
Green; frothy; contains bile, sugar — CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS.

Greenish discharge from urethra; burning in urethra on beginning to  urinate — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Greenish urine, frequent and urgent want to urinate, with tenesmus and scanty emission — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Greenish, turbid color; peculiar pungent  odor — COPAIVA OFFICINALIS.


Hæmato-porphyrinuria — SULFONALUM.

Hæmaturia (Ipec; Tereb) — NUX VOMICA.

Hæmaturia preceded by cramp pain in the bladder, After urinating, a few drops of blood are passed — MEZEREUM.

Hæmaturia where no pathological condition can be found — BELLADONNA.

Hæmaturia, especially in acute Bright’s disease  (Canth) — PHOSPHORUS.

Hæmaturia, with increased desire — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA. Hæmaturia; diuresis — KALIUM CHLORICUM.





Hæmorrhage from bladder — CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS.

Has no will to urinate (Caust) — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Has to wait a long time for it to pass if others are present (Hep; Mur ac) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Heavy deposit of mucus — HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS.

Heavy red sedimentLYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

High acidity, formation of spike crystals of uric  acid — OCIMUM CANUM.

High colored urine, burning on urination, sudden desire, incontinence and retention — TRINITROTOLUENUM.

Hot, bloody Biting, burning in forepart of urethra at the close of micturition — MEZEREUM.

Hot, smarting pain in orifice — BORAX VENETA.

Hurriedly impelled to urinate; the urine seems to pass as far as glans, and then returns and causes pain in urethraPRUNUS SPINOSA.

Hysterical retention — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

In dropsy, produces frequent and free discharge, with great relief — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

In dropsy, produces frequent and free discharge, with great relief — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Inability to pass all the urine; dribbling after  urinating — CLEMATIS ERECTA.

Incontinence and dysuria — SANTONINUM.

Incontinence in aged, bearing-down sensation and enlarged prostate — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Incontinence in anæmic children — FERRUM IODATUM.

Incontinence  of  urine — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Incontinence of urine — URANIUM NITRICUM.

Incontinence, continuous dropping — BELLADONNA.

Incontinence; constant desire — TRITICUM REPENS-AGROPYRON REPENS.


Incontinence — RHUS AROMATICA.

Incontinence — APIS MELLIFICA.

Increase with pressure in bladder — VERBASCUM THAPSUS.

Increased bladder reflex — LATHYRUS SATIVUS.

Increased desire; worse when lying  downPULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Increased elimination of solids, particularly of chlorides — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Increased elimination of urea, indican and  phosphates — ALFALFA.

Increased flow; polyuria; some albumen and sugar — THYROIDINUM.

Increased in quantity and frequency — ICHTHYOLUM.

Increased secretion of urine with coryza — ALLIUM CEPA.

Increased secretion; scanty and albuminous — STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS.

Increased specific gravity and sugar — GLYCERINUM.

Increased, cloudy, phosphatic — GUACO.

Increased, involuntary when walking, coughing, etc — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Increased, with sensation of weakness — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.


Ineffectual effort to urinate — PRUNUS SPINOSA.

Ineffectual urging to urinate in newly married women — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Ineffectual urging, spasmodic and  strangury — NUX VOMICA.

Inflamed kidney — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Inflamed kidneys following any acute disease — TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Inflamed sensation, with soreness to touch — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark, bloody, scanty urine — PICRICUM ACIDUM.

Inflammation of urethra; becomes almost cartilaginous — PAREIRA BRAVA.

Inflammation of urethra — SABINA.

Insufficient flow; milky — EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.

Intense burning along urethra during stool — COLOCYNTHIS.

Intense burning in urethra — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Interrupted dischargeCONIUM MACULATUM.

Interrupted flowCLEMATIS ERECTA.

Intolerable tenesmus; cutting before, during, and after  urine — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Intolerable urging and tenesmus — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Involuntary at night — CINA MARITIMA.

Involuntary dribbling — SELENIUM METALLICUM.

Involuntary during first sleep at night; also from slightest excitement — CAUSTICUM.

Involuntary micturition at night, while coughing or passing  flatus — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Involuntary micturition — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Involuntary spurting of urine when coughing (Caustic; Puls) — SQUILLA MARITIMA.

Involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing,  etc — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Involuntary urination when walking, coughing or sneezing — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Involuntary urination, during first sleepSEPIA.

