Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea. Diarrhoea in morning; night. Offensive flatus. Bleeding from anus. External piles. Moisture at the anus. Pain in the anus; during stool. Burning pain in anus with diarrhoea; during and after stool. Soreness and stitching pains. Urging in the rectum and prolapsus ani. Stool: copious; green; green mucus; hard; knotty; large; offensive; thin.

Retention of urine. Urging constant; ineffectual. Urination dribbling; dysuria; involuntary at night; seldom; unsatisfactory. Suppression of urine. Inflammation in urethra with burning. Urine albuminous; bloody; burning; cloudy on standing; red; copious; offensive; scanty; mucous sediment; sand; thick; watery. Inflammation of glans penis; testes; sore pain in testes. Perspiration of genitals. Swollen testes. Ulcers on the penis; chancres.

It is a very useful remedy in cancer of the uterus. The desire is increased. Eruptions on the vulva. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus. Itching of the vulva. Leucorrhoea; acrid; copious; thick; white; yellow. Menses absent; copious; too frequent; scanty; suppressed. Pain in ovaries and uterus. Burning in the vulva. Prolapsus of uterus.

Mucus in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness. Respiration is rapid. Asthmatic at night. difficult at night, on ascending, while lying and while walking; irregular; short; suffocative.

Cough: morning; night; in cold air; dry at night; short; spasmodic at night. Expectoration; morning; evening; bloody; mucus; offensive; purulent; tasting sweetish; tough; yellow.

It is a most useful remedy in heart affections. Angina Pectoris. Anxiety in chest; in the heart. Constriction of chest; of heart. Fluttering of heart. Heat in chest. Oppression of chest, from rapid motion; when lying; while walking; of the heart. Pain in chest; on coughing; on inspiration; in sides of chest on inspiration; in heart; burning in chest; pressing in chest; in sternum; in heart. Stitching pains in chest on inspiring; in sides; in sternum; in heart. Palpitation: at night; anxious; on least exertion; during menses; on motion; tumultuous; on walking; trembling of the heart, weak heart.

Coldness in the back. Pain in the back on inspiration; in lumbar region; sacrum; spine; pressing pain in the lumbar region; sore in lumbar region; stitching in lumbar region. Weakness in lumbar region.

Chilblains on the feet and toes. Cold hands; icy cold; legs, feet, during headache. Blueness of nails. Heaviness of upper limbs; of feet. Itching of limbs; palms; lower limbs; feet. Numbness of limbs; during rest; upper limbs; lower limbs. Pain in limbs; at night; during chill; in joints; gouty, rheumatic, wandering; in upper limbs; shoulders, rheumatic; forearm; knees; heel; aching in legs; burning in toes. Drawing pains in limbs; upper arm, knees; feet. Gnawing pain in legs. Stitching pain in limbs; in shoulders; in wrist; knee; foot. Tearing pain in limbs; joints; upper limbs; upper arms; elbow; wrist; fingers; thigh; soles. Painless paralysis of limbs. Sensation of paralysis in fingers. Restlessness of limbs; of lower limbs. Stiffness of the joints; of lower limbs; of Knee. Swelling of the joints dropsical swelling of limbs, forearm, and hand, lower limbs, legs and feet. Ulceration of nails. Weakness of joints; of upper limbs; lower limbs knees.

Deep or comatose sleep. Dreams amorous anxious of dead people; of death; frightful, vivid; restless sleep sleepiness in afternoon. Sleeplessness before midnight after midnight, after waking. Unrefreshed after sleep. Waking too early; waking frequently.

Coldness in evening. At night in bed. Chilliness when undressing. Shaking chill. Fever at night. Burning hot in blood-vessels; intense heat; aversion to uncovering. Perspiration in morning; in night; profuse aversion to uncovering.

Burning skin. At times marked coldness of skin. Discoloration; blue; liver spots yellow. Eruptions; blisters, boils burning eczema; herpes; painful, pimples; psoriasis; red; scabby; scaly; bran like; smarting; syphilitic; urticaria; vesicular; erysipelas. Formication, itching; sensitive; sore feeling in skin. Dropsical swelling of skin. Tension in skin. Ulcers, bluish, burning, cancerous; deep; discharging. Green ichorous, offensive, yellow pus, fistulous, foul indurated painful; sensitive, suppurating; syphilitic. Warts that are syphilitic.


