Natrum Phosphoricum

Fullness after eating. Heartburn, heaviness and pressure. Heat in the stomach. Nausea in the morning, evening, during cough, and during headache.

Pain in the stomach; after eating; two hours after eating; cramping; gastralgia, several attacks every day with vomiting sour fluids; over-secretion of lactic acid. Gnawing in the stomach. Pressing after eating. Soreness and stitching. Retching. Extreme thirst.

Ulceration of the stomach. Sour vomiting. Creamy coating on the tongue. Sour odor of the body. Vomiting on coughing, with headache, of bile, bitter, frothy with headache, OF MUCUS, SOUR in infants fed on milk, sour cheesy masses in intermittent fever; in pregnancy; vomiting yellow, green.

Abdomen: Distension of the abdomen after eating.

Sensation of emptiness, after stool. Flatulence, obstinate, after eating. Fullness gurgling and hardness. Pain afternoon and night, after eating, paroxysmal, before stool. Pain in hypochondria. Burning in abdomen. Cramping before stool, causing urging to stool, while walking. Cutting in abdomen. Pressing in the hypogastrium. Soreness in the whole abdomen.

Stitching in the abdomen and in liver. Torpid liver. Rumbling. Tension.

Constipation with difficult hard stool. Inactivity of the rectum; one day constipated, next day diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea morning, night, with colic, after eating, in summer, with flatus.

Anus: The anus is excoriated; much flatus; involuntary stools, involuntary when passing flatus.

Sore, itching anus, aggravated in the warmth of the bed. Pain in the rectum after stool. Burning during and after stool. Painful contraction of anus. Cutting during stool. Stitching on walking. Tenesmus. Urging to stool after coition, in a man.

Urging ineffectual, unsatisfactory. Weak feeling in the rectum before stool. The stool is bloody, cheesy, crumbling; light colored, bileless stool; green; jelly-like masses; pasty; sour-smelling.

Stools; thin yellowish brown stool; watery; yellowish green; yellowish brown. Worms with the stool.

Bladder: Paralysis of the bladder.

Pressing pain in the bladder before urination. Urging to urinate at night, after coition (man); after eating; constant; frequent. Dysuria. Urination frequent, at night, during perspiration, involuntary, night, during sleep.

Must wait for urine to start. Must press a long time before urine starts. Unsatisfactory urination. Stitching pain in the kidneys. Emission of prostatic fluid during stool. Enlarged prostate. Burning in the urethra during the flow of urine.

After stool burning and itching of the meatus. The urine is albuminous, burning, cloudy, dark, pale; copious; night and morning, offensive, scanty, with mucous sediment.

Men: Erections are troublesome morning and night, continued, frequent, incomplete, painful, without desire, violent, wanting.

Vesicles upon the genitalia. Itching of the scrotum, prepuce and anus. Pain in the spermatic cords and testes. Drawing in spermatic cords. Pressing in testes.

Seminal emission after coition, without dreams, without erections, frequent, unconscious. Sexual passion diminished, or increased, without erection, vomiting. Swelling of penis and testes.

Female: Desire increased in the female.

Leucorrhoea after menses, acrid, copious, creamy, honey colored, sour smelling, yellow and watery.

Menses absent, copious, too frequent, late, pale, painful, protracted. Prolapsus of the uterus with a weak sinking feeling after stool. Sterility.

Respiration: Soreness in trachea.

Hoarseness and loss of voice. Respiration is asthmatic, difficult, short and sighing.

Cough afternoon, evening in bed, night, during chill, constant, with coryza, after drinking. Dry evening cough with expectoration in the morning. Hacking, hallow, short, racking cough, with irritation in chest or larynx.

Loose morning cough. Tickling in larynx and chest, Violent cough. Cough aggravated while sitting. Expectoration in the morning bloody, greenish, mucous, offensive, purulent, thick, viscid, yellow; tasting flat, putrid, salty.

Anxiety in the chest; a bubble starts from the heart and passes through the arteries. Constriction of the chest. Empty sensation in the chest after eating. Pimples on the chest. Sudden feeling of fullness in the upper part of the chest. Oppression of the chest. Pain in the chest after dinner, from deep breathing, during cough.

Pain in the heart. Aching, pressing in the chest. Burning deep in the chest, aggravated on the right side, evening in bed. Cutting, pressing. Rawness in chest on coughing. Soreness in chest. Stitching in the chest, sides of chest aggravated in left side.

