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Calcarea Sulphurica

Ulceration of the cornea. Itching, and burning, aggravated in the morning. Pressing pain in the eyes in the evening. Soreness to touch. Photophobia. Redness of the eyes, like raw beef. Redness of the- canthi. Fissures of the canthi. Twitching of the lids. Dim, often foggy, vision. Flickering before the eyes.

Ears: Discharge from the ears, offensive and purulent cases dating back to scarlet fever, with thick and bloody pus, soreness and enlargement of the right parotid.

Eruptions behind the ear. Itching in -the ear and behind the ear. Buzzing, humming, ringing, roaring and singing in the ear.

Aching pain in the car. Stitching, pulsating, stopped sensation. It cures, catarrh, of the Eustachian tube when the symptoms agree. Swollen parotid gland and swelling behind the ear.

Nose: Most inveterate catarrh of the nose has been cured by this remedy. Coryza, with discharge, ameliorated in the open air. Dry coryza. The discharge from the nose is bloody, excoriating, offensive, purulent, thick, yellow and greenish yellow. Clinically it has cured the one-sided cases best.

Crusts form in the nose. Crusts form upon the margins of the nose. A sensation of great dryness in the nose, Epistaxis in the morning. Offensive odors from the nose. Itching in the nose and of the end of the nose. Obstruction of the nose, so that it is impossible for him to breathe through it. Keeps the mouth open. Caries of the bones of the nose. Loss of smell. Sneezing, ameliorated in the open air. Swelling of the nose.

Face: Cracked lips and flushes of heat of the face. Pale, sickly, face. Many eruptions upon the face, boils, eczema, herpes; itching; pimples; pustules; scurfy eruptions; vesicles.

Itching of the face. Pain in the face from becoming cold. Cutting pain. Cold sweat on the face. Swelling of the glands. Swollen sub-Maxillary.

Dryness of the mouth and tongue. Hot mouth. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, with swelling. Much mucus in the mouth in the morning. Offensive odor in the mouth. Rawness and burning inside of the lips.

Burning of the tongue. Flow of saliva from the mouth. The speech is difficult on account of the stiffness and swelling of the tongue. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Gums swollen. Taste bad, bitter, metallic, sour, sweetish. Ulceration of the mouth, tongue and throat. Vesicles in the mouth. Thick yellow coating at the base of the tongue.

Throat: Choking is a characteristic of this remedy as it is of Hepar. Redness and swelling of the throat. Dryness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and of the tonsils. A sensation of a plug in the throat. Mucus in the throat. Mucus drawn from the posterior nares, thick and yellow. Pain in the throat on swallowing.

Pressing pain. Rawness in the throat. Soreness of the throat. Stitching pain in the throat. Scraping mucus from the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Swelling of the tonsils, with suppuration. Ulcers in the throat. The external throat is swollen; the glands are enlarged and painful.

Stomach: Increased, appetite. Ravenous appetite. Or appetite entirely wanting. Aversion to coffee, to meat and to milk. Desires, fruit, cold drinks, acids, salt things; sweets. Thirst extreme. Distension after eating.

Emptiness in the stomach. Eructations after eating. Empty eructations. Eructations acrid, bitter, foul, sour. Eructations of food. Waterbrash. Fullness of the stomach after eating. Heartburn. Heaviness in the stomach, as of a load. Subject to indigestion on the slightest provocation. Nausea in the evening. Nausea with headache and with vertigo.

Pain the stomach in the evening. Pain in the stomach after eating. Burning pain, cramping, cutting, gnawing, pressing, after eating. Tenderness to pressure. Stitching pains.

Throbbing in the stomach. Sensation of a stone in the stomach. Vomiting, at night after eating, with headache, Bile, bitter, blood, food, mucus sour vomiting.

Abdomen: In the abdomen there is great coldness, with distension, after eating. Fullness after eating. Heaviness. Many of the pains in the abdomen are like colic and come on at night.

Burning pain. Cramping, cutting, dragging, drawing. Soreness. Stitching. There is pain in the liver, pressing, soreness, stitching. There is pulsating, rumbling and distension of the abdomen.

Inveterate constipation. Difficult stool. Insufficient stool. Fistula in ano. Painless abscesses of the anus. Like Sulphur, it has cured morning diarrhoea, but has also an evening diarrhea, and is very useful for diarrhoea in children.

