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Simple Substance

The thirtieth potency of Silica will be sufficiently similar in form to reach in a curative way some of the diseases of man, viz. such as are dominating his economy in a correspondingly superficial and coarse series of the body. But it is true that Silica ceases after a tune top act in the thirtieth potency and it has to be further potentized in order that it may be similar in quantity to eye inner degrees, even until it reaches the very inner most or finest degrees of the simple substance.

Everything in the universe has its aura or atmosphere. Every star and planet has an atmosphere. The sun’s atmosphere is its light and heat. Every human being has his atmosphere or aura; every animal has its atmosphere or aura. The aura is present in all entities. What may be said to be the aura of musk? That is a strong physical aura which almost everyone can perceive. A grain of wask has been kept for experiment’s sake, in a bottle for seventeen years, giving off a perceptible aura yet without loss of weight.; As a further evidence of aura, take, for instance, the animals which prey upon their food and you know that the can discover by an extremely intense aura states that man cannot discover., This is not an ordinary nose, but it is really the very instinct of the animal, whereby he perceives what is prey. His instinct is analogous to man’s perception, and by this instinct he discovers his prey, when man would not be able to discover it. Man can discover musk in a bottle, but it is doubtful of man could discover the finest aura by its odor. This aura becomes useful and introduces a prominent sphere in the study of homoeopathics.

The consciousness between two simple substances is really that atmosphere by which one knows the other, and by which all affinities and repulsions between simple substances are known. They are in harmony or in antagonism. Human being are thus classified by positives and negatives. Minerals and the world generally are classified by positives and negatives. This has an underlying cause. Substances are extremely powerful when meeting other substances that are antagonistic in any way, and also when meeting substances in a destructive way. The formative processes are often brought about by destruction, forms are destroyed in order that new forms may exist, and new forms therefore are often created from simple substance.

There are two realms or worlds, the realm or world of cause and the realm or world of ultimates. In this outermost or physical world we can see only with the eye, touch with the finger, smell with the nose, hear with the ear;such is the realm of results. the world of cause is invisible, is not discoverable by the five senses; it is the world of thought and discoverable only by the understanding. That which we see about us is only the world of ends, but the world of cause is invisible.

It is possible that we may perceive the innermost, and it is important also that man may know and look from within upon all things in the physical world, instead of starting in the of starting in the physical world and attempting to look upon things in the immaterial world. He will then account for law and perceive the operation of law. Homoeopathy exists as law; its causes are in the realm of causes. If it did not exist in the world of causes it could not exist in the world of ultimates. It is in the realm of cause treat we must look for the primaries in the study of Homoeopathy.

Of course it will be seen that the whole of this subject looks toward the establishment of a new system of pathology, which will be the groundwork of Homoeopathy. All disease causes are in simple substance; there is no disease cause in concrete substance considered apart from simple substance. We therefore study simple substance, in order that we may arrive at the nature of sick-making substances. WE also potentize our medicines in order to arrive at their simple substance; that is, at the nature and quality of the remedy itself. The remedy to be Homoeopathic must be similar in quality and similar in action to disease cause.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.