Lycopodium. Much borborygmus in the abdomen, or gurgling in the left hypochondrium. Discharge of wind from the vagina. Sense of dryness in the vagina. Red sand in the urine. Delay, and severe pain the back, before the emission of the urine. Sense of fulness up to the throat on eating a small portion.

Mercurius. The symptoms are more constitutional than local. Hence this remedy must be given rather from its general characteristic indications. The symptoms are usually aggravated at night and are still worse when in bed.

Moschus. Violent sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in the genital organs.

Nat. carb Motion as from a foetus in the uterus. She has a variety of sufferings, all of which are aggravated during a thunderstorm.

Nat. mur. Falling off of the hair from the mons veneris and from the labia majora. Much itching of the vulva. She awakens every morning with a bad headache. Great aversion to bread, of which she was once very fond. Longing for salt things.

Nux vomica Burning in the vulva, with desire for an embrace. She wakens at three or four in the morning with sexual desire; does not sleep much afterwards. Constipation of large and difficult feces.

Opium. Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep. Constipation; the evacuations are composed of round, hard black balls. The sexual excitement and other troubles all disappear from a few doses of Opium.

Phosphorus. In a pregnant female, at the seventh month, nymphomania appeared with spasms; the symptoms were, weak, empty feeling in the abdomen, cutting pains in the abdomen; a narrow, dry, long and difficult stool, like a dog’s stool. One dose of Phosph. 19 m. completely cured the nymphomania, she went her full time, and was happily delivered.

Platina. Excessive sexual desire, particularly in virgin females. Voluptuous tingling in the vulva and abdomen. Stool difficult, because it adheres to the rectum and anus like soft clay. Hysterical cough from stiffing beneath the upper fourth of the sternum.

Plumbum. Sensation of drawing from the abdomen to the spine. Constipation; stool like sheep’s manure.

Pulsatilla. In females with blue eyes, very affectionate, easily excited to tears; and of a very yielding disposition. She cannot sleep in the early part of the night; sleeps late in the morning. No thirst. All her symptoms are worse towards evening; they are relieved in the open air; and worse on returning to a close and warm room.

Sabina. An almost insatiable desire for an embrace. A sensation of drawing or dragging from the sacrum to the pubis. Music is intolerable to her.

Silicea. She feels nausea during an embrace. Spinal affections and constipation. with increased sexual desire as a consequence.

Staphysagria. Extreme sensitiveness to mental and physical impressions. She feels mentally and very acutely every little circumstance. The teeth turn black into their very substance.

Stramonium. Excessive loquacity during the menses. This was always the case. Stramonium removes also abnormal sexual excitement. During the menses the smell is very apparent. Her face is bloated with blood. A great many strange fancies come into her mind.

Sulphur. A weak feeling in the genital organs. Sore feeling in the vagina during an embrace. Sterility. Also in cases which present the general characteristic indications for Sulphur; which see under head of Hysteria.

Thuya. Fig warts, condylomata, other excrescences of a similar nature, on or about the genital organs. Her symptoms are worse after three P. M., and at night, preventing her from falling asleep.

Veratrum. Nymphomania, particularly of lying in females. Mania with lewdness and lascivious speeches. Thirst, with craving for the coldest drinks. Menses preceded or accompanied by vomiting and diarrhoea, or by diarrhoea alone.

Zincum met. Sexual desire several times at night. Irresistible desire for onanism. She always feels best during the menstrual the flow. Boring pain in the left ovary, requiring pressure for partial relief, excepting when the menses are flowing, then there is complete relief.


VULVITIS. ACUTE INFLAMMATION. All the external parts are liable to attacks of acute inflammation. This inflammation may be developed principally in the labia; may be confined to these or some other particular parts, as the nymphae, clitoris, &c.; or it may extend more or less generally over all the connecting tissue. This acute inflammation may arise from sudden and severe exposure to cold air; it may be the result of accidents or mechanical injuries; of violence, as in sexual intercourse; or it may result from the extension, downwards and outwards, of disorders primarily developed in the internal genitals; or from irritation caused by morbid secretions from these interpubic organs.

From the very delicate, sensitive and vascular nature of the tissues composing these external organs, they are remarkably disposed to such forms of disease, although very much protected by their situation; and the same vascularity and delicacy of their structure renders this acute inflammation very apt to terminate in abscess or suppuration. The abscess, or more general suppurative process, may in all cases be cured by the appropriate remedies.

Acute inflammation of the external genitals, from whatever cause it arises, runs a very rapid course; may be attended by remarkable excitement of the sexual passion, especially where the clitoris is involved, the swelling, heat and redness in the parts may be very great, and the pain severe in proportion.

The most favorable termination of such inflammation is, of course, in resolution or subsidence of the local fever. Next to this, may be regarded an abscess in one or the other of the labia. But where the disorder is the result of violence, such as contusions, the parts may presently assume a dark color; or if the violence have been very severe, or where the constitution of the patient, the plethoric and vascular nature and generally full development of the parts, and perhaps other attendant and depressing circumstances, combine to produce such a result, gangrene may make its appearance.

It should be remembered that in the greater prominence given to some symptoms by the inflammatory action, we may obtain a clue to the true homoeopathic remedy for the whole case, at least for the remedy most completely indicated at that time; and which, being given, must be waited upon till its action is entirely exhausted, before another prescription is made. The proper remedy for each particular case of acute inflammation, and also for the consequences of it, may be found among the following; and should be selected in accordance with the indications here given.

Arnica. For the inflammation from mechanical injuries which are contusions merely.

Ambra grisea. Pain as of soreness and violent itching of the vulva, with swelling.

Belladonna. The parts have a hot, dry sensation; there is much throbbing; they get worse at three in the afternoon.

Calcarea carb. Inflammation, redness and swelling of the vulva, with purulent discharge. Stinging, burning tubercles on the margin of the labia. Much moisture between the labia and the thighs, with biting pain.

Calendula. For those inflammations which result from cutting or tearing the parts.

Cantharis. Very frequent desire to urinate with cutting burning pain, on passing a few drops of urine, or with complete strangury. Burning in the vulva; with frequent desire to urinate, and burning cutting in the urethra.

Carbo veget. Simultaneous itching of the vulva and anus. Heat and redness of the vulva. Much soreness in the vulva in the evening. Aphthae of the vulva. Sore places about the vulva, itching without pain.

Conium m. In all cases of indurations from injuries. Large pimple on the mons veneris, painful to the touch. Cutting pain between the labia on micturition. Severe stitches in the vulva. Violent itching of the vulva.

Creosote. Corrosive itching within the vulva. Violent itching with biting between the labia and the thighs, with soreness and burning after urinating.

Ferrum. In weakly females with fiery-red face.

Graphites. Itching smarting, painful vesicles on the labia. Painful soreness between the vulva and thighs, the part being covered with pimples, vesicles and ulcers.

Kali carb. Tearing in the left labia, extending through the abdomen to the chest. Pinching pain in the labia. Stitches through the vulva. Soreness, gnawing, burning and itching in the vulva.

Lycopodium. Darting in the labia on lying down, often extending around each labia.

Mercurius. Sensation of rawness. Long lasting of the labia. Terrible itching which is made worse by the presence of urine remaining on the parts, after urinating; it has to be washed off. Worse at night. Perspiration affords no relief. She may even be worse during perspiration. Salivation. Soreness of the gums, teeth, &c.

Nat. mur. Pimples on the mons veneris. Itching of the vulva and failing off of the hair.

Nitric acid. Violent itching of the entire vulva towards evening, dry burning heat of the vulva.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.