
Pain in back and loins — DORYPHORA DECEMLINEATA.

Pain in back before urinating; ceases after flow; slow in coming, must strain — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Pain in bladder and rectum at the same time — AMBRA GRISEA.

Pain in bladder region — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Pain in bladder, frequent copious flow day and night — SINAPIS NIGRA.

Pain in bladder — NAPHTHALINUM.

Pain in kidneys (Berberis) — OXYDENDRON ARBOREUM.

Pain in kidneys extend forward to abdomen and bladder (Berb) — SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA.

Pain in kidneys, especially left and ureter — AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM.

Pain in kidneys, with mental confusion — ALUMINA.

Pain in kidneys — AETHUSA CYNAPIUM.

Pain in region of kidneys when lifting or blowing the nose — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Pain in region of right kidney — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain in testiclesLYCOPUS VIRGINICUS.

Pain in the thighs and loins on urinatingBERBERIS VULGARIS.

Pain in uretersOCIMUM CANUM.

Pain just after urinating (Sars) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Pain over region of bladder — GUACO.

Pain worse at night, pain along the spermatic cord — CLEMATIS ERECTA.

Painful constriction at neck of bladder — POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES.

Painful dysuria — UVA URSI.

Painful retention — AURUM METALLICUM.

Painful tenesmus when urinating — MEDORRHINUM.

Painful urging — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Pains on urinating over whole abdomenCOLOCYNTHIS.

Pale, albuminous — RHUS AROMATICA.

Paralysis of bladder — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Paralysis sphincter vesicæ — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Paresis of bladder — MORPHINUM.

Partial paralysis of bladder; flow intermittent (Clematis) — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Passes less urine — ARGEMONE MEXICANA.

Penis black–ANTIPYRINUM.

Perspiration after urinating — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.


Pink color — SULFONALUM.

Polyuria (Phos ac) — ALFALFA.

Polyuria during the night — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. Polyuria while travelling — CAINCA.





Post-scarlatinal nephritis — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Pressure in neck of bladder after urinating; painful closure (Apis) — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Pressure in neck of bladder; urging to  urinate — BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS.

Pressure on bladder long before urine comes — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Pressure upon bladder; feels as if it did not empty — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Priapism — PIPER NIGRUM.

Profuse and frequent urination — GLYCERINUM.

Profuse deposit of white amorphous  salts — HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS.

Profuse flow of limpid, watery urine, especially when the heart is most irritable; also scanty urine — LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS.

Profuse flow of urineSAROTHAMNUS SCOPARIUS.

Profuse flow; nocturnal enuresis (Rhusarom; Caust; Bellad) — PLANTAGO MAJOR


Profuse urination, with profuse perspiration and diarrhœa — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Profuse urination — MOSCHUS.

Profuse urine with dry heat of skin — SAMBUCUS NIGRA.

Profuse, clear, watery, with chilliness and tremulousness — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Profuse, foaming, yellow urine, like beer (Chenop) dark, turbid — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Profuse, watery (Phos ac) — IGNATIA AMARA.

Prostate enlarged — POPULUS TREMULOIDES.

Prostatic discharge — JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS.

Prostatic fluid discharged when straining at stool — SILICEA TERRA.

Prostatic hypertrophy — BELLADONNA.

Prostatic troubles; frequent urination, burning in urethra when not  urinating

(Thuja; Sabal; Ferr pic) — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Prostatitis, with thick yellow discharge — CUBEBA OFFICINALIS.

Pungent smell — BORAX VENETA.

Pyelitis; urine mixed with epithelial cells, mucus, pus, or  blood — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

PyelitisUVA URSI.

Rawness and soreness in urethra, urine mixed with pus and blood — CADMIUM SULPHURATUM

Red flakes float on top of urine — MEZEREUM.

Red sediment (Lyc) — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Red, adhesive, sand in urine — SEPIA.

Red, brown, like beer; scanty, hot — BRYONIA ALBA.

Red, hard crystals, adhering firmly to vessel — COLOCYNTHIS.

Renal colic (Berb; Ocim; Pareir) — MEDORRHINUM.

Renal colic (Pareira; Calc) — ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM.

Renal colic (Pareira; Ocim; Berb) — SENECIO AUREUS

Renal colic and dysuria in infants — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Renal colic extending to genitals, with dribbling urine — NUX VOMICA.

Renal colic; violent pain along ureter, left  side — TABACUM




Renal hyperæmia (Eucalyptol) — JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS.