Aggravated after eating ever so little. It has a painless diarrhoea. In the rectum there is formication and intense itching. Hemorrhage from the rectum and anus. External piles. Inactivity of the rectum. Involuntary stool. Moisture about anus, causing smarting and itching.

Pain during and after stool. Burning pain during stool. Pressing, stitching and soreness in the anus. Tenesmus at stool. Prolapsus of the rectum. Ineffectual urging to stool. The stool is bloody, dry, hard, knotting, large; lienteric, soft, white, yellow and purulent.

Bladder: This is a valuable remedy for catarrh of the bladder, with copious yellow pus. It has cured chronic inflammation of the kidney. It is a valuable remedy in urethral discharges, when the discharge is yellow, bloody, and often gleety.

Burning in the urethra during urination. It is an excellent remedy for impotency, when other symptoms agree.

In women who have had several abortions, when the symptoms agree. Excoriation of the labia. Inflammation of the labia, with suppuration. Itching of the genitals from leucorrhoea. Thick, yellow, bloody, leucorrhoea. Itching of the labiae during menses. Itching after menses. Itching high up in the vagina.

The leucorrhoea is excoriating, bloody, burning, copious, thick and yellow. Leucorrhea before and after menses. Absent menses. The menstrual flow is copious, dark, too frequent or too late. Irregular. Sometimes pale, protracted, scanty, suppressed.

Delayed first menses in girls. Hemorrhage from the uterus. Pain in the uterus during menses. Dragging down in the pelvis during menses, as if there were prolapsus. Burning in the genitals.

Prolapsus of the uterus. Swelling of the labia. Fibroid tumors of the uterus. Ulceration of the genitals and os uteri.

Larynx and trachea: Catarrh of the larynx and trachea. Dryness and inflammation. Copious expectoration of mucus, which is yellow and sometimes bloody.

Rawness and soreness. Patients threatening to go into Phthisis. Much scraping of the larynx. Obstinate hoarseness. It has now long been a valued croup remedy.

Croupy cough, where there is much choking, when an experienced practitioner might well think of Hepar, but it will be remembered that in Hepar, uncovering a hand or throwing off the covers from the chest will increase the croupy tendency and aggravate the croupy cough, and that the patient in Hepar is very sensitive to a draft and to the air.

In this patient uncovering is grateful. The patient throws off the covers and wants the air and seems to breathe better and croups less. It may seem strange that such a great difference should come between the sulphide and the Sulphate of lime.

Respiration is difficult in the evening and night; aggravated on ascending, lying and walking. The respiration is rattling, is short. There is suffocation, and even wheezing. This is an excellent asthmatic remedy, when the symptoms agree.

Cough and chest: The cough is aggravated in the evening and night. Ameliorated in the cool air – unlike Hepar, Asthmatic cough, croupy in morning on waking and after siesta. Dry cough at night. Hacking cough. Hoarse cough. Loose, rattling cough. – The cough racks the whole body. Short dry cough. Spasmodic cough and cough coming in paroxysms.

The expectoration is copious in the morning. The expectoration is bloody, greenish, purulent, thick, viscid and yellow.

Abscess in the axilla. Anxiety in the region of th heart. Catarrh of the trachea and bronchial tubes. Hemorrhage from the lungs. Badly treated pneumonia or results of pneumonia. Hepatization of the lungs. Oppression of the chest.

Rawness in the chest. Soreness in the chest on coughing, or inspiration. Burning pain in the chest. Cutting in the chest. Palpitation at night; anxious; aggravated ascending, in persons going into phthisis.

Suppuration in the chest. Weakness in the chest. Itching, burning of the external chest. Sensation of coldness in the back. This has been a valuable remedy in the treatment of curvature of the spine in the lumbar region, making it difficult for him to sit up.

Extremities: The symptoms of the extremities make a gouty constitution. Gouty joints. Awkward, clumsy fingers, from gouty finger joints. Coldness of the extremities, of the hands, legs and feet. Cramps in the calves.

Eruptions, pimples and vesicles. Heat of the hands. Heaviness of the lower limbs. This remedy has been of great service in many cases of hip joint disease. Itching of, the, skin of the extremities. Often itching and burning.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.