The air feels cold in the nose on breathing. Catarrh of the nasal cavity and posterior nares. The discharge is BLOODY, containing crusts, excoriating, greenish, hard lumps; offensive, purulent, thick, sometimes watery, yellow, or yellowish green. Coryza with cough; dry, alternating with fluent, violent coryza; much dryness in the nasal cavity. Epistaxis on blowing the nose; the nose feels full, itching in the nose. The nose is obstructed with thick mucus and crusts. Burning and tearing in the nose; much soreness in nose, root of nose and septum sore to touch; dull pain in nose on breathing transmitted upward to middle of vertex. Smell first acute, then diminished, later lost. Frequent sneezing, with and without coryza. Ulceration in the nose. The nose is greatly swollen.

Pain in the face; pain in malar bones, with pain in temple; pain from temples to malar bones and worse in open air and when chewing. Drawing, stitching and tearing pains in the face. The face is purple.

Aphthae covering the mucous membranes of the whole mouth; the gums bleed and the tongue is coated white. Dryness of the mouth; when a chill or lacerating pain in head comes on the lips stick together. Mucus collects in the mouth, and the odour from the mouth is offensive; pain in gums and teeth from cold air, on biting, and after eating. Sore gums, palate and tongue; stitching and tearing pains in the teeth; salivation, swollen gums; the taste is bloody, metallic, sour, or wanting. Food is tasteless. Ulceration of gums. Teeth very sensitive. Pain from roots of upper teeth to head, when biting teeth together.

Mild form of inflammation in the throat and tonsils. Hawks up much mucus; dryness of, the throat on waking; sensation of a lump in the throat; tough, tenacious mucus in the throat; pain in the throat on swallowing; burning, rawness and soreness in the throat. Splinter sensation in the throat; stitching pain on swallowing; swallowing is slow and difficult; ulceration of the throat and the tonsils are swollen. Swollen cervical glands.

The appetite is increased, later ravenous, but the first mouthful causes nausea. The appetite is strong, but food is not properly relished; appetite for things not obtainable. Aversion to food, to meat, to coffee; thinks she cannot digest food; an empty feeling, which is not helped by eating. Eructations bitter, empty, sour, of food, after eating tasting like spoiled meat, waterbrash, eructations give relief. Fullness after eating, often only a mouthful. Weight in the stomach after eating; hiccough, heartburn and loathing of food. Nausea morning, evening and night; after eating, during headache. The sight and thought of food causes nausea. Pain in stomach, evening and night, aggravated by eating. Burning extending upwards, cramping, pressing, gnawing, cutting stitching; pressing pain after eating, better by eructations. Soreness on pressure. Retchings. Sinking sensation. Sensation of a stone in the stomach. Water tastes as if spoiled. Some thirst, but no thirst during fever. Vomiting or coughing after eating and during headache; vomiting of bile, black blood, of food, mucus and water.

Obstructed flatulence in the abdomen, fullness, distension, hardness, heaviness, constriction; distension worse after eating. Pain in abdomen, worse after eating, before menses, during menses, worse walking and better by warm applications. Pain in region of the liver; burning in the abdomen. Cramping, colicky pains begin in the stomach and pass down into bowels, with urging to stool. Cramping all over abdomen, and then must run and pass a watery, fetid, yellow stool. Cutting and pressing, stitching pains in left hypochondrium and in the liver; tearing pains in abdomens Rumbling and tensions.

Constipation, very difficult stool; unsatisfactory, scanty stool; much straining, even soft stool is difficult. Constriction of the anus during stool. Diarrhoea driving out of bed at 5 a. m.; first undigested, then watery, clear, with much flatus, from fruit. Passes much flatus with stool; flatus offensive without stool. Crawling at the anus. Hemorrhage from external piles. Inactivity of the rectum; itching of the anus worse by scratching; moisture around the anus; pain in anus during stool; burning during stool. Cutting, pressing, ‘soreness and stitching. Tenesmus of the rectum; paralysis of the rectum. Ineffectual urging to stool. The stool is bloody, copious, dark, dry, hard, knotty, large, offensive, scanty, soft, thin, watery, undigested.

Paralytic weakness of the bladder. Retention of urine. Tenesmus while passing urine. Ineffectual urging to urinate. Frequent urging to pass urine, worse at night; urination in feeble stream, frequent during the night; must wait long for urine to flow; unsatisfactory feeling in the bladder after urination; involuntary urination.

Emission of prostatic fluid during stool, the gland is enlarged, sore and painful; prostate gland inflamed.

Discharge of mucus and pus from the urethra; burning when passing urine; cutting during the flow of urine.

Urine copious, later scanty, burning, cloudy and red. Red sediment, specific gravity normal, no sugar, no albumen.

Troublesome erections of the male during the night, which are very strong and painful; the testes are swollen and hard; the glans penis is red and excoriated; the scrotum itches and perspires. Frequent seminal emissions, sexual excitement is strong during the evening and night.

