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Apis Mellifica

Feeling as if the intestines were bruised. Watery diarrhea is common in Apis; yellow stools, green stools, olive green stools, watery stools, etc.

Every day six to eight diarrheic stools, which smell like carrion. It is especially useful in a peculiar kind of stool occurring in children and infants, and intermingling of blood, mucus and food, giving the stool an appearance like tomato sauce.

The anus protrudes with stool and seems to remain open, an open anus like Phosph, and Pulsatilla Chronic diarrhea dysentery, haemorrhage from the bowels.

In its constipation it is related more commonly to head troubles. He goes many days without a stool. The bowels seem to be perfectly paralyzed, with congestion of the brain and acute hydrocephalus.

Urines: The urinary troubles are numerous in Apis.

The urine is scanty, coming only in drops. Much straining before the urine will start, and then only a few drops; dribbling a little hot urine, burning urine, bloody urine. As soon as a few drops collect in the bladder the urging comes, constant, ineffectual urging.

Later the urine is almost suppressed. Infants go a long time without passing urine screeching and carrying the hand to the head, crying out in sleep, kicking off the covers. Very often a dose of Apis will be found useful.

It is often called for in scarlet fever when the urine is loaded with albumen. Urinary troubles, with swelling of the genitals, and the swelling is oedematous

Scanty urine in little boys, with the foreskin enormously distended, or in hydrocele. Every time the call to urinate comes he will shriek, because he remembers the pain he had the last time. Inflammatory complaints of the kidneys and ureters, bladder and urethra.

The whole urinary tract is irritated, very much like Cantharis, and these two medicines antidote each other. If you are called to a child that has been drugged with crude Apis you can generally antidote it with Cantharis. If you go to a woman who has taken Cantharis for vicious purposes, you can very often overcome it with Apis. The violent frenzy that has been brought on by Cantharis will be overcome by Apis.

The smarting, burning and stinging along the urinary tract will be found under Apis.

“Flow of urine, unconscious.”

Stitching pain in the urethra with enuresis. Morbid irritability of the urinary organs.

“Strangury. Agony in voiding urine. Retention of urine in nursing infants.”

It is queer how the old women knew, long before Apis was proved, that when the little new-born baby did not pass its water they could find a cure by going out to the bee-hive and catching a few bees, over which they poured hot water, and of which they gave the baby a teaspoonful.

Some domestic things like that have been known among families and among nurses, and it is consistent because it is just like what we give Apis for.

“Urine scanty and foetid, containing albumen and blood corpuscles.”

Especially in acute albuminuria. The acute inflammatory affection of the kidney with albuminuria, such as occurs in scarlet fever or diphtheria, or after these, such as occurs as a sequel of acute disease.

Inflammation of the kidney closes up the case and kills off a good many in allopathic hands, never in homoeopathic hands. It is closely related to the genital organs of both male and female. Swelling and oedematous state of the genitals. Apis is a great friend of the woman. It cures all of her inflammatory complaints it seems, when the symptoms agree.

That is to say, it produces inflammation of the uterus and ovaries and dreadful sufferings in the external and internal parts, and we have only to discover when the symptoms agree to cure most of these inflammatory troubles.

It even stops abortion. It will stop abortion after some miserable scoundrel has attempted to get rid of the offspring, and she has taken drugs and brought on pains, pains strong enough to expel the contents of the uterus, especially in the first, second and third months.

A little haemorrhage has come on, a mere threatening, the membranes are not yet ruptured, but they soon will be, and she has stinging, burning pains, and lies uncovered and suffers from the heat, probably from the overdose of Ergot.

Apis will overcome this greatly to her regret. This kind of villainy prevails. But women have accidents and weakness. whereby, in spite of the fact that they desire to hold their offspring, they are threatened with abortion, and Apis is a great friend to the prospective mother.

Burning and stinging pains in the ovaries, especially the right; when greatly enlarged and even cystic, Apis has proved a curative remedy, has often cured tumors, and has caused cystic formations to stop growing or to disappear.

The right ovarian region is very sensitive. Pain in the uterus and ovaries before and during menstruation. Stinging, rending, tearing pains cutting like knives, worse from heat.

It is a very easily got symptom, because in most painful symptoms heat or the hot water bag are tried with the natural hope of relief, but with this remedy it aggravates. She throws it aside, for the pain is worse from heat.

“Ovaries enlarged”, etc Dropsy of right ovary. Ovarian tumor.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.