TASTE, SPEECH AND TONGUE;–Dry tongue. Bitter taste in mouth on waking in the morning. Taste of copper in the mouth 2 (14th day). Dry tongue7 (4th day-30th potency).

MOUTH-Dry mouth in evening.1 Increase of saliva2 (7th and 8th days). Profuse saliva 2 (8th day). Profuse saliva, running out of mouth on pillow in sleep7 (4th day – 30th potency).

PALATE AND THROAT-Constantly hawking up thick, tough, stringy mucus, difficult to raise15 (1st day). Throat full of mucus, thick and yellow, slightly tinged with blood from posterior nares, in the morning on waking 2 (6th day). During morning, twice discharged glossy, thick mucus from throat, looking like gelatine with bluish tinge, not tough, easily broken up (6th day). Sore throat; painful, empty swallowing, but water swallowed without pain. Sore all over throat, after an hour it located on left side in tonsil, and muscles of left side of neck, was gone next morning1 (11th day). Throat feels scraped, warm drinks are grateful2 (4th, 22d, 26th days-6th and 10m.). Right side of throat red and swollen2 (6th and 7th days). Throat full of mucus, yellow, with specks of blood in it 2 (8tb day), Throat feels strained from the exertion of hawking 2 (6th day). Slight pricking in the throat on empty swallowing, but no pain on swallowing liquid or solid food2 (6th day). Rawness of the throat with increase of saliva, which she swallows2 (7th day). Throat full of mucus, yellow, with blood vessels plainly outlined on uvula, fauces and pharynx (7th day). Right side of throat (pharynx), behind the posterior pillars of fauces, swollen and dark red, with sticking pains (7th day). Throat feels sore and full, have to swallow often in order to breathe2 (8th day). Aching in right side of throat 2 (8th day). Constantly swallowing 2 (9th day). The mucus is difficult to raise, loses her breath, and strangles in trying to raise it2 (9th day). Eustachian tubes filled with mucus2 (9th day). Had to hawk a half hour before I could get the mucus out of the throat so I could go to sleep; mucus thick, tough and yellow 2 (9th day). Throat painful on empty swallowing, but not when swallowing solids or liquids 2 (11th day).

APPETITE, THIRST, DESIRES AND AVERSIONS- Intense thirst for cold water in the evening. Every evening during proving.1 Intense thirst in evening, with dry mouth.1 Dislike for everything put before her to eat, and finds fault with everything 3 (5th day). No appetite for anything at breakfast3 (7th day). Craves salt bacon (7th day). Disgust for food at breakfasts (9th day). No appetite7.

HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING–Eructations of tasteless gas a short time after eating 2 (3d and 6th days). Vomiting of white gruel-like substance, with mucus and undigested food, (2nd day). Nausea (>) by ice; water makes sick6. (2nd day).

STOMACH-Transient throbbing in the stomach5 (6th day) Acute cramping sensation in stomach, (>) by belching.

HYPOCHONDRIA-Pain in the attachment of the diaphragm, right side 2 (3d day). Cough felt at the attachments of the diaphragm. Aching all around the waist, at the attachments of the diaphragm. Felt as though a cord were tied around the hip2. Pain in the attachment of diaphragm when laughing 5 (9th day). Hard ache in the attachment of diaphragm, both sides, (<) by breathing deeply 5 (11th day).

Feeling of a bottle of water in left hypochondrium, shaking up and down with motion of carriage7 (13th day).

ABDOMEN-Dull pain in two spots directly over pubic arch, 10 A. M., passing off after two hours3 (2d and 3d days). Feeling as though that part of abdomen below umbilicus was not sufficiently expanded, on waking in the morning (2d day). Bands around the waist unbearable most of the time during the three weeks of proving 2. Dull pains in lower abdomen2 (2d day, 12th day-6th and 10m.). Dull pain in abdomen when coughing2 (14th day). Transient aching in a spot just above the umbilicus5 (11th day). Sensation of a hard lump in left side of abdomen. Bloating or abdomen after small amount of food, with diarrhoea7. Great deal of rumbling in the bowels, left side7. (11th day). During breakfast, sharp, cutting pain in the left hypochondrium, from above downward; pain deep, took breath away, lasting but short time7 (2d day 30 potency).

