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Carboneum Sulphuratum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Carboneum Sulphuratum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Modalities: The complaints aid symptoms of Carbon bisulphide are worse in the morning, forenoon, afternoon, evening, night, before midnight.

It is a remedy of great depth of action, frequently indicated and long neglected. Strong desire for open air and the open window; better in the open air but worse from a draft.

It is our most useful remedy in patients broken down from the long use of alcoholic stimulants. Weakness and suffocation from ascending stairs. Bathing brings on many symptoms. Many symptoms are worse after breakfast. It is a most useful remedy to restrain the growth of cancer (like Graphites) and it bas cured lupus.

He is extremely sensitive to every change of weather, especially to warm damp weather. A condition not unlike chlorosis is produced by this drug. It is very useful in chronic rheumatism, especially of the joints. Extremely sensitive to the clothing. It is sensitive to both cold and heat. Cold in general aggravates or brings on many symptoms.

Worse from becoming cold; from cold air; after becoming cold; takes cold easily; takes cold from exposure to cold air when overheated. Like Carbo veg. it is a most useful remedy in collapse.

Marked venous stasis in organs and parts. Constriction of any parts. Constriction like a band around parts. Constriction of the heart. It is suitable in clonic and epileptic spasms. Dwarfishness of body and mind. Distension of the blood vessels and varicose veins. Oedema of the extremities. It is both better and worse after eating. Gradual shinking of all the muscles, even to marked emaciation.

The lymphatic glands are enlarged. Fainting followed by stupefaction and loss of memory. Symptoms are worse from cold feet; fat food; milk; warm foods; warm drinks ameliorate. Full feeling internally and general venous engorgement. Gouty condition of joints. Passive hemorrhage. Lack of vital heat. Internal and external heaviness. Induration of glands. Marked lassitude and constant desire to lie down.

Many conditions are worse from a jar and from stepping. Anaesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes.

Weakness follows straining of muscles. Lying ameliorates except respiration and head symptoms. Feels better while lying. Complaints worse before, DURING and after menses. Motion increases all symptoms and he dreads motion. Mucous secretions copious, thick and viscid. Numbness of single parts and parts lain on. Orgasm of blood in the body. Pain in bones and glands. Pains of many kinds in all parts of the body. Short and quick attacks and at regular intervals. Paroxysmal pains. Sore bruised pains in body and limbs. Burning pains internal and external. Cutting, JERKING and shooting pains.

Pressing pains are very common in all parts. Stitching pains and itching stitching pains in all parts. Violent tearing pains; extending downwards. Wandering pains; wandering, jerking, stitching pains.

Paralysis one sided; of organs; painless. Pressure helps most symptoms. Pulsation all over the body. Pulse spasmodic and rapid; pulse slow: 52. Rheumatic conditions with or without fever.

Chronic rheumatic states. Extreme sensitiveness to pain. He is worse after pain and from standing. Stiffness in body and limbs. Complaints from summer heat. Dropsical swelling and swollen glands. Trembling all over; tubercular tendency; lungs and bowels. Twitching of muscles. Wine increases all his sufferings and brings on many complaints. Walking increases sufferings; walking in open air aggravates many symptoms. He is worse from the heat of summer and from the cold of winter.

Worse from warm wraps, warm room, warm bed and warmth in general, yet he is sensitive to cold. EXTREME WEAKNESS in the morning; in old drunkards; in the heat of summer; during menses; after stool. Painful weariness in the morning.

Mind: Very absent minded and so irascible that he breaks things that happen to be in his hands; when spoken to. Anxiety in the morning; evening in bed; night; before midnight; of conscience, with fear; about the future; before menses. Biting things in delirium. Capricious at times. Cheerful in the morning after passing much flatus. Aversion to company.

Concentration difficult when reading. Confusion of mind in the morning on waking; from mental exertion; from pain in the head; as if intoxicated. Very conscientious about small matters. Fantastic delirium at night, raving and tries to bite.

Sees visions; excitement at night. Illusions of fancy. There is despair, discontentment, discouragement and DISTRACTION. Dullness of mind, in the morning; thinking is very difficult. Very excitable. Exhilaration – bordering on drunkenness.

