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Calcarea Sulphurica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Calcarea Sulphurica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Many years ago Schüessler introduced this remedy, and it has been used extensively upon the biochemic theory. Many excellent cures have been made in this way that most of us are able to recognize as homoeopathic cures, though it is a sort of crude homoeopathy.

By studying these cures many symptoms may be obtained not supposed to be of importance by these reporters. These symptoms often furnish a basis for further consideration or further clinical observation. Many fragmentary provings have also been made, furnishing many of the symptoms recorded in this article.

The author frequently made use of Schussler’s 12 th potency, later the 30 th and 200 th; at present much higher potencies. From all of these many valuable symptoms have been obtained.

Some of these symptoms have come out upon the sick while under the influence of this remedy, and have been since confirmed, so that the following symptoms must now furnish the best basis that we have to prescribe on. The best consideration that this remedy has ever received will be found in Boericke and Dewey’s Materia Medica of the Tissue Remedies.

The tendency to the formation of abscesses in the body in any place is a strong feature of this remedy, and is quite similar to Pyrogen.

An abscess that has ruptured and is slow to heal with a continuous discharge of yellow pus, is a strong indication for this remedy. The patient desires the open air; is sensitive to drafts; takes cold easily. It is very useful in the management of malignant growths after ulceration has set in. It is under such circumstances an excellent palliative.

It is a deep acting constitutional remedy, and anti-psoric, and if given early enough will prevent a malignant growth terminating in its usual way.

It is useful in the affections of bone, caries of bone. While the patient is cold in general, he often requires to be uncovered because of particular conditions. For instance, in croup and in headaches he feels the heat too much, but the pains of the body are often relieved by heat.

He is sensitive to both cold and heat. After becoming cold, complaints come on. Tendency to take cold in drafts, or on slight occasions. He is sensitive to cold, wet weather. It cures the underlying basis of epilepsy, epileptiform and hysteric convulsions. The patient is aggravated from every motion. His muscles are flabby; he is disposed to hemorrhages.

When well selected remedies act only a short time, and the symptoms agree, this remedy is one that should be thought of along with Sulphur, Psorinum and Tuberculinum.

Complaints from straining muscles and tendons, from overlifting, etc. Lame back from such causes.

Throughout the chest and head, and sometimes extending into the limbs, there is a violent orgasm of blood, flushes of heat and pulsations. Onanism. and sexual excesses reduce the economy to a state whereby they feel their constitutional, disturbance, and this is one of the remedies that elevate the body to better state of order in such conditions.

Pain in the bones day and night. Pulsating all over the body. Standing aggravates many complaints, but especially the joints. Swollen and indurated glands. Twitching of the muscles all over the body. Many of the symptoms are aggravated on waking.

Many symptoms are aggravated walking and especially walking fast and becoming heated, Aggravation from being overheated. Wants to uncover. Aggravation from the warmth of the bed. A warm room aggravates. Warm wraps aggravate. Great bodily weakness.

Thick yellow discharges from the mucous membranes. Thick bloody discharges. Purulent exudations in serous sacs. Bloody pus from abscesses, ulcers and mucous membranes. Prolonged suppuration. Wants to keep still.

Mind: Now, it will be found that the above general symptoms prevail throughout the particulars in many instances, and it will appear that the bodily state is more or less penetrated with these symptoms.

The patient is absent minded; irritable; easily angered.

He becomes weak after anger and vexation. Aversion to answering questions. He is easily made anxious, especially in the evening in bed, during the night and when lying. Anxiety with fear during fever. Anxiety about the future, Anxious about his heart and his health in general. His anxiety is ameliorated in the open air.

He has anxiety about his salvation. He has anxiety in the morning on waking. Many changeable moods and capriciousness. Aversion to company. Confusion of mind in the morning on waking and Again in the evening. This is also ameliorated in the open air. Confusion of mind from, mental exertion. Contrary and contradictory moods.

