China. The inflammation has supervened upon great loss of blood. She suffers from distention and oppression of the abdomen, which is not relieved by eructations. Much ringing in the ears. The sufferings are increased by the least touch. Painless diarrhoea.

Cocculus. Much paralytic pain in the back and paralysis of the lower extremities. Sensation as of sharp stones in the abdomen on motion. Head and face hot; feet cold. Pulse hard and small. Metallic taste in the mouth. Intense thirst or aversion to drink. Shivering over the mammae.

Coffea. In cases where the inflammation is induced by excessive joy; she is in a state of ecstasy, and is very sensitive to contact.

Colocynth. Inflammation which comes on in consequence of violent indignation. Severe colicky pains, causing her to bend double, with great restlessness. Cutting, as from knives in the bowels, with great distress, distension of the abdomen, diarrhoea, which is aggravated by everything which is eaten or drank. Feeling in the whole abdomen, as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. Full, quick, pulse; great thirst; bitter taste in the mouth.

Conium. Burning, sore, aching sensation in the region of the uterus. The urine intermits in its flow. Much vertigo, particularly on turning over while lying down. She usually has a bitter taste in her mouth and thirst. The pulse is unequal. Some pulsations are smaller than others. The pulse is also irregular; sometimes it beats slower, sometimes faster.

Creosote. Stitches in the vagina, proceeding from the abdomen, causing her to start at every pain. Putrid, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. A low form of fever. Putrid fever.

Crocus. Black, stringy, discharge from the uterus; rolling and bounding in the abdomen, as from a foetus. Stitches in the abdomen arresting the respiration.

Ferrum. Fiery, red face. The bowels feel sore, on touching, them, as if they had been bruised, or weakened by cathartics. Leucorrhoea resembling watery milk.

Graphites. Particularly when the ovaries are affected. Eruptions, tetters and excoriations on various parts of the body. A tendency to obesity.

Hepar s.c. Particularly where there is evidence of a tendency to suppuration. Burning, throbbing pain, chilliness.

Hyoscyamus. Especially if the inflammation be developed by emotional disturbances. If there appear spasmodic symptoms, jerks of the extremities, face and eyelids, etc. In cases which all into the typhoid state delirium, the patient throws off the bed- clothes-she wishes to be naked.

Ignatia. Cramps with lancinations; the pains are aggravated or renewed particularly on touching the parts. The female is apparently full of suppressed grief. There is sorrow and sighing. An empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Ipecac. The patient suffers with a continual nausea; every movement is attended with a cutting pain almost as constant, running from left to right. Pain about the umbilicus, extending towards the uterus. A continual discharge of bright-red blood from the uterus. Rapid pulse, with or without thirst.

Jodium. Acute pain in the mammae, developed by the inflammation of the uterus; the mammae also become very sore. There is a low cachectic state of the system, with feeble pulse.

Kali carb. Intense thirst, morning, noon and night, continually, and very rapid pulse. Distressing cutting, shooting, darting and stitching pain all over the abdomen, the stitching pains being in the ascendancy; the more completely the stitching pains seem to predominate, the more certainly will Kali carb. be the appropriate remedy.

Lachesis. She cannot bear any pressure, not even of the clothes, upon the uterine region. She wishes frequently to lift them, not that the abdomen is so very tender, but that the clothes cause an uneasiness. A sensation as if the pains were ascending toward the chest. This remedy is especially indicated in cases where the inflammation is an attendant symptom of the critical age. The pain in the uterine region increases till relieved by a flow of blood from the vagina; not long afterwards the same symptoms are repeated. Exacerbation of the sufferings after every sleep, whether by day or at night.

Lycopodium. Cutting pains across the abdomen from right to left. Much rumbling and working in the abdomen, particularly in the left hypochondrium. Red sand in the urine. Much pain in the back previous to the flow of urine. Dryness in the vagina. Discharge of wind from the vagina.

Magnesia mur. Hysterical complaints and spasmodic turns. Uterine spasms extending to the thighs. Constipation of large, difficult stools, which crumble as they pass the verge of the anus.

Mercurius. Lancinating, boring, or pressing pains. Much perspiration, which however affords no relief. Moist tongue often accompanied with intense thirst. She is worse throughout the night.

Nux vomica This remedy is very frequently indicated. Pain, as if bruised in the neck of the uterus; frequent desire to urinate with pain. Scalding and burning. Frequent and ineffectual desire to defecate; or passing a small quantity of feces at each attempt. Much pain in the small of the back, which is made worse by attempting to turn in bed. Heaviness and burning in the abdomen. Much pain in the forehead above the eyes and fainting spells. The symptoms are aggravated after four in the morning. She is despondent; sleepless; or dreams frightful dreams.

Opium. In cases originating in fright; the fear of the fright still remaining. Flushed face; delirium; soporous. In her lucid intervals she complains of the sheets being too hot for her. She is sleepy but cannot sleep. Coldness of the extremities. Discharge of fetid matter from the uterus.

Phosphorus acid. In some cases of great debility, with great indifference of all about her. Meteoristic distention of the uterus. Slow fever.

Platina. Particularly after confinement, if there be excessive sexual excitement. Painful pressure in the region of the mons veneris and genital organs. Voluptuous tingling in the vulva and abdomen. Profuse discharge of thick black blood. Constipation; the stools adhering to the anus and rectum.

Pulsatilla. In mild yielding, tearful temperaments. Tension and contraction in the abdomen as if the menses would make their appearance, with nausea and sometimes vomiting mucus. Semi- lateral headache; bad taste in the mouth; nothing tastes good. Absence of thirst. Nightly diarrhoea and scanty urination.

Rhus tox. Particularly after confinement. Worse at night, especially after night. Restlessness, she cannot lie still, but must change her position which affords a few moments’ relief. Slow fever; dry tongue. Powerlessness of the lower limbs, she can hardly draw them up. Pains worse at night; and especially after midnight.

Sabina. Especially after confinement or miscarriage. Metrorrhagia of clotted and fluid blood, with pain extending from the sacrum or lumbar region to the pubis. Severe stitching in the vagina from before backwards. Frequent urging to stool; finally a liquid portion is discharged, followed by a hard portion.

Secale. Where there is a strong tendency to putrescence. The inflammation seems to be caused by suppression of the lochia or menses. Discharge of thin black blood, a kind of sanies, with tingling in the legs and great debility.

Sepia. Burning, shooting and stitching pains in the neck of the uterus. A constant sense of pressing into the vagina; she feels that she must cross her limbs to prevent a protrusion. A painful stiffness in the uterine region. Sense of weight in the anus. Putrid urine, depositing a clay-like sediment which is difficult to remove. Icy coldness of the feet. A great sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach.

Stramonium. The face is bloated with blood. She awakens with a shrinking look as if afraid of the first object she sees. She desires light and company. She is disposed to talk continually. Strange fancies; she imagines all sorts of absurd things. That the bed is full of creases; or that she is double, and lying crosswise, &c.

Sulphur. The vulva seems much inclined to become excoriated early in the attack. Frequently flushes of heat passing off in a little moisture and faintness. Feet cold; or with burning soles, so that she wishes to find a cold place for them, or to put them out of bed. Sense of heat in the crown of the head. She feels suffocated; she wants the doors and windows open. Very light sleep; she awakens very frequently. Weak fainty spells occurring frequently during the day. After having improved under other remedies, she gets worse again until she receives a dose of Sulphur. She feels unusually faint with strong craving for nourishment from eleven o’clock till twelve at noon.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.