Fear; morning; night; of death; of insanity; of misfortune; of people; of walking in the dark. Forgetful; forgets what she was to do with the things and held them in her hand. Frightened easily. Hilarity and extravagant gaiety.

Hurried feeling. Hysterical conduct. Irresolution, indifference and mental sluggishness. Indolence. Worse in the morning.Imbecility and insanity. Ideas abundant at first, later confusion and stupefaction. Irritability in the morning.

Weak memory; cannot find the right word; misplaces words when writing. His mood is constantly changing; morose; easily offended; rage; mental prostration. Religious affections. Very restless during the night; worse before midnight.Sadness in the evening; during chill; during fever; during perspiration.

He sings and whistles. Inclination to sit in silence. Averse to being spoken to. Maniacal conduct. jumps out of the window. Stares at her hands with a vacant look. Starting during sleep. Suspicious. Talkative at first, later indisposed to talk. Talking in sleep. Persistent tormenting thoughts. Timidity.

Unconscious. Violent actions. Weeping much; alternating with laughing; in sleep. Vertigo, in the morning on rising; afternoon; evening; better in open air; as if intoxicated; during menses; while sitting; when stooping; a tendency to fall forward; when walking; when walking in open air.

Head: Coldness of the forehead. Constriction like a band; of forehead, of the occiput. Dandruff on the scalp. A sensation of emptiness in the head. ERUPTIONS; crusts; ECZEMA; itching; MOIST; Scaly, pimples, sore and painful. Erysipelas of the scalp. The head falls forward when walking. A sensation of fluctuation in the head on moving the head. Fullness in the head; in the forehead. The hair falls out. Heat in the afternoon; in forehead; IN VERTEX.

Heaviness in the head; after breakfast. Hyperaemia of the brain. The scalp itches violently. Movements felt in the head. Nodules in the scalp sore to touch. Numbness of the vertex. Pain in the head in the morning in bed; on waking; at 9 A.M.; in the afternoon; in the evening; at night; 10 P.M.; better in the open air; worse ascending steps, binding up the hair; after breakfast; after dinner; after eating; from becoming heated; from a jar; from heavy stepping; from mental exertion; from motion; from shaking the head; after sleep; after stool; in a warm room.

Headache comes on from cold; during chill; during fever. Rheumatic headaches. Catarrhal headaches. Headache with pain in back of the neck. Pulsating pain on motion of the head and when thinking or reading. Violent headache, increased until the mind is affected. Pain in the forehead in the morning on waking, lasting all day, violent in the forenoon. Pain in occiput evening and night. Pain in sides of head. One sided headache, worse left. Pain in temples in the afternoon, worse shaking head and on stooping.

Pulsating pain in temples in the morning on waking 6 A.M. Pain in vertex. Boring pain in forehead and temples. Burning pain in vertex. Cutting in temples, worse after dinner. Drawing pain in forehead 10 P.M. in occiput; in temples.

Dull pain in head toward evening. Jerking pain in forehead. Pressing pain in the head in forenoon. Pressing pain in forehead with sleepiness, worse reading and stooping; over eyes; extending to eyes and temples. PRESSING PAIN IN OCCIPUT; in temples, extending to vertex; in VERTEX ALL DAY. Sore bruised pain in head.

Stitching pain in temples worse on left side, extending to occiput. Tearing pains better in open air and during test; inforehead; occiput; sides; temples; worse on left side. Cold perspiration on forehead. The scalp is sensitive to the brush. Pulsation in occiput and temples. Electric shock in the head.

Eyes: The eyelids stick together during the night. The discharges arc acrid, bloody, purulent and yellow. Dulness of the eyes. Eruptions about the eyes; on the lids, pustules on upper lids that itch and burn. Falling lids. Granular lids. The eyes feel hot. Heaviness of the lids and they are sore on moving them. Catarrhal inflammation of eyes and lids.

Conjunctiva full of dark veins. Insensibility of the cornea. Itching of the eyes and lids. Lachrymation in the open air and when reading. Pain in eyes on moving them; aching; burning pain with headache, morning; when reading; evening; margin of lids when reading; in canthi. The pains are cutting, pressing; as from sand; sore, itching and tearing.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.