STOOL, ANUS AND RECTUM- Itching and soreness of the anus1 (13th day). Soreness of anus 5 (20th day). Hemorrhoids that itch and are sore1 (13th day). Urging to stool, which passes away before the closet can be reached2 (3d day). Unsuccessful urging to stool, strain until rectum feels as though prolapsed, but have no stoop (3d day). Waked in morning with itching of anus 5 (13th day). Diarrhoea with tenesmus5 (35th day). On waking in the morning, had to hasten to the closet; stool watery, dark with a black sediment like coffee grounds; stool intermits, have to sit a long time, passing small quantities every minute or two6 (2d and 40th days). Stool looks like bran porridge and of same consistency7 (10th day). Stool gushing and frequent, watery, with a dark sediment at first without pain; after several hours great pain before stool6 (20th, 21st and 22d days). Flatus at termination of stool. Painless and involuntary stool when passing flatus. Soiled the bed twice in sleep’ (10th day). Had several diarrhoeic stools at night, copious, gray in colour, not debilitating. Several copious stools during the day with spluttering flatus, with bloating of abdomen after the smallest amount of food. Desire to be in a warm room, with above symptom7 (14th day). Several stools, not so frequent; weak to-day, good deal of rumbling in left side of abdomen. Stools profuse, each seems as if it would empty the bowel, but soon full again. Sensation of intestines filled with water. (Crot. tig.) Stool frothy, foamy, air bubbles like yeast 7 (16th day).

URINARY ORGANS–Loses her urine when coughing3. Desire to urinate at night, just after getting in bed: must get up and press a long time before a few drops pass5. (many days). When doing mental work, frequent desire to urinate, pass large quantities of colourless urine6. (several days).

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS- Violent sexual desire4. No sexual desire (unusual) since began the proving7. (10th day).

FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS- Yellow leucorrhoea; never had any leucorrhoea before1 (11th day). White leucorrhoea, only while at stool, during the whole proving6. Sexual desire strong, in a widow who had long been free from such sensations. Pain in right ovary3. Herpetic eruption on labia majora 1. Dull aching in the small of the back and sacral region, at night during menses 2 (23d day). Soreness in coccyx and gluteal muscles, and aching in abdomen at night, during menses 2 (23d day). Menstrual flow very profuse, bright red, with dark clots (23d day). Menses two weeks late5 (old symptom, 13th day). During menses, aching in small of back, when sitting up, must lie down. Easily moved to tears. Throbbing about umbilicus (13th day). Sharp shooting pain in left ovary, upon motion5 (3d day). Pain in left ovary during menses5 (10th and 38th days). Cramping pains in uterus at each menstrual period, for four months6. Laborlike pains in uterus during menses.

VOICE AND LARYNX- Slight hoarseness, worse at night2 (26th to 30th days-6th and 10m.). Hoarseness 2 (8th day).

RESPIRATION- Suffocating feeling after lying down in the evening1 (7th day). Dyspnoea as if dying from anxiety1 (7th day). Stops breathing on going to sleep1 (8th day). She was prevented from sleeping by thinking of dreams of the previous night1 (8th day). After lying down, a suffocating feeling came over her, with anxiety1 in the chest as if she would die, worse on first lying down. She must lie with head drawn back, as she chokes so1 (9th day). Dyspnoea on lying down and the thought of sleep brings on great anxiety1 (12th day). She says: “There is no use lying down, that suffocation will come1” (12th day). Frequent sighing2 (8th day). Impossible to breathe through the nose and very hard to breathe through the mouth, because of mucus in the throat2 (9th day). Can hardly find breath enough to talk, have to stop and gasp in the midst of a word or short sentence2 (9th day).

Great difficulty of breathing at night, she had to gasp and struggle for breath 2 (9th day).

COUGH AND EXPECTORATION- Dry, hacking cough, coming on at 3 P.M., continuing through the evening3. Irritation to cough, felt in pit of stomach 3. Soreness in abdomen when coughing3. Cough comes on when walking fast or walking up stairs3. Coughs only when in the house 3. Cough at night after retiring 2 (7th day). Cough caused a feeling of helplessness (7th day). Concussive cough, causing watering on left eyes (7th day). Only cough twice, but felt quite concerned about it; a hopeless feeling comes over her at each cough2 (7th day). Dark, bloody expectoration; also bright red blood seems to come from throats (12th day). Cough seems to come from the diaphragm, causing violent contraction there. At other times it causes contraction of the umbilicus 2. Expectoration frothy white, all shades of yellow in morning 2 (14th day). Loose cough in morning, with frothy Sputa 2. Concussive cough at nights (18th and 19th days). Dry, short cough at 4 P.M., with constant irritation to cough, lasting until 10 P.M. Cough very hard, dry, frequent2 (14th day). Concussive, forcible, dry cough, shaking chest walls, cannot be repressed, lasting many days 2 (16th day). Expectoration of white mucus of a metallic tastes (18th day). Cough only in evening2 (20th day). Hoarse, paroxysmal cough, with whitish expectoration (21st day).

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.