multitude of sufferings is found in the stomach. Great anxiety. An anxiety from stomach to spine, with palpitation. Appetite ravenous, or wanting. Aversion to food and meat. Coldness in the stomach. Desires sour things, sweets, warm drinks. The digestion is poor and the stomach is easily disordered, with distension from flatulence. Empty, sinking sensation and faintness. Eructations after eating, bitter, empty, of food, of sour fluid; waterbrash. Fullness after eating. Heaviness after eating like a stone. Heartburn. The most obstinate form of gastritis, acute and chronic. Loathing of food. With most complaints there is intense nausea. It has nausea during chill, after cold drinks, during cough, after dinner, after eating, during headache, during menses, and during stool. It has cured nausea during pregnancy. The pains are burning, cramping, cutting, pressing, soreness, stitching; and they come on at night and are worse after food, and cold drinks; and ameliorated by heat. Retching on coughing. Pulsating in stomach. Tightness felt in stomach. Thirst extreme during heat, and for warm drinks during chill. In chronic complaints it is thirstless, like Arsenicum. Vomiting bile, food, mucus, sour, watery; aggravated morning and during night, on coughing, after drinking cold water, after eating, with headache. Coldness felt in whole abdomen; must have much warmth. Distension of abdomen after eating. Tympanitic distension and dropsy. Flatulent distension. Inflammation of intestines with ulceration, and of peritoneum.The abdomen is very painful at night.Pain on coughing, during diarrhea, after eating, during menses, during stool. Pains all paroxysmal and violent, ameliorated by warmth. Pain in liver, hypogastrium. Gall-stone colic. The whole abdomen burns. Cramping before stool, and constant desire for stool. Cutting in abdomen and liver. Pressing pain in liver. Soreness in abdomen and liver. Stitching in abdomen, liver and groin. Pulsating in abdomen. Great uneasiness in abdomen. Rumbling before stool. Twitching of the muscles of abdomen. There is some constipation, alternating with diarrhea. Constriction of the anus. Violent diarrhea at night, after midnight, after cold drinks, after eating, after milk. Much pain during and after stool. Involuntary stool. Itching and excoriation about the anus. Hemorrhoids, and bleeding from the anus. External and internal piles, aggravated walking. Burning as with a red hot iron, with piles, and diarrhea, during and after stool. The pains are cutting, pressing, with soreness, and stitching. There is tenesmus during and after stool. Paralysis and ineffectual urging for stool. Catarrh of the colon.

Stool is acrid, black, bloody, brown, copious, frothy; or scanty, watery, white and frothy; or hard, dry, dark, knotty. Sometimes light coloured, offensive, or purulent, yellow. Inflammation of the bladder. Retention of urine. Urging to urinate at night, constant, frequent, ineffectual. Urination is dribbling, or difficult and painful. Urination frequent at night. Incontinence. He feels that he had not finished. Inflammation of the kidneys. Pain, cutting and stitching. Cutting along the ureters. It has been of service in Addison’s disease.

Hemorrhage from the urethra, and burning during urination.

Urine albuminous during pregnancy. Urine bloody, burning, cloudy. Colour of urine is black, greenish or red. Urine copious. Urine scanty with pellicle on surface. Sediment copious, mucus, pus red. Specific gravity diminished. Urine watery and clear.

The testes are hard, painful and swollen. Seminal emissions. Erections feeble.

This remedy has greatly restrained the development of cancer of uterus. It is mentioned for cauliflower excrescences with putrid discharge. Itching of vulva.

Leucorrhea, excoriating, burning, offensive, putrid, yellow; aggravated after menses. Menses absent, acrid, bright red, copious, frequent, offensive, painful, pale, protracted, scanty, suppressed. Uterine hemorrhage. Burning in the genitalia. Pain in uterus. Stitching in ovaries. Prolapsus.

