Carboneum Sulphuratum

Drawing backwards. Pressing in the evening with great heat in the eyes. Itching while reading and after stool. Pupils contracted, also dilated. Photophobia. Quivering in lids. Redness of eyes, of lids; edges of lids.

Recurrent styes. Staring and sunken eyes. Swollen lids. Thick lids. Twitching lids. Ulceration of the cornea; of the lids. Weak eyes. Vision dim; objects seem too far off. Diplopia. Flickering. Loss of vision. Vanishing of sight. Myopia.

Ears: Discharge from ear; bloody, foetid, offensive, purulent. Redness of the ears. Eruption behind cars. Sensation of flapping in ears. The ears are red and hot. Inflammation in middle car and auditory canal. Itching in ears. Noises in ears; morning; evening; night; buzzing; cracking; chirping; fluttering; humming; reverberations; RINGING.

ROARING; rushing sounds. Pain in ears afternoon and evening; when swallowing. Pressing, STITCHING and tearing pains. Stitching after stool worse in right ear. Pulsation in ear. Stopped sensation in ear. Hearing at first acute, laterimpaired and finally lost.

Nose: It has cured ear cough. It is a most useful remedy for chronic catarrh of the nose. The nose is cold. CORYZA in open air; with chill; constant; with cough; fluent; dry in evening. Discharges from nose of all kinds and consistency. Clear; copious; crusts and scabs; excoriating; greenish; hard chunks; offensive; purulent; thick; VISCID; water; thick yellow pus.

Redness and burning of the tip of the nose. DRYNESS IN NOSE. Epistaxis morning and evening, dark blood; on blowing nose. Itching in nose.

OBSTRUCTION OF NOSE. Foetid odor from nose. Oezena. Pain and soreness in nose. Burning in root of nose. It has cured polypus in nose. Smell acute for odors, later smell is wanting. Frequent sneezing. The nose is swollen. Ulcers high up in nose.

Face: The face is bloated and chlorotic. Sensation of tension in the face. The face is cold and the lips are cracked. The face is discolored; bluish; dark; PALE; sickly; yellow.

Dry burning lips. Eruptions on chin; lips; around month; on nose. Acne rosacea on face and forehead. Acne of drunkards.Comedones. Crusty eruptions on face and nose. Herpes on face with tearing pains in limbs.

Moist itching eruptions. Pimples, pustules, rash. Red eruptions on checks and nose. Scurfy scaly eruptions. Tetter on left check. Vesicles on face. Phlegmonous erysipelas. Expression is anxious; bewildered; sickly; suffering; vacant. Heat of face evening; during chill FLASHES. Itching of face.

Pain in face in cold air; while lying. Burning face and lips. Drawing, sore, bruised, stitching and tearing pain in face. Cold sweat on face, Stiffness of jaw. Sunken look. Swelling of face; oedematous; glands; parotid; sub-maxillary. Tension in muscles of lower jaw. Ulceration of lips.

Anesthesia of mouth and tongue. Aphthae of month and tongue. Bleeding of month and gums. The tongue feels cold. The tongue is cracked. The gums are detached from the teeth. The tongue is coated white; dryness of mouth and tongue in the morning with unquenchable thirst. Odor from mouth offensive; putrid.

Teeth: Burning mouth and tongue. Saliva is bloody. Copious flow of saliva. Speech difficult and stammering. Gums swollen, Taste is bad; BITTER in the morning; foul, metallic; nauseous; pasty; saltish; sour; sweetish. Tickling of soft palate after lying down. Ulcers in the mouth. The teeth are on edge and loose. Pain in teeth evening and night; in cold air; from cold water; during and after eating; when masticating; from touch; from warm food and drink; from external warmth; from both warm and cold things.

The pains are drawing; jerking; jerking-stitching; pulsating; stitchingtearing; jerking – stitching at 9 A.M.; pulsating evening and night. Tearing in afternoon and in cold air.

Throat: Catarrh of the throat in cold weather with choking dryness, redness and sensation of fullness. Constant desire to hawk. Inflammation of the throat with gangrenous tendency. Sensation of a lump in throat. Mucus in throat in morning; viscid; tasting salty.

Pain in throat on coughing; on swallowing; on empty swallowing. Burning in throat extending to stomach. Burning in oesophagus. Rawness and soreness. Stitching on swallowing; in oesophagus as if bone had lodged in throat.

Scraping the throat; spasms of the oesophagus. Constant disposition to swallow. Difficult swallowing. Swelling of throat and tonsils. Ulceration of throat. Induration of glands of the external throat. The glands of neck are swollen. Enlarged thyroid gland.

