
Rheumatism of the deltoid muscle — VIOLA ODORATA.

Rheumatism of the knee-joint — NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Rheumatism of the shoulder — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Rheumatism pains; worse in morning — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Rheumatism relieved by dry, warm clothes — NUX MOSCHATA.

Rheumatism with diarrhœa — STRONTIUM CARBONICUM.

Rheumatism with stiff joints — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Rheumatism, bone pains; worse at night — SARSAPARILLA OFFICINALIS.

Rheumatism, muscles are caked in hard knot or lumps — SYPHILINUM.

Rheumatism, needle held in fingers gets too  heavy — PROPYLAMINUM.

Rheumatism, worse in damp cold weather — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Rheumatism; pains at night and in damp  weather — KALIUM IODATUM.

Rheumative arthritis with tendency to obesity, coldness and cramps of  extremities — THYROIDINUM.

Rheumatoid pains in different parts of the body — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to  wet — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Right axillary muscles painful — PRIMULA VERIS.

Right crural neuralgia — LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM.

Right foot hot, left cold — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Right plantar reflex abolished — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Right shoulder painful, cannot raise it (Sang) — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Right toe swollen, painful — DAPHNE INDICA.

Right-side neuritis; better touching the part — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Right-sided paralysis — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Rigidity of calves — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Run-around — SYPHILINUM.


Sacral backache — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Scalding sensation in knee — PETROLEUM.

Scapulæ sore — KREOSOTUM.

Sciatic neuralgia — ZINCUM VALERIANICUM.

Sciatic pain, especially right side — SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS.

Sciatic pain, left side, drawing, tearing; better, pressure and heat; worse, gentle touch — COLOCYNTHIS.

Sciatica and lumbago — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Sciatica with œdema of ankle — STRONTIUM CARBONICUM.

Sciatica, as if left hip-joint were wrenched — IRIS VERSICOLOR.

Sciatica, burning pain; worse at night — SALICYLICUM ACIDUM.

Sciatica, pains through hips, legs and feet — SILICEA TERRA.

Sciatica, right side, better lying down — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Sciatica, right side — LAC CANINUM.

Sciatica, worse bending backward; worse, coughing — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Sciatica, worse right side — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Sciatica, worse sitting, better lying — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Sciatica; cannot stay in bed; worse at night and lying on affected side — KALIUM IODATUM.

Sciatica; feet very tender — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Sciatica; pains like electric flashes — VERATRUM ALBUM.

Sciatica; pains shoot down thigh; worse, right side; better, when perfectly still — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Sciatica; worse at night; better about day-break — SYPHILINUM.

Sciatica; worse, cold, damp weather, at  night — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Sciatica; worse, hot weather — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Sciatica; worse, lying down at night; pain from back down hips and thighs — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Sciatica; pain worse standing and resting on floor (Bell); better  walking — VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.




Sciatica — VISCUM ALBUM.


Sensation as if a cool wind streamed up calves of legs — HELONIAS DIOICA.

Sensation as if drops of water trickled down the  thigh — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Sensation as if walking on sponge, and as if feet were swollen — HELODERMA.

Sensation as of a string around limb — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Sensation in legs as if a red hot wire suddenly darted through them (Dudgeon) — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Sensation in tips of fingers, as if  suppurating — SILICEA TERRA.

Sensation of a spider crawling over back of hand and foot — VISCUM ALBUM.

Sensation of cold on outside of thighs — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Sensation of coldness over back — QUASSIA AMARA.

Sensation of numbness — OXALICUM ACIDUM.

Sensation of sudden loss of power of arms and legs in the morning — NUX VOMICA.

Sensation of swelling, and of parts going to  sleep — ARANEA DIADEMA.

Sense of weight and weariness in nape of neck and across shoulders — PARIS QUADRIFOLIA.

Severe bone-pains — KALIUM IODATUM.

Severe cramps in lower extremities — VIPERA BERUS.

Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles,  etc — CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES.

Severe pain in all the limbs, joints, especially in knee and ankles, sharp pains in shoulders, arms, hands and fingers — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Severe pain in joints and muscles — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Severe pain in long bones — SYPHILINUM.

Severe pain in neck and spine — ZINCUM VALERIANICUM.