Catarrh of larynx and trachea. Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder. Dryness in larynx. Rawness, soreness, and, scraping in larynx. Hoarseness, and voice lost. Respiration is rapid, anxious and asthmatic at night, aggravated from 2 to 3 a.m. Difficult evening and night, and aggravated 2 to 3 a.m., on coughing, on exertion, on lying, on motion, when walking. Respiration rattling, short, suffocative, wheezing and whistling.

In the cold anaemic patient there is a morning cough with copious expectoration, and a night cough that is dry. The cough is aggravated after midnight, and at 2 a.m., and 3 a.m. The cough is a hacking cough during the afternoon and evening. The cough is aggravated in cold air, on becoming cold, after cold drinks; aggravated lying in the evening, and on motion. The cough comes during chill, and fever, and with coryza. It is a choking asthmatic cough and sometimes, it is spasmodic and suffocative. Irritation to cough is felt in the larynx and trachea, and he coughs until exhausted.

Expectoration morning and evening, bloody, copious, difficult, greenish, purulent, viscid and yellow. It tastes bitter, sickening, putrid or sweetish.

In the chest there is great anxiety and oppression. It has cured obstinate cases of catarrh of the chest. It has constriction of chest and heart. Effusion of the pleural sac. Hemorrhage of the lungs. Inflammation of bronchial tubes, endocardium, pericardium, lungs and pleura.. Cardiac and anaemic murmurs. Oppression of heart and chest. Anxious and violent palpitation. Weak feeling in chest. A most useful remedy in threatened phthisis, and especially when there are cavities in the lungs, and the patient can not get warm even with warm clothing and in a warm room. Cannot get warm in summer; and when cold drinks bring on many symptoms. The pain in the chest is aggravated from coughing, and from inspiration. It is felt most in the sides of chest, and in the heart. The pain is burning, cutting, soreness and stitching. The stitching pains are aggravated on coughing, and on the left side.

The back is cold, and sensitive to cold air and drafts. Pain in the back during heat, and during menses. Pain in the cervical region, scapulae and between the shoulders. Pain in lumbar region and sacrum. Aching, bruised, burning, drawing in back. Tender spine. Stiffness in the back. Cold hands and feet.

Cold feet evening in bed. Cold extremities during fever. Knees bent up by muscular contractions so he could not move his feet. Corns on the palms, and soles. Cramps in the thigh and calf. Blueness of the nails during chill. Herpes on the shoulders. Pimples and vesicles on the extremities. Fissures on the elbows and wrists. Vesicles on the upper limbs. Pimples and vesicles on the hands. Eruption on thighs and legs. Vesicles on the soles. Excoriation between the thighs. Formication of the limbs. Burning heat of feet. Heaviness of lower limbs. Insensibility of the fingers. Itching of hands, lower limbs and feet. Numbness of the extremities, hands, fingers and feet. Rheumatic and neuralgic pains in the limbs during chill, in cold air, ameliorated by heat. Aching in the shoulder. Sciatica, extending downwards. Pain in hips, thighs, knees and legs. Pain in the knee as if bruised. Burning in hands and fingers, feet and soles. Drawing in lower limbs, knees, tibia, and feet. Stitching pains in the limbs when the legs are cold; especially knee, foot and heel. Tearing pains in shoulders, upper arms, elbows, wrist, hand and fingers; also in hip, thigh, leg and foot. Paralysis of limbs, upper and lower. Perspiration of feet. Restlessness of the lower limbs. Stiffness of knees. Dropsical swelling of hands and knees, legs and feet. Tension in the hollow of knee and hamstrings. Trembling limbs. Twitching in the thighs. Ulcers on the legs. Varicose veins on lower limbs. Weakness of all the limbs, but greatest in lower limbs. The sleep is much disturbed by dreams, amorous, anxious, of the dead, of death, fantastic dreams, of fire, frightful, misfortune, nightmare, vivid. He is late failing asleep. The sleep is restless; he tosses and turns all night. Sleepiness afternoon and evening. Sleepless before midnight, but worse after midnight. Sleepiness, but cannot sleep. If he wakens cannot sleep again. Wakens early and cannot sleep again. Distressing yawning.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.