Calcarea carb. In leucophlegmatic constitutions. Terrible itching of the parts towards evening, or after going to face.

Ferrum. Much itching; and a red, fiery face.

Ignatia. A great deal of itching. Much sighing; and empty, faint feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Nux vomica In those whose complaints are attributable to or aggravated by highly seasoned food, wines and liquors. Constipation with frequent urging. Frequent micturition, with scalding and brick-dust sediment, Worse after three A.M.

Silicea. More or less itching and fever all night. Emaciation and gradual failing of health.

Sulphur. Much itching and crawling. Flashes of heat; coldness of the feet; very short naps all night; feels very weak in the morning. Weak and empty from eleven till twelve; she cannot wait for her dinner,–a very unusual circumstance for her.

LICE may be removed from the vulva and adjacent parts, by destroying them with essence of bergamot; or with fine snuff made into a paste with pure glycerine.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.