The woman has tormenting itching and crawling; worse after urination, worse after scratching, better by cold applications. Leucorrhea acrid, bloody, copious, purulent, thin, white or yellow; worse before and after menses. Menses in one prover too frequent, in several provers, too late, intermittent, offensive, painful, scanty. Suppressed menses has been cured. Burning pain in the genitals; prolapsus of the uterus; ulceration of the labia.

Irritation of the larynx, mucus in larynx and trachea. It cures catarrh of larynx and trachea. Rawness and soreness in larynx. Must scrape, mucus from the larynx very often. Constant tickling in the larynx and trachea. Husky, rough voice. Hoarseness, worse in the morning.

The breathing is arrested by coughing, wheezing, asthmatic breathing; rattling breathing. Difficult breathing from coughing.

Cough in the daytime, morning evening and night. Asthmatic cough. Dry cough morning and night; dry cough with expectoration only in the morning; the cough is worse in cold air. Dry, hacking cough in the evening. Much irritation in larynx and trachea from hard coughing. Loud cough in the morning with fever. Lying on the right side causes coughing spells. Racking, paroxysmal cough from tickling in the larynx. Violent coughing spells.

Expectoration daytime, morning, evening and night, acrid, bloody, copious, offensive, viscid, white or yellow.

Orgasm of blood or a feeling of congestion in the chest. Constriction of the chest; oppression, heat and blood spitting; inflammation of bronchial tubes; pain in chest during the night; during cough, in the sides of chest. Burning in chest. Crushing pain in chest; rawness in chest when coughing; sore, bruised chest walls from coughing. Stitching pain in chest from coughing and inspiring. Weakness felt in the chest and palpitation of the heart.

On exposure to cold air the back is cold as if cold water were poured on it. Many eruptions on the back. Itching of the cervical and dorsal regions; pain in the back on motion, rising from a seat, stooping or walking. Lying perfectly quiet the pain is relieved, but turning or trying to help herself out of a chair causes pain in back near the spine. Pain in cervical region, in dorsal region between the scapulae, in the sacrum, in the coccyx and in the whole spine; aching in the spine, but especially lumbar region and sacrum. Great burning in the spine, burning pain in the cervical region and between the scapulae. Pricking like needles in the lumbar region on exertion; better during rest. Sore and bruised feeling in the spine, especially the lumbar region; sticking like needles in the lumbar region. Stitching pains in the back, in the cervical region, in the scapulae and between the scapulae. Tearing pain in the back. Stiffness of the back and of the cervical region; extreme weakness of the back compelling her to remain in bed.

Awkwardness of the limbs, more in the lower limbs. A blue painful spot on the hand where she had a wart removed many years ago. The nails became brittle; the hands are constantly chapped; coldness of hands, legs and feet; hands cold as ice and fingers blue. Cramps in the calf. Emaciation of all the limbs, numerous eruptions on the limbs, notably boils and red rash. Formication is extreme. The hands are very hot. Heaviness of upper limbs, of lower limbs, hands and feet. Violent itching without eruption, upper limbs, hands and fingers, lower limbs, thighs and soles. Painful itching in arms along the course of nerves. Jerking in all the limbs. Numbness of all the limbs, upper limbs in forenoon, numbness of hands and fingers, numbness of lower limbs, legs, feet and heel; numbness of first two toes of right foot while lying on the back. Pain in the limbs from excitement, worse from motion, worse during the night. Pain in the joints; pain in upper limbs, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand and fingers; pain along the course of nerves. Pain in lower limbs from motion and excitement; pain in thighs, legs and feet, pain along the course of nerves. Pain travels from below upwards, worse on left side; pain goes to cardiac region and then to left temple. Aching pain in legs. Burning pain in limbs; burning pain in arms from excitement; burning in the soles. Crushing pain in the bones of legs, and in the muscles. Drawing pain in upper arm and in forearm; drawing pain in thighs, knees and ankles; pricking pain, thinks a knitting needle is thrust deep into muscle of right hip. Sore, bruised limbs, lower limbs, legs, tibia, SOLES; stitching pains in upper limbs, shoulder, upper arm, elbow and wrist; stitching pains in hip, knee, calf, sole, toes. Tearing in upper limbs, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, hands and fingers; tearing pain lower limbs, hip, thighs, KNEES, LEGS, calf, ankles, feet; tearing pains along the course of nerves. Wandering pains of all kinds in the limbs. Painless paralysis of lower limbs, also pain in the paralyzed parts. Tension in the upper limbs and in the arms when lifting anything; tension in the calf and feet. Swelling of the fingers. Stiffness in the lower limbs. Tingling prickling in all the limbs, upper limbs, hands and fingers, lower limbs and feet. Trembling all over, in limbs, hands and knees. Twitching of limbs, in shoulder, lower limbs, legs, feet. Ulceration about the nails. Weakness in the limbs, upper limbs, LOWER LIMBS, thighs, legs.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.