Carbo veget. Itching at the vulva and anus at the same time. Red and sore places about the vulva, with itching and leucorrhoea.

Coffea. Excessive sensitiveness about the vulva with voluptuous itching. Would like to scratch or rub the part, but it is too sensitive.

Conium m. Violent itching of the vulva, followed by pressing down of the uterus. Violent itching, the urine flowing and stopping alternately, at every emission. Violent itching after the menses.

Creosote. Corrosive itching of the vulva, with soreness and burning after scratching.

Dulcamara., Herpetic eruptions on the vulva, aggravated by every cold change of the weather, or by exposure in cold, damp situations.

Ferrum. Much itching of the vulva, in delicate, weakly females with very red face.

Graphites. Itching vesicles and pimples on the labia, which smart and are painful. Painless pimples on the inside of the labia. Itching, smarting, painful vesicle on the vulva. Itching pimples on the vulva. Itching on the vulva, always before the menses.

Kali carb. Soreness, gnawing, itching and burning of the vulva.

Lycopodium. Great sense of dryness of the parts and much itching.

Mercurius. Long-lasting itching of the vulva shortly before the menses. Itching of the vulva aggravated by a single drop even of urine, it has to be washed off. Pimples or tubercles on the labia which are more troublesome at night.

Nat. mur. Itching of the vulva, particularly if there be much falling off of the hair. Itching of the vulva with pimples on the mons veneris.

Nitric acid. Violent itching of the vulva, always worse towards evening. Itching of the vulva when walking, with soreness. Swelling and burning itching of one side of the vagina and of the labia minora.

Nux vomica Corrosive itching eruption on the vulva.

Petroleum. Itching in the meatus urinarius during micturition, preceded by an urgent desire to urinate.

Platina. Voluptuous tingling in the vulva abdomen, with oppression anxiety and palpitation of the heart.

Sepia. Swelling and humid itching eruption on the inner labia. Very much itching of the vulva. Weight in the anus.

Silicea. Itching of the vulva. Weight in the anus.

Silicea. Itching of the vulva; particularly if there be acrid leucorrhoea. Constipation, stool slipping back when partly evacuated.

Staphysagria. Stinging itching of the vulva.

Sulphur. Troublesome itching of the vulva, with pimples all around. Violent itching of the clitoris.

Tart. em. Pustules from a variety of causes, mostly the result of translations, from other parts.

Thuya. Itching of the vulva when walking.

Zincum met. Itching of the vulva during the menses.

For ABSCESSES, see Inflammation and Ulceration of the vagina.

CHANCRES, SYPHILITIC ULCERS. We give no special description of this form of disease, preferring to refer to other works on the subject; but insert the principal remedies, with the particular indications known for a part of them. The constitutional and attendant symptoms will prove the best guides in prescribing for such cases, which, however, are always very amenable to Homoeopathic medicines.

Cinnabar. Red, swollen chancres.

Corral rub. Very painful chancres.

Hepar s. c. Nitric acid. Mercurialized chancres.

Jacaranda. Hunterian chancres. Cures a great many cases.

Kali bich. Syphilitic ulcers, deep spreading, with hard edges, on the genitals; in the throat; uvula; septum of the nose.


Mercurius iod. Painless chancres.

Nux juglans. Bleeding ulcers, with hard edges, forming a scab on them.

Thuya. Chancres with pains as if splinters were sticking in them. Compare also Phosphorus, Silicea, Sulphur.


Compare Cinnabar; Nitric acid; Chronic acid.

Euphrasia. Stitches and itching, especially when walking.

Phosph.acid. Heat and burning in the condylomata.

Sabina. Sore burning pain in the condylomata.

Thuya. Moist; suppurating; itching; stinging; bleeding; painful condylomata.

FOR EXCORIATIONS study the remedies mentioned under Prurigo and Leucorrhoea.

For HERPES, ECZEMA, and LICHEN, study the remedies mentioned under Eruptions; or any others that may be indicated by peculiar symptoms.

For the remedies suitable for Suppuration, or Gangrene of the Vulva, see these titles under Vaginitis.

