Xanthoxylum Fraxineum (1899)

Failing appetite.


Flatulence; griping, pain, dragging, colics.
Flatulence, rumbling, with soreness on pressure.
Severe griping pains soon after waking.
Griping at 7 a. m., soon after waking; with brown diarrhoea, mixed with mucus; next morning, griping on waking, continued at intervals through day, with indifference and malaise; griping and pain; then watery diarrhoea, fever and chill. (The diarrhoea could not be produced by large doses).
Pain in right side, below ribs.
Unbearable pain in abdomen.
Colicky pain in right iliac region.


Pain, dull, boring.
Deep, dull, boring pain in right region; severe, relief from hot compresses, constant pressure and motion; lying down or sitting aggravates; with rheumatic ache in wrists and knees.

Should be useful in rheumatism, with hepatic involvement, a not uncommon combination.


Diarrhoea, burning, excoriating, watery.

Urgent call to stool; movement large, dark brown; rather loose and offensive, causing much excoriation and pain.
Thin, brown diarrhoeic discharge, mixed with some mucus. Loose, causing burning and pressure for an hour or two.
Stool: small, watery, dark and offensive, followed by severe burning in rectum and anus; followed by stinging and slight haemorrhage as from piles; excoriating.
Constipation in morning; stool after supper, in fifteen minutes’ discharge from bowels; next day three stools; on third day, stool before and after breakfast and after supper.
Slight stool twice a day.
Inodorous discharge, with tenesmus.

The stools of this remedy are characteristically inodorous, very dark or black, and corrosive, especially during dentition. (Inodorous stool, compare, Asarum europaeum Ferrum Gambogia Hyoscyamus Paul. Rhus t. Verat-a.)
Epidemic dysentery, characterised by spasmodic tenesmus, intestinal spasms, tympanites, etc.
Cholera, in stage of collapse.


Urine at night and next morning scanty and high coloured; frequent; increased, sp. g., 1,025, 1,030; slightly increased, sp. g., 1,0I5 to 1,019.

Profuse, light-coloured urine; nervous women.


Menses: early; profuse; painful; leucorrhea; ovaries affected.
Menses a week before time, attended by a good deal of pain; menses two days early; early, with increased head difficulties; unnatural forcing of nature; awoke with dreadful distress and pain, baffling all description; profuse menses, relieving ovarian pain; felt tired; profuse flowing; profuse and early, preceded by leucorrhoea; profuse and eight days too early; bright red; slight dysmenorrhea, ameliorated by walking and hot applications; very nervous, easily startled and hysterical; early and painful; too early, with intermittent cramp-like pain in head and abdomen; inability to lie still; hungry, but food nauseated; drank much; urine profuse; left side numb; nape lame; eye twitched, pupils dilated; face flushed; blue light before eyes; chill; nausea, when vomiting it seemed as if the stomach rose and fell; pulse rapid; restless night’s sleep; at intervals next day awoke with pain in right ovarian region; frontal headache, head light; left side numb; left foot went to sleep.

Sharp, cramp-like pain in left inguinal region, which increased until menses appeared five days early; for about an hour pain seemed better, but after that began with renewed violence, worse than in former provings.
Dysmenorrhea, with bearing-down feeling and pain in right ovarian region.
Leucorrhea, profuse; milky white, thin; whitish after menses.


Aching, shooting, darting, sharp, cutting.
Dull pain radiating, especially into thighs, ameliorated by drawing up knees, heat or free discharges.
Severe aching pain in right ovarian region, causing me to forget all other pains and walk the floor; constant radiating from right ovarian region to hip, thigh and back, with occasional shooting, darting pain, causing me to hold my breath; at same time leucorrhoea coming with a gush of milk-white color, ceasing suddenly; it ameliorated back and head symptoms. Sudden sharp pains in right ovarian region, radiating down thighs and across left hip; better by lying down and flexing thighs on abdomen; could not walk straight or upright, abdominal pain was so intense.

Sharp, cutting pain in right ovarian region, extending about hip and down thigh, awoke me at 6 a.m.; could not find any position comfortable, became almost unbearable; better by heat; pain not continuous, intervals almost regular, of about ten minutes, and spasm lasts five minutes; pain agonising, could hardly endure it.
Dull pain in left ovarian region; back of neck stiff; better by heat; pain in left, extending down thigh.
Intense pain in left ovarian region, began feebly and gradually increased, dying away in same manner.