The symptoms are prominent in morning, afternoon, evening and night. Strong desire for open air and feels better in open air. Asleep feeling in single parts. A sensation of a band around parts. It is very useful in cancerous affections and in caries of bones. The patient feels better when cool and worse when in warm air. Congestion of blood to glands and organs. Dropsy in cavities and limbs. Exertion increases all complaints. Induration is characteristic and especially in glands. Inflammation of

organs; bones; glands; serous membranes. Lying aggravates, especially lying in a warm bed. Motion increases the suffering. Numbness in many parts, especially of painful parts. Orgasm of blood. Pain in bones; in glands; bruised feeling internally; internal burning; pressing internally and externally; stitching pains, tearing pains. internal pulsation. Pulse is fast. It is one of our great heart remedies. Running brings on many symptoms. The symptoms are strong and right sided. Sitting increases the suffering. Swollen, painful glands. It is a most useful remedy in syphilis. Trembling. Walking fast aggravates. Slow walking ameliorates. Warmth in general aggravates; warm air; becoming warm in open air; warm bed; warm room; warm wraps. Weakness in morning.

Anxiety day and night. Spells of unusual cheerfulness. Aversion to company. Want of self confidence. Confusion of mind in the morning. Overconscientious about small matters. Despair of her salvation and of recovery. Excitement. Worse from exertion of mind. Fear of evil and of people. Feels hurried and seems hysterical. Fretful and impatient. Dread of all work. Indolence. Insanity with enlarged heart, orgasm of blood, red face, full veins, bloated appearance. Irresolution, irritability and mania. Mirthful without cause. Moods alternate and changeable. Mental prostration. Extreme sadness; restlessness, sensitive to noise. Timid, weeping and dizziness.

Heat, heaviness and rush of blood to head. Itching of scalp. Pain in the head in the morning; better in cold air and by cold applications; in forehead on left side; one-sided. Pressing pain in head; in forehead; occiput; temples; vertex. Stitching pains in head. Tearing in head; in temples. Pulsation in forehead.

Inflammation. conjunctiva; catarrhal; scrofulous; syphilis; iritis. Lachrymation. Pain in eyes, pressing, stitching. Protrusion of eyes. Redness of eyes and swollen. Bright colours before the eyes. Dim vision, diplopia; foggy vision; sparks.

Purulent fetid discharge from ears. Noises in ears; buzzing; humming; ringing; roaring. Stitching pain in ears. Hearing acute for noise. Impaired.

Postnasal catarrh. The nose is red. Fluent or dry coryza. Discharge from nose; bloody; greenish; hard chunks; offensive; PURULENT; thick; yellow. Dryness in in nose. Epistaxis. Obstruction in the nose. Pain in the nose, boring pain. Smell lost. Much sneezing. The nose is swollen. ULCERATION in NOSE.

The face is pale. Sometimes red. Eruptions on face and nose; pimples. Pain in the face. Pain in submaxillary glands; in lymphatic glands.

Aphthae in mouth, and bleeding gums. Redness of gums. Brown tongue. Dryness of tongue. Putrid odor from mouth. Burning pain in tongue. Salivation, swollen gums. Taste putrid, sour, sweetish. Ulceration of gums. Drawing, tearing pain in teeth, and the teeth feel too long.

Much mucus in the throat and burning pain. Swallowing is difficult. The throat is swollen and ulcerated. It has cured goitre. It has cured enlarged thyroid with fast pulse and protruding eyes. The goitre is right sided like Lycopodium.

The appetite is INCREASED; RAVENOUS. Aversion to food. Desires alcoholic stimulants. Distension of the stomach. A sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Eructations which ameliorate. Hiccough and nausea. Pain in the stomach; burning; cutting; pressing; stitching. Thirst: burning; extreme. Vomiting bile.

It is a very useful remedy in a variety of liver affections. The liver is enlarged but it is of great service in atrophy of the liver. Obstructed flatulence. Pain in the abdomen. Colic; after eating; during menses; in the right hypochondrium; in inguinal region; burning in the liver; cramping; cutting in right side; drawing; pressing in right hypochondrium. Rumbling in abdomen. TABES MESENTERICA.

Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Difficult stool; inactivity of the rectum. Morning diarrhoea. Much flatus. External piles. Burning in the rectum. Stool copious; offensive; hard; knotty. Retention of urine. Urination dribbling, frequent. Urine is albuminous; cloudy; copious; offensive.

Atrophy of the testes. Erections troublesome at night; later impotency. Hydrocele. Induration of testes. Pain in testes; ACHING. Perspiration of the genitals. Sexual desire increased. Swollen testes.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.