PALPITATION, anxious, after, eating; aggravated from noise, lying on the left side, during a thunderstorm. Phthisis florida in young people. Trembling of heart, after menses, on ascending stairs.

Back: Heavy dragging in the back. Itching of the skin of the back.

Pain in the back at night, during menses, on motion, from sexual excesses, while sitting. Pain in the dorsal region; left scapula, between scapulae. Pain in lumbar region, during menses. Pain in sacrum, during menses.

Aching in back during menses in lumbar region. Sore bruised back and spine. Spinal irritation.

Burning in lumbar region and in the spine. Drawing in the back. Sharp pain in right sacro-iliac junction. Stitching in lumbar region.

Perspiration of the back. Stiffness both sides of neck. Swelling of the glands of the neck. Weakness of the back toward evening, in the lumbar region, after emissions.

Limbs: COLD HANDS, legs and feet.

Feet icy cold during menses, in daytime, burn at night in bed. Contraction of extensors in forearm while writing. Sore stinging corns. Cramp in calves and feet. Cramp in hands, while writing. Cracking in joints. Eruption on limbs, vesicles; pimples and vesicles on lower limbs; pimples on nates, eczema of ankles. Formication of upper limbs and of feet.

Heat of hands and feet Heaviness of limbs, of lower limbs, legs and feet. Itching of limbs, upper limbs, lower limbs, ankles. Numbness of limbs, upper limbs, right hand and arm, of fingers, right fingers, of feet. Pain in the limbs. Gouty, rheumatic joints, wrist. Rheumatic pain in shoulder (right). Pain in leg, calf, ankle, ball of foot, first toe. Bruised pain in limbs, lower limbs, knee, leg. Burning hands and soles.

Crampy pain in left hand and index finger. Drawing in forearm, wrist during menses, hand, joints, left shoulder, hip and knee. Pressure in shoulder. Stitching in shoulder and fingers, in hip, thigh, knee, soles, heel. Tearing in limbs, joints, upper limbs, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, fingers; lower limbs, hip, knee, leg, foot, toes.

Perspiration of hands and feet. Restless legs. Shortening of tendons in hollow of knee, also, after menses. Stiffness of joints. Swelling of fingers; of lower limbs, of feet. Tension in hamstrings and calf Trembling in hands, in knees after emissions.

Twitching of muscles. Weakness of upper limbs, of hands, of right wrist and left ankle after menses; of lower limbs, thighs, ANKLES. Weakness of ankles in children (Natrum carb.). Sudden giving way of legs while walking.

Sleep: Very deep sleep.

The patient is a great dreamer. Dreams anxious, amorous, of dead people, distressing, of previous events, of fire, frightful, nightmare, pleasant, vexatious and vivid.

Falling asleep in the chair. The sleep is restless. Sleepiness all day and after dinner, most in forenoon. Sleepless before midnight, after midnight, from crowding of thoughts. Sleepiness, yet cannot sleep. Unrefreshing sleep.

Wakeful from 12 to 3 A.M. Waking early, 5 A.M., unrested. Waking late.

Coldness in evening in bed, in cold air. Chilliness in evening, during menses, after eating. Shaking chill. One-sided coldness. Internal chill. Fever, flushes of heat and headache every afternoon. Cannot get to sleep, feels so hot. Fever with sweat during sleep. Intermittent fever with vomiting of sour masses.

Skin: Perspiration in the daytime, morning, afternoon, during the night.

Anxious sweat. Cold sweat. Perspiration on coughing, on slight exertion. Profuse sweat in the morning and during the night with great nervous weakness. Sour smelling sweat. The infant smells sour.

Biting, burning, or coldness of the skin. Liver spots red spots, yellow spots and jaundiced skin. Dry skin. Dry, burning eruptions; blisters, boils, burning, desquamating, moist, dry, herpetic, painful, phagedenic, pimples, golden yellow scales; suppurating, urticaria, vesicular. Eczema with honey colored discharge. Erysipelas. Excoriation. Formication. Freckles.

Gnawing pain in skin. Inactivity of the skin. Itching, biting, burning, crawling, creeping, stinging, ameliorated by scratching, aggravated by warmth of bed. Sensitive skin. Sore feeling in the skin. Sticking in skin. Swelling of skin, of affected parts.

Dropsical skin. Ulcerative pain. Ulcers; biting, burning, crawling, deep; discharge offensive and yellow; fistulous, inflamed, red areola, sensitive, stinging, suppurating, swollen, unhealthy. Unhealthy skin. Warts.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.

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