
Heel and tendo-Achilles affected — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Heel painful on standing — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Heels and balls of feet tender (Thuja) — MEDORRHINUM.

Heels feel numb — ALUMINA.

Heels pain, as if ulcerated — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Heels sensitive — JATROPHA CURCAS.



Herpes on dorsal surface of hands — CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM.

Hip-joint and thigh feel lame, especially after lying down — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Hip-joint painful — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Hives with intolerable itching — APIS MELLIFICA.

Horny warts on hands and soles–ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Hot hands and cold feet — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Hot swelling of feet — BRYONIA ALBA.

Hot, painful swelling of joints — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Hot, sweaty hands — SULPHUR.

Housemaid’s knee (Rhus; Kali hyd; Slag) — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Hysteric convulsions — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Hysterical joints — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Icy cold and sweaty feet — SILICEA TERRA.

Icy cold feet, ache as if sprained — CAMPHORA.

Icy cold feet — ELAPS CORALLINUS.

Icy cold hands and feet, with warmth of the rest of the body (Menyanthes) — SQUILLA MARITIMA.

Icy cold up to knees — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Icy coldness of extremities — SECALE CORNUTUM.

Icy coldness of hands and feet — MANCINELLA.

Icy coldness of hands and feet — MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.

Icy coldness of left calf — ASTRAGALUS MOLLISSIMUS.

Icy coldness of tips of fingers; wrists sore, tearing in metacarpal bones — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.



Immovable stiffness — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Immovable stiffness — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Inability to walk, except when eyes are open or in daytime — ALUMINA.

Inclination to yawn and stretch (Rhus) — QUASSIA AMARA.

Indolent ulcers-SYPHILINUM.


Inflammation around root of nails — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Inflammation of bones and joints with insupportable nightly digging  pains — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Inflammation of joints of fingers — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Inflammation of joints of fingers — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Inflammatory swelling of knee — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Ingrowing toe nail — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Ingrowing toe-nails — SILICEA TERRA.

Intense aching in lower limbs — LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM.

Intense pain along the sciatic nerve; numbness alternates with pain — GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM.

Intense redness in streaks, following course of  lymphatics — MYGALE LASIODORA.

Intense weariness and lameness of legs after walking a short distance — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Intensely painful, paralytic drawing — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Intolerable pain in skin of lower limbs — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Involuntary contractions of fingers, partial paralysis of forearm; writer’s cramp — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Involuntary limping — BELLADONNA.

Involuntary shaking of hands — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Itching about joints — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Itching all over, worse extremities — GLONOINUM.

Itching all over — VISCUM ALBUM.

Itching erosion near tibia and back of feet near joints — BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.

Itching of feet and legs — BOVISTA LYCOPERDON.

Itching of great toe, with pain — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Itching of toes and feet as if frozen — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Itching on back and flexor surfaces of thighs — BELLIS PERENNIS.

Itching on back of finger-joints and hands — BORAX VENETA.

Itching on dorsum of feet — CAUSTICUM.

Itching pimples on hands — JACARANDA CAROBA.

Itching, between fingers or in folds of  joints — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Itching, burning; œdema of hands and feet — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Jerking and twitching of muscles — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Jerking limbs — BELLADONNA.

Jerking of limbs — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Jerking of limbs — IGNATIA AMARA.

Jerking of limbs — LONICERA XYLOSTEUM.

Jerking, twitching of muscles — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Jerks as if flexors were overacting — OPIUM.


Joints and neighboring muscles red, swollen, painful — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Joints crack on motion — BENZOICUM ACIDUM.

Joints feel bruised — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Joints inflamed and painful — IODIUM.

Joints red, hot, swollen — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Joints red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing; worse on least movement — BRYONIA ALBA.

Joints sore, muscular soreness — BELLIS PERENNIS.


Joints stiff and feverish; shifting rheumatism; pains worse at night — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Joints stiff and lame — ABROTANUM.


Joints stiff — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Joints suddenly give way — PHOSPHORUS.

Joints swollen, painful, and intolerant of pressure; can bear no heat — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Joints swollen, painful, and intolerant of pressure; can bear no heat — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Joints swollen, red, shining, with red streaks  radiating — BELLADONNA.

