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I have endeavoured to lay before the reader everything of interest and importance connected with the progress of Homoeopathy, in a theoretical and practical point of view….


In this very critical and searching evaluation of Hahnemann’s contribution and other people who mattered during Hahnemann’s time, Dudgeon has extensively quoted from the writings and communications of Drs. Hering, Gross, Aegidi, Wolf, Trinks, Henriques, Lippe, Mure, and numerous other. …


Appendix. A. The dose of gold used by Hahnemann for proving-B. Dr. Altschul’s posological rule-C. Different curative powers of various doses-D. Hahnem…

Biological Sketch of Hahnemann

The histories of many men who have risen to eminence in some particular branch of science teach us that they have done so under the most unfavourable circumstances. Hahnemann belonged to this class of great men….

Homoeopathic Principle in Medicine before Hahnemann

Homoeopathic Principle in Medicine before Hahnemann. Galen himself, the father of allopathic physic, the champion of the motto contraria contrariis curantur, may be impressed into the service of homoeopathy from many a phrase in his writings, where he gives his testimony…

Pathological basis of Homoeopathy

A study of predisposing causes of disease is necessary for the physician, both for enabling him to prevent the occurrence of malady, and also for the removal of disease when it does occur….

Homoeopathic Posology

The nearer the disease approaches the acute character, the smaller are the doses of the medicine it requires in order to disappear. Chronic diseases also, combined with debility and general derangement of the health, do not require larger ones. …

Homoeopathic Posology Contd

Hahnemann makes the size of the dose dependent on the condition in which the medicinal substance is; he admits that the process of trituration is effectual in awakening the latent powers of some substances….

Theories of Cure Continued

The disease and the medicine selected for its cure according to the principles of Homoeopathy, act like two powers of opposite polarity, when brought to act and react on each other, equalize each other….

The Homoeopathic Aggravation

The Homoeopathic Aggravation. The smaller the dose of the homoeopathic remedy is, so much the slighter and shorter is this apparent increase of the disease during the first hours….


All infectious diseases contain in their infectious matters the remedies capable of curing themselves. The principle upon which these remedial agents act he contends to be aequalia aequalibus, and the system Lux denominates Isopathy….

The Proving of Medicines

The Proving of Medicines. Every simple medicinal substance, causes a peculiar specific disease-a series of determinate symptoms, which is not produced precisely in the same way by any other medicine in the world….

Actions of Medicines

Most medicines have more than one action; the first a direct action, which gradually changes into the second, which I call the indirect secondary action. The latter is generally a state exactly the opposite of the former….

Hahnemann’s doctrine of Chronic disease

A brief outline of the famous psora-theory of Hahnemann, which was first formally given to the world in 1828, and which was given rise to much controversy among Hahnemann’s disciples….

Doctrine of Chronic Diseases Contd

I have frequently heard homoeopathic practitioners attributing to sycotic infection, the occurrence of ordinary warts and encysted and other tumours, but Hahnemann distinctly says that these are of psoric and not sycotic origin….

Selection of the Remedy

Hahnemann’s psora- theory, he alleges, is an acknowledgment of the necessity of paying attention to the causal nexus. To show the importance of searching for the possible cause of the disease, independent of the symptoms of deranged sensation actually present….

Theory of the Dynamization of Medicine

It is impossible so to separate the dynamization theory from the doctrines respecting the doses as to be able to treat of the one without reference to the other….

Dynamization of Medicines Contd

By our ordinary method of preparing the attenuations, the whole mass of the second trituration only contains the hundredth part of the grain, the third only the ten-thousandth part, and the fourth only the millionth part….

On the Repetition of Medicines

The dose may be repeated with the best, often with incredibly good results, at intervals of fourteen, twelve, ten, eight, seven days in chronic diseases resembling acute diseases, at still shorter intervals; but in acute diseases at very much briefer periods….

Administration of medicines

In a peculiar kind of typhus fever, (Lesser Writings, p. 712.) Hahnemann advised the alternation of bryonia and rhus. In an epidemic of purpura miliaris (Ibid., p. 781) he counselled the alternation of aconite and coffea. …

Homoeopathic Remedy and its Pharmaceutics

In the fourth edition of the Organon, Hahnemann alludes to the employment of medicines by olfaction, a procedure the subsequently grew very fond of; for in the fifth edition of that work he prefers it to every other mode of administering the remedy….

Antidotes Prophylactics Diet Regimen

(1798) he wrote an essay on Antidotes to some powerful vegetable Substances, (Lesser writings, p.374) where he attempts a classification of antidotes. He says, namely, that there are at least four kinds of antidotes….

Appendix of Hahnemann’s Provings

Hahnemann joints the local use of rhus and arnica in sprains and dislocations, and the application of water compresses mixed with a dilution of arsenicum, or of cloths dipped in heated alcohol, for the cure of burns….