Indicated in spare, delicate, nervous women.
Dysmenorrhea, neuralgic with agonising, excruciating, distracting pains, causing the patient to scream out, clutch the hair in desperation, with bodily contortions and tears of anguish; no relief in any position; pains extend down anterior thighs; generally left-sided, with neuralgic headaches, especially over left eye; congestion of head and eyes; photophobia; discharge scanty, thick, black, in strings and clots; intermitting every other day; weakness in lower limbs; wants to sit or lie all the time.
Membranous dysmenorrhea, with contractive pains, great bearing down; keeps limbs in constant motion, drawing them up and down in bed.
Chlorotic amenorrhea, with oedema and scanty, high-coloured urine; sight of food nauseates, and the smallest amount distresses; discouragement; aggravation from getting the feet wet.
Menses irregular and scanty.
Grinding pain in the pelvis.
Great increase in leucorrhoea, during time when menses should appear.
Sacral pains during pregnancy.
After pains; profuse lochia.


Hoarseness; aphonia; hawking.
Hoarseness, in open air, with husky feeling in throat; obliged to clear throat frequently; this continued after other symptoms sub-sided.
Aphonia and pain in lower right lung; vocal cords affected. Throat ached, and it was tiresome to talk, with hoarse voice. Almost constant hawking, without expectoration, sometimes arising from tickling in larynx, and again from a sort of oppressed feeling in lungs.

Aphonia from cold or general debility.


Dyspnoe; cough; oppression.
Constant desire to take a deep breath, long breath, etc.; could not get air enough into lungs; with oppression; decided dyspnoe, with slightly increased action of heart; almost impossible to get a satisfactory inspiration; with severe coughing spells; with cutting in lower part of right lung.
Suffocative feeling, almost inability to breathe; had to sit up in bed and turn, first, one way, then another, almost as in a severe case of asthma, even accompanied by severe spasmodic coughing spells; with cutting pain in region of heart, makes me catch my breath. Awaking with a sense of suffocation; feared I should lose my breath entirely.
Difficult, on awaking; difficult inspiration; shortness of breath.


Hacking; spasmodic; stifled.
Slight hacking; coming on only in open air, with slight hoarseness; without expectoration;
sometimes from tickling in throat, again deep in bronchi.
Severe spasmodic coughing spells, with heart symptoms.
Cough, with scraping, sore feeling under sternum, spasmodic, of a voiceless, stifled character, recurring at almost regular intervals of about twenty minutes, with sharp pain in lower portion of right lung; awaking her at 4 a.m.; almost constant.
Cough, aggravated by exposure to cold; ameliorated in a warm room.

Dry cough night and day; from sheer exhaustion could hardly turn herself in bed; face pale, bloated; dark rings about eyes; head full and heavy; lips colourless; tongue pale and flabby; shortness of breath; no appetite; constipated; urine light coloured, alkaline, sp. g., 1,025; fluttering in stomach; pain in left side; limbs weak and bloated.


Pains, sharp, shooting, cutting, neuralgic, strained; constriction.
Sharp, shooting pain in right side, like pains of pleurisy, occasion-ally extending through to
scapula, which increased in severity with constant desire to take a long breath.
Sharp, cutting pain in lower portion of right lung, on deep inspiration or coughing, of a neuralgic character.
Strained pain on deep inspiration, worse waking at night and turning in bed.
Slight pain in left side under scapula and in left hip.
Felt a good deal of tightening about chest, which continued, with much inclination to gape, with difficulty to inflate chest.
Constriction as from running or as from a weight on chest.

Menses irregular and scanty; tight, dry cough, which hurts chest and shoulders; bowels almost constantly loose; profuse night sweats; very much wasted and weakened; frequent violent headache, affect-ing whole head, sometimes with vomiting; feet and ankles oedematous; bubbling mucus rales especially distinct in apex of left lung; appearance bloodless and miserable; family history of phthisis; thinks she is “going into decline.”

C.M. Boger
Cyrus Maxwell Boger 5/ 13/ 1861 "“ 9/ 2/ 1935
Born in Western Pennsylvania, he graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and subsequently Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., in 1888, practicing there, but also consulting worldwide. He gave lectures at the Pulte Medical College in Cincinnati and taught philosophy, materia medica, and repertory at the American Foundation for Homoeopathy Postgraduate School. Boger brought BÅ“nninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory into the English Language in 1905. His publications include :
Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory
Boenninghausen's Antipsorics
Boger's Diphtheria, (The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of)
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica, 1915
General Analysis with Card Index, 1931
Samarskite-A Proving
The Times Which Characterize the Appearance and Aggravation of the Symptoms and their Remedies