HERNIA, see Vaginal Hernia.

OEDEMA OF THE VULVA, see the remedies designated under Inflammation.


ENCYSTED AND SEROUS TUMORS.- These tumors are painless and not very common. They are circumscribed, semitransparent and from being scarcely perceptible, may grow to the size of a fist. They contain a glairy, colorless, or thick yellowish fluid; or, in some instances, an unhealthy saints or dark-colored purulent matter. Unless from the inconvenience which may result from their larger growth, they are not of so much importance of themselves, as from the fact that they indicate some more serious disorder in the anterior organs of generation.

From hernia, encysted tumors may be distinguished by being incapable of reduction; by their not being changed in size by the different states of the bowel; and by their affording no gurgling or rumbling sound. When they break spontaneously they show an indisposition to heal, but may contain to discharge an irritating matter.

Encysted tumors of the external genitals of the female, seldom require surgical interference from a Homoeopathic practitioner. Their reabsorption or removal, and at the same time the radical cure of the morbid condition from which they originate, being usually quite practical with Homoeopathic remedies.

In Cysts of the vulva, Encysted and Serous Tumors, the following remedies should be especially studied.

Baryta carb. Is especially suitable for dwarfish women. Tearing in the vulva, or in the affected parts, so violent at intervals that she would like to scream.

Calcarea carb. In leucophlegmatic constitutions. Menses too often and too abundant. A constant aching of the parts, made worse by pressure. A sense of cold air passing over the part.

Graphites. There are itching pimples on the labia. Itching blotches on different places of the body. Constipation; stools large, lumpy, difficult, with soreness in the anus.

Hepar s.c. In cases where suppuration has taken place.

Kali carb. Stitching pains pass through the cyst, or through the parts near the cyst.

Nitric acid. In cases where a syphilitic taint is present. Itching of the part when walking or otherwise irritating it, when it feels very sore. A pricking pain prevails.

Sabina. The cyst becomes swollen, red, and painful to the touch, or there is tearing pain during rest.

Silicea. The suppuration is increased by motion. The part is very sensitive to the touch. In cases where the general characteristics of Silicea are present. All her symptoms are worse at the new moon.

Sulphur. In cases which present the general characteristics of this remedy. A very sore feeling, and disposition of the affected parts to excoriate., Both the flow of urine and the discharge of feces are painful to the parts over which they pass.


ERECTILE TUMORS, or enlargement and hypertrophy of the vascular tissues of the external genitals form complications requiring general and constitutional treatment. Every exciting influence should be removed from such cases, as far as possible; then perfect rest; and the remedies must be selected with especially reference to all the symptom of the patient, and to the whole history of her case. For these delicate, sensitive and exceedingly irritable and exposed parts may be made the outlet for all the constitutional dyscrasia of the system. Thus difficulties of this kind, and other structural diseases of the external genitals of the female, sometimes appear at once small, insignificant and absolutely incurable by all ordinary treatment. To the Homoeopathic practitioner, the reason is obvious; the method plain and, in many instances, the means at hand. He will give the remedy appropriate to the psoric miasm, which personally or hereditarily infests his patient, and all these minor but vexatious and sometimes painfully distressing local affections will vanish at once.- instead of developing with advancing years into malignant and incurable forms of disease.

Arsenicum. The constitutional symptoms of this remedy will point out its use, if the local symptoms do not. The tumor may be painful, with burning or lancinating pains, or it may be painless.

Carbo animal. The tumor has a tendency to become indurated, with a burning sensation. Also in cases which present the constitutional characteristic of this remedy.

Carbo veget. The tumor has a bluish look; is very hard, with shooting pricking pain.

Creosote. The tumor has a corrosive itching and burning. Spasmodic pains extending from above downwards.

Lycopodium. Tearing stitches in the affected parts. Sensation of dryness. Inclined to grow worse at four P.M., and to be better at eight P.M. Borborygmus in the left hypochondrium.

Nitric acid. Much itching of the tumor, with sticking pain.

Phosphorus. Stinging and burning of the tumor. Worse during or after a walk. Suitable especially for tall and slender persons.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.