Joints swollen; very sensitive, with dread or open air — CHINA OFFICINALIS.


Joints weak — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Knee swollen, shiny, sensitive, sore, with stinging pain — APIS MELLIFICA.

Knee-jerks disappear — SULFONALUM.

Knee-joints crack — NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Knee-joints feel sprained — ELAPS CORALLINUS.

Knee-joints sore — INDOLUM.

Knees crack on motion — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Knees feel paralyzed or bandaged–ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.

Knees knock against each other when walking — LATHYRUS SATIVUS.

Knees pain and itch — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Knees stiff and painful — BRYONIA ALBA.

Knees stiff — PETROLEUM.

Knees strike together, can hardly walk — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Knees swollen and painful — SALICYLICUM ACIDUM.

Knees swollen, with tearing, drawing pains — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Knees unsteady; disposition of foot to turn (Aescul) — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.


Lacerating in wrist-joint — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Lacerating pain in joints — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Lame feeling in arms — ACTAEA SPICATA.

Lame hip down left side; worse walking — LACTUCA VIROSA.

Lame joints — ALLIUM CEPA.

Lameness in all limbs — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Lameness in arms and spasmodic twitching — ZIZIA AUREA.

Lameness in back; worse, stooping — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Lameness in right shoulder and right lower  extremity — ICHTHYOLUM.

Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Lameness; worse by bending — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Lancinating pain in joints; worse, feet and hands — CEDRON.

Lancinating pain in upper and lower limbs — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Lancinating pains in various parts; jerking pains — OXALICUM ACIDUM.

Lancinating pains, like electric shocks — THALLIUM METALLICUM.

Large varicose veins on legs — ZINCUM METALLICUM.


Left foot in constant spasmodic motion — CINA MARITIMA.

Left hand numb; arms feel asleep; finger-nailsthick, black, and rough, matrix inflamed (Psor; Fluor ac) — GRAPHITES.

Left knee stiff and painful — ARGEMONE MEXICANA.

Left-sided sciatica, with numbness — CAUSTICUM.

Left-sided sciatica; better, motion — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Legs ache; cannot keep them still — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Legs and arms feel heavy and sore — COTYLEDON UMBILICUS.

Legs and feet go to sleep — MEZEREUM.

Legs and hands icy cold; limbs tremble — TANACETUM VULGARE.

Legs blue; swollen, if hanging down — LATHYRUS SATIVUS.

Legs feel asleep, especially when sitting with legs  crossed — ALUMINA.

Legs feel heavy and weary — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Legs feel numb and stiff, cramps in feet — LAC CANINUM.

Legs feel numb — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Legs give out on rising from a chair, hips and thighs so weak (Phos; Con) — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Legs heavy; ache all night; cannot keep them still  (Zinc) — MEDORRHINUM.

Legs heavy — GUACO.

Legs numb; feel paralyzed; cramps in calves and soles — NUX VOMICA.

Legs restless and weary — INDIUM METALLICUM.

Legs sore, as if bruised — MENISPERMUM CANADENSE.


Legs tremble; give way in walking — CURARE.

Legs weak and trembling, worse descending stairs — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Legs weak; cannot stand and walk with eyes closed — IODOFORMIUM.

Legs greatly emaciated — ABROTANUM.

Legs, arms and neck feel hard and brittle, as though they would break on  moving — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Lightning-like pains, with cramps — CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM.

Limbs and head fall over as if paralyzed — LONICERA XYLOSTEUM.

Limbs drag while walking — MYGALE LASIODORA.

Limbs feel chilly — LACTICUM ACIDUM.

Limbs feel stiff (Rhus) — XEROPHYLLUM.

Limbs go to sleep easily — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Limbs go to sleep — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Limbs heavy and painful — HELLEBORUS NIGER.

Limbs painful to touch — TARAXACUM OFFICINALE.

Limbs sensitive to pressure — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Limbs stiff paralyzed — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.


Limbs straightened out, painful when  flexed — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Limbs weak; bruised pain in knees and  hip-joints — SARRACENIA PURPUREA.

Limbs, especially arms, feel sore and tired — ALLIUM CEPA.

Limbs, lame, weak, tingling — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Locomotor ataxia, ocular stage — FERRUM PICRICUM.


Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.

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