Involuntary when coughing, sneezing (Puls) — CAUSTICUM.

Involuntary; green urine — UVA URSI.

Involuntary; worse daytime — FERRUM METALLICUM.


Irresistible desire to pass urine, burns and smarts — ARUM DRACONTIUM.

Irresistible desire — NAPHTHALINUM.

Irritable bladder before menses — PULEX IRRITANS.

Irritable bladder from enlarged prostate gland, or from pressure of  uterus — ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM.

Irritable bladder in old men with frequent urination at night, of probable prostatic nature — Use 1x — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Irritable bladder of children, with headache — SENECIO AUREUS

Irritable bladder; from spasmodic sphincter — NUX VOMICA.

Irritable bladder — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Irritation at neck of bladder, with urging to urinate (Euppurp; Apis) — MITCHELLA REPENS.

Irritation at neck of bladder — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Ischuria from wading with bare feet in cold  water — DULCAMARA.

It flows and stops againCONIUM MACULATUM.

Itching along urethra; urethritis, with prostatic trouble — PAREIRA BRAVA.

Itching at orifice — COLOCYNTHIS.

Itching in urethra — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Kidney region sensitive to pressureCALCAREA ARSENICOSA.

Kidneys inactive; frequent urging to  urinate — ALFALFA.

Kidneys painful, distress along ureters into  bladder — GALLICUM ACIDUM.

Large amount of high specific gravity; frequent urination; bile and sugar in urine — CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA.

Large quantities of pale urine — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Large quantities passed, frequently — LACTICUM ACIDUM.

Last drops bloody with pain in bladder–ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM.

Last drops burn and smart — APIS MELLIFICA.


Little expulsive power — APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Loaded with bile — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Loss of power or sensibility of bladder — OPIUM.

Loss of sensibility on passing urine — CAUSTICUM.

Meatus red swollen, and œdema of prepuce — NAPHTHALINUM.

Membranous scales looking like bran in water — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Micturition in split stream — CANNABIS SATIVA.

Micturition, preceded by anxiety and followed by  burning — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Milky urine; smells strong — VIOLA ODORATA.

More or less irritation in urethra, inclining to coition–ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS.

Much difficulty in voiding — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Much pain across small of back — NATRIUM HYPOCHLOROSUM.

Mucus and pus in urine; parts sore over which it  passes — SULPHUR.

Muscles of bladder paretic, must strain at stool in order to urinateALUMINA.

Must hurry when desire comes to urinateKREOSOTUM.

Must hurry, sudden call to urinate — SULPHUR.

Must press a long time before urine appearsPRUNUS SPINOSA.

Must rise at night to urinate — LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM.

Must strain; dribbling; has to wait some time before the urine  flows — CANNABIS INDICA.

Must strainbefore flow comes — CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA.

Must urinate when getting chilledDULCAMARA.

Must urinate when thinking of it — OXALICUM ACIDUM.

Must wait for minute before flow starts then first in drops — CASCARA SAGRADA.

Nephritis with bloody urine — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Nephritis with great debility and chilliness — MERCURIUS CYANATUS.

Nephritis with rheumatic symptoms — RADIUM BROMATUM.


Nephritis — SANTONINUM.


Neuralgic dysuria — PRUNUS SPINOSA.

Night urine foaming; dark orange color; turbid on standing; greasy particles floating on top — CROTON TIGLIUM.

Nightly urging — PICRICUM ACIDUM.

Nocturnal enuresis in children with worms — SILICEA TERRA.

Nocturnal enuresisMEDORRHINUM.

Nocturnal incontinence — PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI.

Nucleo-albumin and bile, high Phosphoric acid, with low total solids — KALIUM CHLORICUM. Obliged to rise several times at night to  urinate — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Odor of musk — OCIMUM CANUM.


Often replaces the use of the catheter — THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS.

Oily pellicle on surface of urineSUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Oily pellicle on urine — ADONIS VERNALIS.



Pain after lithotomy — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Pain along entire urethra — FERRUM PICRICUM.

Pain along left ureter — HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES.

Pain along spermatic cord, which feels full, as if varicosed–ANTHEMIS NOBILIS.


Pain behind pubes — ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM.

Pain behind pubis, at end of  urination — POPULUS TREMULOIDES.

Pain from right kidney downwardSARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.