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APIS MELLIFICA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine APIS MELLIFICA …


Through the ganglionic nervous system, it especially acts upon the mucous tissues of the tongue, fauces, throat, and neck of the bladder; also slightly upon the mucous tissues of the yes, lungs and kidneys. It especially produces acute oedema of the ovaries and tonsils. On the serous tissues it produces an inflammation which disposes to dropsical effusions. Upon the skin, it causes an affection similar to urticaria. It especially produces an acute oedema of the cellular tissue; this is the most prominent symptom in the pathogenesis of Apis.


Particularly adapted to diseases that are located upon the left side of the neck and fauces.Scanty secretion of urine is one of its greatest CHARACTERISTICS. Another prominent characteristic is a sensation like the sting of a bee accompanied with burning.

Head.–Very tired feeling of the brain.

Child lies in a torpor; delirium; sudden shrilling cries, squinting, grinding teeth; boring head in pillows; one half of the body twitching, the other lame; head wet from sweating; urine scanty.-.

Very busy; restless; changing the kind of work, with awkwardness; breaking things.

Much yawning and uneasiness.–RAUE.

Eyes.–OEdematous swelling of the eyelids with stinging and burning pains; lids turned inside out, with granulations on their edges; cornea especially involved; falling out of the eye-lashes.

Styes, particularly on the left eyelid.

Inflammation of the cornea.

Digestive Organs.–Buccal cavity red and swollen, with burning pains, like a bee sting.

Red and highly inflamed tonsils; dryness of the mouth and throat, with stinging burning pain when swallowing.

Could bear nothing to touch his neck; could hardly breathe from suffocation.–Dr. C.W. BOYCE.

Diphtheria, with great debility at the beginning; the pseudo-membrane assumes at once a dirty grayish color; puffiness around the eyes; numbness of the feet and hands.–RAUE.

Great thirst, drinks little but often.

Great soreness when touched in pit of stomach, under the ribs in abdomen.-.

Plunging pain in the abdomen; pains like a bee sting in peritonitis, with great prostration; rapid pulse and fever.

Sensation in the abdomen as if something tight would break, if too much effort was made to void a constipated stool.

Diarrhoea every morning; stools greenish yellow.-.

Greenish, yellowish, slimy mucus; or yellow watery diarrhoea; worse in the morning.–J.B. BELL.

One of the best remedies for morning diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs.–Dark colored and scanty urine.

Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; worse at night and when coughing–RAUE.

Ascites; urine scanty and dark-colored, great soreness of the abdominal walls, with stinging burning pains.

Generative Organs.–Enlargement of the ovaries, especially the left, with stinging pains in them.

Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, and menorrhagia, from acute oedema of the ovaries.

Stinging pains in the right ovary which is much swollen, and numbness of the right side.

Respiratory Organs.–Great oppression and burning in the chest, as though the patient would smother.–PEARSON.

Sensation a though he would not be able to breathe again.– P.P. WELLS.

Rapid, painful, spasmodic respiration; aggravated by lying down, and relieved by inhaling fresh air in an upright position.–FROST.

A most important remedy in hydrothorax and also in basilar meningitis of children, after effusion.–FROST.

Fever.–Intermittents; chill about 4 p.m.; worse in a arm room. or near the stove; renewed chilliness from the slightest motion, with heat of the face and hands; falls into a deep sleep.

Protracted cases with no sweat.–DUNHAM.

Scarlatina, dry nose, and throat, with hydrocephalic symptoms.-.

Bad effects from suppressed scarlet fever.

Perspiration frequently breaks out, dries up, breaks out and dries up again. This is a very characteristic symptom.

Sphacelated erysipelas; scarlet rash; red points here and there upon the skin.

Skin unusually white, almost transparent with ovarian dropsy. Waxy paleness of the feet and legs, which are swollen.

Aggravation.–Worse in cold weather; through the night, especially after midnight, and from heat in a warm room.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881