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Aesculus Hippocastanum

Certain remedies produce a slight inflammation with a high degree of redness, everything is violent and rapid, but in this medicine things are slow; the activities are reduced, the heart is laboring and the veins are congested.

Stomach, Digestion:

“Eructations: sour, greasy, bitter.”

“Desire to vomit.”

“Heartburn and gulping up of food after eating.”

It has a great disturbance of digestion, and we can see by these symptoms that we must class it with Phosphorus and Ferrum.

As soon as the patient has swallowed the food, or a little while after, it becomes sour and he eructates it, until after a while he has emptied the stomach of its contents.

Such is the state of Phosphorus, Ferrum, Arsenicum, Aesculus and a few other medicines. Aesculus has also a state of congestion and ulceration of the stomach.

“Constant distress and burning in the stomach. Inclination to vomit.”

Such a state as this might be present in ulceration of the stomach.

Abdomen: The abdomen is full of troubles.

If we read the symptoms of the right hypochondrium, of the abdomen and of the rectum, we shall see from the study of these that there must be a marked portal stasis.

Digestion is slow, the bowels are constipated and there is protrusion of the rectum when at stool. It has most troublesome hemorrhoids with fullness of the right hypochondrium.

The liver is full of suffering. After eating there is distress in the bowels and rectum. Sticking, jagging, burning pains, as if the rectum were full of sticks.

Great suffering with blind hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoidal veins are all distended and ulcerate. The stool becomes jammed into the rectum, against these distended veins, and then ulceration takes place with bleeding and great suffering.

This remedy is often supposed to be suitable to hemorrhoids that do not bleed, but it cures bleeding piles also. We find in the text over two pages devoted to the symptoms of the rectum. Great soreness; much pain; urging to stool; dark stool followed by white one, showing the liver engorgement. Chronic constipation.

Back: The back is the seat of much trouble, especially low down in the back, through the sacrum and hips; although there is also aching all along the back and pain in the back of the neck.

It is a very common thing for patients suffering from hemorrhoids to have pain in the back of the neck and base of the brain, basilar headaches, and when these hemorrhoidal patients undertake to walk they have pain and aching across the sacrum into the hips.

This pain through the sacrum and into the hips, when walking, is a striking feature of Aesculus, so striking that you may expect it to be present even when there are no hemorrhoids.

Constant dull backache; walking is almost impossible; scarcely able to rise or walk after sitting. You will see one suffering from the Aesculus backache, on attempting to rise from sitting, make many painful efforts before he finally succeeds. This is found in Sulphur, Petroleum and is also cured by Agaricus.

Genital female:
Aesculus is indicated oftentimes in the troubles of women, with great dragging pain in the pelvis. Many a time has Aesculus cured the dragging-down pain of the pelvis with copious leucorrhoea and pressing pain in the hips when walking.

The woman feels that the uterus is engorged. She says that the lower part of the abdomen feels full, both before and during menstruation. There is much suffering at this time with pains in the hips.

“Uterine soreness, with throbbing in the hypogastrium.”

“Old cases of leucorrhoea, discharge of a dark yellow color, thick and sticky.”

“Leucorrhoea, with lameness in the back across sacro iliac articulations.”

During pregnancy there are many complaints, with soreness and fullness and uneasy consciousness of the uterus and pain across the back when walking.

Aesculus is full of gouty sufferings; gout in all the joints, gouty rheumatic affections, neuralgic affections. Especially in this rheumatic tendency found from the elbows to the hands, in the forearm and hands. Rending, tearing pains, flying hither and thither without any particular order, relieved by heat.

Varicose veins of the thighs and legs have been cured by Aesculus (Fluoric acid). This varicose tendency in the body we have already seen is a striking feature of Aesculus.

After the sore throat has passed away, engorged veins are left, which Aesculus sometimes cures. After eye troubles have been cured, varicose veins -remain in the eye.

With rheumatic complaints there are varicose veins. It is one of the most frequently indicated remedies in the hemorrhoidal constitution, as it used to be called.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.