Sharp pain down left arm — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Sharp pain in right deltoid and pectoralis  muscles — LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM.

Sharp pain in small of back, over kidneys, in gluteal region, extending down  thigh — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Sharp pains in fingers and thumbs, knees, toes, and instep — ELATERIUM OFFICINARUM.

Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or  sprained — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Sharp stinging pains in upper extremities — SCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA.

Shifting pains — IRIS VERSICOLOR.

Shifting rheumatic pains — BELLADONNA.

Shifting, wandering pains — KALIUM SULPHURICUM.

Shingles, with radiating pain — CEDRON.

Shining, white swelling of joints — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Shiny red swelling of joints — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Shocks in the muscles — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Shooting and tearing in tips of finger and toes — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Shooting in all limbs — MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA.

Shooting in heels and metatarsal bones — SABINA.

Shooting into thighs from liver — COBALTUM METALLICUM.

Shooting pain in back of both wrist joints — STACHYS BETONICA.

Shooting pain in right shoulder, with stiffness and inability to raise arm (see  Heart) — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Shooting pains along limbs — BELLADONNA.

Shooting pains in knees — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Shooting pains, shift rapidly worse, cold air — DAPHNE INDICA.

Shortening of tendons — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Sidewalk seems too high — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Skin and extremities cold — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.


Skin cracks about toes — EUGENIA JAMBOS.


Skin hot and dry — AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM.

Skin recedes from the nails, forming pus — EUGENIA JAMBOS.

Skin sensitive, rubbing of trousers causes an acute sting — COTYLEDON UMBILICUS.

Slow in learning to walk — CAUSTICUM.

Small of back and loins pain — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Smarting at root of nail — JALAPA.

Soles of feet ache, feel numb — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Soles of feet raw — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Soles of feet sensitive — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Soles pain when walking — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Soles painful, can hardly step on them (Ant c; Lyc) — LEDUM PALUSTRE.

Soles sore (Ruta) — SILICEA TERRA.

Soles tender; on stepping, feel soft and swollen — ALUMINA.

Soles very sensitive — KALIUM CARBONICUM.


Sore, bruised limbs; anæsthesia of arms and hands — CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM.

Soreness after overexertion — ARNICA MONTANA.

Soreness and tenderness of joints — VERATRUM ALBUM.

Soreness between toes and fingers — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Soreness in feet from instep through to the sole — SILICEA TERRA.

Soreness of condyles of bones — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Soreness of heels when walking — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Soreness of soles — MEDORRHINUM.

Soreness, aching, lack of energy — LECITHINUM.

Soreness; better by motion (Rhus) — PYROGENIUM.

Sour foot-sweat — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single set of muscles — CROCUS SATIVUS.

Spasmodic motions of arms and  legs — LOLEUM TEMULENTUM.

Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Spasms and convulsions — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.


Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs — ALUMINA.

Spinal pains — GRAPHITES.

Spine and limbs feel bruised — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Spine stiff and aching — ADONIS VERNALIS.

Spontaneous luxation of the  hip-joints — COLOCYNTHIS.

Spot of inflammation and redness over affected joint — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Sprained and dislocated feeling — ARNICA MONTANA.

Sprained feeling in small of back — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Sprained pain in wrist — CISTUS CANADENSIS.

Sprained pains in hips, thighs and heels — LAUROCERASUS.

Sprained sensation in wrist — HIPPOMANES.

Sprains feels contracted as from elastic band around joint — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Sprains with great soreness — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Staggering gait — HELODERMA.

Staggering gait — MORPHINUM.

Staggering gait — MYRICA CERIFERA.


Staggering gait — OXYTROPIS LAMBERTI.

Staggers on walking — ALUMINA.

Steps with entire sole of foot on floor — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Stiff all over — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Stiff limbs; tonic cramps — PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI.


Stiff, contracted joints, heaviness of lower limbs — GINSENG QUINQUEFOLIUM.

Stiff, sore feeling in nape of neck — VIBURNUM OPULUS.

Stiff, weary sensation — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Stiffness and pain, aching and drawing in arms and legs — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Stiffness and bruised sensation in the muscles of the neck, with sensation as if nape of neck could not support head — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Stiffness and contraction of toes — GRAPHITES.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.

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