Appetite diminished or wanting with easy satiety. Appetite is RAVANOUS without relish of food; with aversion to food. Aversion to fats; fish; food; MEAT; milk. Cold sensation in stomach. Sensation of constriction. Desire for beer. Cold drinks; sour things; distension after eating. Sensation of emptiness. Eructations empty; after eating; ineffectual; after milk; while walking. Eructations ameliorate. Eructations acrid; bitter; EMPTY; of food; foul; loud: nauseous: rancid, sour; waterbrash. Fullness in stomach after eating.

Stomach: Gnawing in stomach. Heartburn after eating. Flushes of heat in stomach. Heaviness, hiccough and loathing of food. Nausea in morning; afternoon; night; after eating; with fainting; better after eructations; during headache; on entering a room or going into open air. Pain in stomach in the morning; in night; after breakfast; after cold drinks; after eating; during menses.

Burning after stool. Cramping and pinching. Pressing pain in stomach after eating and after stool. Soreness in stomach. Stabbing extending to back. Stitching pains. Pulsation. Retching with the cough.

“A tied together feeling.”

Thirst in the morning; burning thirst; during chill; extreme thirst; during heat; drinks large quantities of water. Vomiting in the morning; on coughing; after eating; with headache; during menses; vomiting bile; bitter water blood; food; green mucus; sour; watery.

Abdomen: Sensation in abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on. Distension after eating; tympanitic. Abdominal effusion. Flatulence in abdomen; obstructed; in coecal region. Fullness after breakfast. Heaviness and gurgling. Hardness of the abdomen; of the liver. Liver affections with dropsical swelling of feet.

Pain morning; afternoon; evening; night; as if diarrhoea would set in; after eating; on inspiration; before and during menses; on motion; on pressure; in coecal region; in hypochondria after sitting; in hypogastrium; in the inguinal region; in the liver; in the left lobe of liver; in umbilicus.

Burning pain in abdomen; in hypochondria; in liver. Cramping in abdomen; in the morning; 10 A.M.; afternoon; night; before stool; after stool; in umbilicus; in hypogastrium. Cutting in abdomen; before stool; in hypogastrium.

Drawing pain in abdomen; in navel. Dragging in abdomen. Jerking pain in abdomen; in left hypochondrium. Pressing pain in abdomen; in hypogastrium; in liver. Sore bruised pain in abdomen; in liver. Stitching pains in abdomen; in hypochondria; in hypogastrium; in inguinal region; sides of abdomen; liver.

Tearing in abdomen; in umbilical region extending to bladder. Retraction of navel (Plumbum). Rumbling in abdomen; before stool. Tension. Trembling after stool. Weak feeling after stool.

Constipation with much belching; difficult stool; ineffectual urging, insufficient stool. Diarrhoea in the morning; 5 A.M.; after breakfast; night; noon; after eating; after dinner; painless; with much rumbling; chronic; pain in region of umbilicus with thin, yellow, frothy stools; STOOL OFFENSIVE; sour; pasty; THIN; WATERY. Some workers in carbon bisulphide suffer from constipation and some from diarrhoea.

Dysentery with bloody mucous stools. Eruptions about the anus. Excoriations at anus and between the nates. Fistula in ano. FLATUS COPIOUS, OFFENSIVE; While walking; ameliorates. Formication in the anus.

Hemorrhage of bright red blood. HEMORRHOIDS; bluish; chronic; external; large; during menses; very sore; inactivity ofthe rectum. Involuntary stool during urination.

Moisture at the anus, itching and burning. Itching in the morning. Pain in the rectum after stool; during stool. Burning and itching. Burning during stool; after stool.

Cramping stitching in anus and neck of bladder during urination. Cutting and pressing outward. Soreness in anus; after stool. Stitching pain in anus; evening; during stool; stitching in anus and neck of bladder to urethra during urination. Tearing in anus.

Tenesmus during stool. Constant prolapsus of rectum. Urging to stool in the morning; after breakfast; 8 A.M.; 10 A.M.; during stool. Worms. Ascarides; lumbricoides; taeniae. The stool is acrid, black, bloody, brown, HARD, knotty, lienteric,light colored, like sheep dung.

Bladder: Catarrh of the bladder with mucous sediment in the urine; pain in the bladder; aching; cramping in the neck of the bladder; pressing pain; stitching in the anus and neck of the bladder to the urethra during urination.

Paralysis of the bladder. Retention of urine. Tenesmus of the bladder. Urging to urinate; at night; constant; ineffectual; painful. Urination; dribbling; dysuria; feeble stream; frequent, especially at night; involuntary at night, in sleep.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.