
Pain in back, with burning heat — MEDORRHINUM.

Pain in back, with desire for some firm support (Rhus; Sep) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Pain in back; extends to end of spine — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.


Pain in ball of right foot, extending to knee — CEDRON.

Pain in balls of feet on stepping — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Pain in bones at night — IODIUM.

Pain in bones of feet and ankles — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.

Pain in coccyx; burns when  touched — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Pain in deltoid, shoulders, elbows, arms, and fingers — GUACO.

Pain in feet during menses — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Pain in forearm from elbow down, including hands — CINNABARIS.

Pain in front of thigh — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Pain in hands, knees, and ankles extending downward to fingers and toes — LAPPA ARCTIUM.

Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Pain in heel — BORAX VENETA.

Pain in heel — SEPIA.

Pain in heels and tendo-Achilles — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Pain in heels when sitting — VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.


Pain in hip and knee — MEZEREUM.

Pain in hip joints at night — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Pain in hip, forcing limping — KALIUM IODATUM.

Pain in hip-joint and coccyx — EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM.

Pain in hip-joint, spreading through buttocks and down thigh; worse from  stooping — CARDUUS MARIANUS.

Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Pain in hip-joints, worse left, worse, stooping — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Pain in hips — FORMICA RUFA.

Pain in hollow of foot, extending to knee — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain in joints as if they lacked oil — GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM.

Pain in joints, hip and knee — KREOSOTUM.

Pain in joints; burning pains in lower limbs — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Pain in knee, as if tightly bound — SILICEA TERRA.

Pain in knee; wants to stretch leg, but does not relieve — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.

Pain in knee — ACTAEA SPICATA.

Pain in knees and balls of feet — CHROMICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in knees and joints of lower extremities — CEREUS BONPLANDII.

Pain in knees — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Pain in knees–ANGUSTURA VERA.

Pain in knees — XEROPHYLLUM.

Pain in large joint of great toe — JALAPA.

Pain in left arm, feels paralyzed — LATRODECTUS MACTANS.

Pain in left biceps — GLONOINUM.

Pain in left knee joint — COLOCYNTHIS.

Pain in left scapular region — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Pain in left sciatic nerve — ARAGALLUS LAMBERTI.

Pain in legs, patient dreads to get up — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Pain in limbs on walking–ANGUSTURA VERA.

Pain in limbs worse after every meal — INDIGO TINCTORIA.

Pain in limbs, compels frequent change in  position — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Pain in limbs, shifting rapidly; tensive pain, letting up with a snap — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Pain in limbs — ABSINTHIUM.

Pain in long bones when barometer lowers; coldness of joints — CINNABARIS.

Pain in lower limbs, with cramps and  formication — CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM.

Pain in middle of thigh posteriorly shooting down right leg — HIPPURICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in nape of neck, shoulders and back and  limbs — GRAPHITES.

Pain in nape, back and limbs, worse in warm room — KALIUM SULPHURICUM.

Pain in nape, extending down back — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Pain in neck and back; worse, motion and at night; intolerant of all touch — MEZEREUM.

Pain in neck, back, shoulders, down arms, hands and  fingers — CEREUS BONPLANDII.

Pain in right arm and hip — LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Pain in right arm — PIPER METHYSTICUM.

Pain in right deltoid (Guaco) — COLOCYNTHI

Pain in right hip to knee; worse, motion, especially going upstairs — NUX MOSCHATA.

Pain in right hip-joint — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Pain in right inguinal region; shoots down inner thigh to knees — PODOPHYLLINUM.

Pain in right popliteal space down leg, which feels paralyzed — STACHYS BETONICA.

Pain in right popliteal space — PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM.

Pain in right shoulder and wrist; tearing in left palm, unable to double fingers; pain in lower limbs, feet and  ankles — INULA HELENIUM.

Pain in right side of neck and down right arm — FERRUM PICRICUM.

Pain in shin-bone — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Pain in shin-bones — DULCAMARA.

Pain in shins — CARBO VEGETABILIS.

Pain in shoulder and arm–ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS.

Pain in shoulder and upper arm — ALUMINA.

Pain in shoulder, with pain along fingers — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.

Pain in shoulder-blades and back of neck — CHROMICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in shoulders and arms — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Pain in shoulders and extremities and sore swollen joints — HIPPURICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists; worse when at  rest — RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM.

Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists, and ankles — ABROTANUM.

Pain in shoulders — SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS.

Pain in soles and calves; sharp pains in knees and ankles; very exhausted after a short walk — CANNABIS INDICA.

Pain in spine extending to inguinal region and in both loins, when ascending the stairs — PARAFFINUM.

Pain in tendo Achillis — BENZOICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in tendo-Achilles — MURIATICUM ACIDUM.

Pain in tendo-Achillis and calf — IGNATIA AMARA.

Pain in thumb — MANCINELLA.

Pain in thumb-joint — HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES.

Pain in thumb-joint — PIPER METHYSTICUM.

Pain in tibia (may follow sore throat) — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Pain in toe-nails, as if they had grown into flesh — TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM.

Pain in toes and fingers, especially in tips — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM.

Pain in toes and soles — APOCYNUM ANDROSAEMIFOLIUM.

Pain in toes, calves, hip-joint, popliteal spaces — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Pain in under side of thighs — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Pain in wrist and ankle, unable to stand — PROPYLAMINUM.

Pain in wrist and fingers; knees and  toes — PAEONIA OFFICINALIS.

Pain in wrists and ankles; worse, slightest motion (Bry) — PROPYLAMINUM.

Pain in os calcis — ARANEA DIADEMA.

Pain in right big toe at night, very sensitive to touch — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Pain over hips — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Pain right arm, stiffness of wrist and hand — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Pain severe and drawing — STICTA PULMONARIA.


Pain shoots upward into abdomen and  heart — DAPHNE INDICA.

Pain under shoulder-blades and back of neck, in all muscles, in hollow of right  foot


Pain worse in evening and warm weather — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Pain and burning in tibia and long bones — MEZEREUM.

Pain, coldness, and paretic condition — HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES.

Pain, especially in left arm — INDIUM METALLICUM.

Pain, swelling and stiffness and crackling of all joints — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Painful affections of fingers about nails neuralgia of stump — ALLIUM CEPA.

Painful callosities on soles; toes and fingers  contracted — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Painful contraction of hamstrings (Caust) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Painful contraction of limbs (Amm mur) — ABROTANUM.

Painless cracking of all joints — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Painless paralysis — OLEANDER.

Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Pains along ulnar nerve, index finger — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Pains alternate in the knee and ankle with shoulder and elbow — VISCUM ALBUM.

Pains at night, as if bones were scraped — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Pains come and go quickly, but muscles remain sore and  stiff — OXYTROPIS LAMBERTI.

Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, lancinating, shifting rapidly (Puls; Kali bich) — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Pains fly rapidly from one place to another (Kali sulph; Puls) — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Pains from below upward — BENZOLUM.

Pains from hips to knees and feet — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.

Pains in bones in spots, and reappear by change of  weather — RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM.

Pains in joints and bones — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Pains in limbs and joints, as if sprained; worse, slight touch; hard pressure  relieves — CHINA OFFICINALIS.


Pains in loins, numbness of limbs, cramps, staggering gait, feeling as if a peg were driven in joints; swelling of bones — BUFO RANA.

Pains in muscles of thighs; come in paroxysms — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Pains in parts where bones lie near surface — CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM.

Pains in periosteum — CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM.

Pains in small spots (Oxalic ac) — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Pains like shocks — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Pains start from spine and extend through extremities — OXALICUM ACIDUM.

Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments, and  fasciæ — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Pains, with depression, and subsequent exhaustion — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Painless paralysis (Oleand) — OPIUM.

Palms dry and hot — PRIMULA OBCONICA.

Palms hot and perspiring — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.


Palms rough and scaly — X-RAY.

Panaritium, deep-seated periosteal pain — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Panaritium — SILICEA TERRA.

Paræsthesia of lower limbs — LATRODECTUS MACTANS. Paralysis agitans — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Paralysis agitans — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Paralysis following apoplexy (Plumb) — TANACETUM VULGARE.

Paralysis from overexertion of the extensor muscles in piano players (Curare) — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Paralysis of left side following spinal disorders — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Paralysis of legs and feet — OLEANDER.

Paralysis of lower extremities — GUACO. Paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Paralysis of lower limbs, with spasmodic condition of arms — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.

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