Renal inefficiency and uræmia — CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM.

Renal irritation, albuminuria, granular and hyaline casts — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Renal lithiasis; nephritic colic; blood and red sand in urine — STIGMATA MAYDIS.

Renal region sensitive — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Repulsive odor; changeable color; brown, acid — BENZOICUM ACIDUM.

Retained from over-exertion — ARNICA MONTANA.

Retained or involuntary, after fright — OPIUM. Retained, with obstinate constipation — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Retention after surgical operations — CAUSTICUM.

Retention of prostatic hypertrophy — MORPHINUM.

Retention of urine — FERRUM PICRICUM.

Retention with full bladder — CAMPHORA.

Retention, with pain in bladder, anus, and  rectum — COPAIVA OFFICINALIS.

Retention, with screaming and restlessness, and handling of genitals — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Retention, with unsuccessful urging — SECALE CORNUTUM.




Ropy mucus in urine — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Rose-colored sediment — AMMONIUM PHOSPHORICUM.



Scanty and high colored — ALOE SOCOTRINA.


Scanty with cloudy sediment — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Scanty with frequent urging, with pressure on bladder and burning in urethra — PULEX IRRITANS.

Scanty, albuminous — ADONIS VERNALIS.

Scanty, burning, involuntary — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Scanty, dark, offensiveNITRICUM ACIDUM.

Scanty, dark — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Scanty, dark — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Scanty, high-colored, bloody, with much mucus and tenesmusSENECIO AUREUS

Scanty, red, hot, painfulACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Scanty, reddish brown, thick sediment, dysuria, gravel — SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA.

Scanty, suppressed, odor of violetsTEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Scanty, suppressed, with pain in kidney regionPHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Scanty, with phosphates, sugar or  albumen — LECITHINUM.

Scanty; complete anuria — PICRICUM ACIDUM.

Scanty; much mucus sediment — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Scanty; pain over pubes with much urging — JABORANDI.


Seems as if some always  remained — HEPAR SULPHUR.

Sensation as if a drop of urine were rolling continuously along the channelSTAPHYSAGRIA.

Sensation as if some urine remained after  urinating — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Sensation as if urine were stopped at fossa  navicularis — FERRUM IODATUM.

Sensation in the tip of urethra as if a biting drop were forcing its way out — SELENIUM METALLICUM

Sensation of a ball pressing against the urethra; worse,  standing — OLEUM SANTALI.

Sensation of motion in bladder as of a worm — BELLADONNA.

Sensation of trickling after urinating — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Sensation of weakness in bladder and urethra — ALLIUM CEPA.

Sense of swashing in bladder — BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS.

Sensibility of urethra diminished — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Severe cutting after (Sars) — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Severe pain at beginning or before urination, causing great agony in  children — RHUS AROMATICA.

Severe pain at conclusion of urinationSARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Severe tenesmus; painful scalding — POPULUS TREMULOIDES.

Severe trembling in limbs — DORYPHORA DECEMLINEATA.

Severe, dull pain and feeling of fullness in bladder, not relieved by urinating — EQUISETUM HYEMALE.

Sexual overexcitement — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Sharp pain in loins, especially left — HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS.

Sharp stitches after urinating — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Sharp stitches after urinating — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Sharp, burning, cutting pain in urethra while  urinating — EQUISETUM HYEMALE.

Slow and difficult urinationMORPHINUM.

Slow to start; feeble stream — OPIUM.

Small amount of urea and phosphoric acid with excess of uric acid and abundance of chlorides, accompanied by subnormal  temperature — CHININUM SULPHURICUM.

Small red particles on diaper — BORAX VENETA.

Smarting at neck of bladder and penis (Barosma) — FERRUM PICRICUM.

Smells like horse’s urine — NITRICUM ACIDUM.


Sometimes makes the use of the catheter unnecessary — SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA.

Soreness in urethra; feeling as if urine could not be retained — BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS.

Soreness of bladder; pain in right kidney and  ureter — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Sour smelling — GRAPHITES.

Spasmodic stricture; gonorrhœa — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Spasmodic stricture — ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM.

Spasmodic stricture — HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS.

Specific gravity and density increased; hyperazoturia, oxaluria, phosphaturia, and acetonuria — SENNA.

Stabbing pain extending up urethra into bladder — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Stinging, burning in orifice — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.

Stitches and burning in the orifice of the urethra after  urinating — MAGNESIUM SULPHURICUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.