He has many little delusions, whims and strange fancies. Frightful images in the night when trying to sleep. Has visions. Great despair of recovery during heat. Craves stimulants to overcome his tremulous weakness. He is discontented at all times. Great sluggishness of mind. Continuously in a state of apprehension. Fear of death. Fear that some evil will befall him.

Fear of insanity and fear of misfortune, and this comes on at night. Forgetful. Full of hatred of people who do not agree with him. Always in a hurry. Hysterical. Impatient. Feeble minded, even to imbecility. Indifferent as to his surroundings. Irresolution.

Extreme irritability in the evening. Irritable after coition. Lamenting because he is not duly appreciated. Loathing of life. Malicious, This remedy is especially useful in broken-down constitutions from drunkenness.

Weakness of mind, of memory and of body. Some of the mental states that are aggravated in the morning with sadness, on waking become mirthful in the evening, even to hilarity. He stumbles in speaking and misplaces words. Changeable moods. Morose. Obstinate. Easily offended or insulted. Prostration of mind. Quarrelsome. Restlessness.

Mental depression in the morning, with mirthfulness in the evening. Sadness during perspiration. Dullness of the senses. Sits and meditates over imaginary misfortune. Does not want to be talked to. Easily startled. Stupefaction. Suspicion. Suspicious. Indisposed to talk. Tormenting, persistent thought. While busily engaged thinking, his thoughts vanish.

Becomes timid, bashful and apprehensive, and in his conversation is extremely’ wearisome. Weeping during perspiration. An aversion to mental and physical work. Real indolence.

Vertigo: Vertigo is a common feature with this patient. In the morning on getting up, or again in the evening; but this is ameliorated in the open air. Vertigo With nausea. Vertigo with a tendency to fall. Epileptic vertigo. Vertigo on moving the head quickly, on stooping and on walking fast. Coldness of the head, especially of the vertex.

Hyperoemia of the brain, aggravated in the evening and at night. Aggravated after stimulants; especially on coughing; during menses; with suppressed menses, and in a warm room. Ameliorated in the open air.

Head: The head feels constricted, especially the forehead and occiput. Much dandruff forms upon the scalp. Eruptions upon the scalp with thick yellow – crusts. Eczema, also pimples. Coldness in the head, especially forehead. Formication of the scalp.

The hair falls out. Heat of the head morning and evening. Flushes of heat. Heat in the forehead and in the vertex. Heaviness in the forehead and occiput.

Itching, burning, of the scalp. Many inveterate chronic headaches and periodical headaches have been cured with this remedy. Headaches in the morning on waking. Headaches coming on in the afternoon, lasting through the evening and at night, ameliorated in the open air.

Catarrhal headaches. Pain in the head on coughing, after eating or disordering the stomach. Headache from becoming heated, and the pain is aggravated from jarring. Compels him to lie down. Aggravated looking upwards. Headaches in women before and during menses.

The headaches are aggravated from mental exertion, from moving the head, from motion, from noise. Periodical sick headaches with nausea and vomiting. Pressure ameliorates. Pulsating with nearly all the headaches. Reading aggravates. Rising from lying causes pulsating and increases the pain. Shaking the head aggravates. He wakes up out of sleep with the headache.

The headache is aggravated from spirituous liquors, from standing from stooping, from the heat of the sun, from talking, from walking, from washing. Aggravated in cold weather. The headache comes on from becoming cold, and yet the headache when on is ameliorated in the cool air. Many of the headaches are in the forehead in the morning, on waking, or come on in the evening after dinner.

These are aggravated on stooping and walking. Severe pain above the eyes. It. has occipital headaches; pain in the vertex and sides of the head. Many of these headaches are pressing and are aggravated from mental exertion. Stitching pains on coughing.

Stitching pains in the forehead and temples. Tearing pain throughout the head. Tearing pain around the head, ameliorated from lying. Pulsation in the head and temples. Sensation as if he had his hat on at 4 PM.

Eyes: There are numerous eye symptoms, catarrhal and psoric. The lids stick together in the morning. This remedy has partly cured several cases of cataract. It, has produced and cured double vision. Chronic inflammation of the eyes, with thick yellow pus.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.