Arsenicum. Leucorrhoea whilst standing and emitting flatulence; leucorrhoea thick and yellow, corroding the parts which are touched by it.

Baryta carb. Sanguinolent mucous leucorrhoea, with beating of the heart, pain in the back, and weakness even unto fainting.

Belladonna. Leucorrhoea with colic; the pains come suddenly and finally ceases as suddenly as they came.

Borax v. White albuminous leucorrhoea, with a sensation as if warm water were flowing down.

Bovista. Leucorrhoea after the catamenia, like the white of an egg, coming away whilst walking; or it may be yellowish, green and corrosive.

Calcar. carb. Leucorrhoea like mucus or like milk; it may be discharged more whilst urinating; and there may be heat and itching of the vulva.

Cantharis. Discharge of bloody mucus after urinating.

Carbo animal. Watery leucorrhoea, particularly when walking or standing. It may be burning or biting; and may stain the linen yellow.

Carbo veget. Profuse leucorrhoea, only in the morning when rising. Milk-colored; excoriating the parts. It may be thick and yellowish, or white. Rawness and soreness of the vulva during the leucorrhoea.

Causticum. Leucorrhoea particularly at night.

Chamomilla. Yellowish, smarting leucorrhoea, particularly after a meal.

China off. Leucorrhoea before the menses with painful pressing towards the groins and anus. Bloody leucorrhoea, with occasional discharge of black clots, or fetid, purulent matter, with itching and spasmodic contraction in the inner parts.

Cinnabar. Leucorrhoea causing during its discharge a pressing in the vagina.

Coccus cacti. Leucorrhoea consisting of mucus, preceded by drawing and thrusting pains in the inguinal vesical, and pubic regions.

Cocculus i. Scanty, irregular menses, with leucorrhoea between the periods; or leucorrhoea instead of the menses. Leucorrhoea lie serum, mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid.

Coffea. Profuse discharge of mucus and sometimes blood from the genital organs which are very sensitive and itch voluptuously.

Conium m. Leucorrhoea of white acrid mucus, causing a burning or smarting sensation. The leucorrhoea may be milk-colored and painful. Excoriating leucorrhoea.

Creosote. Leucorrhoea with great debility, particularly of the lower extremities. It may be mild, or acrid causing much itching.

Drosera. Leucorrhoea with labor-like pains.

Ferrum. Leucorrhoea like watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing.

Graphites. Profuse leucorrhoea is that great characteristic for Graphites; also great weakness in the small of the back.

Hepar s. c. Leucorrhoea with smarting of the vulva.

Ignatia. Violent, labor-like pains, followed by a purulent corrosive leucorrhoea.

Iodine. Leucorrhoea, corrosive even of the thighs and the linen. The leucorrhoea is aggravated at the menstrual period.

Kali bichromicum Leucorrhoea which may be drawn out in long strings. It is often yellow, stiff and ropy.

Kali carb. Yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching and burning in the vulva.

Kali hyd. Thin, watery, or acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, with itching in the vulva.

Lachesis. Leucorrhoea from three of eight days before the menses, copious, smarting, slimy, stiffening the linen and staining it green; also in cases where the menses are too short and feeble, although they appear at the regular time.

Lycopodium. Profuse leucorrhoea at intervals; it may be milky; it may be blood-red, particularly before the full moon. The great characteristic is, a cutting pain, attending the leucorrhoea, across the hypogastrium from right to left.

Magnesia mur. Leucorrhoea immediately after every stool; certainly if the stool be hard and crumbling as it escapes from the verge of the anus. Leucorrhoea at intervals, followed immediately by a discharge of blood.

Manganese. In females whose bones are affected in a manner to be very sensitive to the touch.

Mercurius. Leucorrhoea always worse at night; it may be itching, burning, smarting, corroding, with sensation of rawness, but the symptoms are always worse at night. Discharges of flocks, pus and mucous as large as hazel nuts.

Mezereum. Albuminous leucorrhoea; chronic and malignant.

Muriatic acid. Leucorrhoea; chronic and malignant.

Muriatic acid. Leucorrhoea with exceeding soreness of the anus, either from piles or from fissures. She cannot bear the slightest touch upon the anus, which often itches violently and is not relieved by scratching.

Nat. carb. Leucorrhoea yellowish; putrid leucorrhoea, ceasing after urination.

Nat. mur. Leucorrhoea early in the morning, after colic; it may be transparent, white thick mucus. Greenish leucorrhoea, particularly when walking.

Nitrum. White leucorrhoea with lameness in the small of the back.

Niccolum. Profuse, watery leucorrhoea, particularly after urinating.

Nitric acid. Leucorrhoea consisting of mucus which can be drawn out; flesh-colored; leucorrhoea of greenish mucus; cherry brown, and fetid leucorrhoea.

Nux mosch. Leucorrhoea of women who always awaken with a very dry tongue.

Nux vomica Fetid leucorrhoea tinging the linen yellow.

Petroleum. Profuse leucorrhoea every day; also with lascivious dreams at night.

Phosphorus. Smarting leucorrhoea, drawing blisters. Profuse leucorrhoea, with great sense of weakness in the abdomen. The leucorrhoea is often corrosive.

Phosphoric acid. Profuse, yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching, some days after the menses. Leucorrhoea after the menses.

Platina. Albuminous leucorrhoea, only the daytime, particularly in women who have difficult stools from the glutinous nature of the excrements.

Plumbum. Leucorrhoea with a continued sense of drawing in from the abdomen to the back.

Podophyllum. Leucorrhoea consisting of thick transparent mucus. Leucorrhoea with, constipation and bearing down in the genital organs.

Prunus spinosa. Leucorrhoea making the parts sore, and tinging the linen yellow.

Pulsatilla. Burning leucorrhoea, thin and acrid. Milky leucorrhoea, with swelling of the vulva, particularly after the menses. Leucorrhoea of thick white mucus, especially when lying; or before and during the menses, with cutting in the abdomen.

Ranun. bulb. Leucorrhoea at first mild, afterwards acrid and corrosive.

Ruta g. Corrosive leucorrhoea after suppression of the menses.

Sabina. Yellowish, ichorous, fetid leucorrhoea and painful discharges of fetid blood every two weeks. Leucorrhoea after suppression of the menses, inclining to be corrosive. Leucorrhoea with itching of the pudendum.

Sanguinaria c. Leucorrhoea of the climacteric period, it continues after the menses have ceased.

Sarsaparilla. Leucorrhoea on walking, particularly in women who have a sharp pain in the urethra at the close of urination.

Secale corn. Leucorrhoea in thin scrawny women with prolapsus uteri.

Sepia. Leucorrhoea with stitches in the neck of the uterus. Leucorrhoea with much itching in the vagina. Sanguineous-mucous, yellowish, watery, or mucous leucorrhoea. Discharge of green-red fluid from the vagina during pregnancy. Leucorrhoea worse after urinating. Leucorrhoea like pus; like milk, flowing only in daytime, excoriating the thighs. Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, having a fetid smell, with drawing pains in the abdomen.

Silicea. A painful smarting leucorrhoea, after taking acids. Leucorrhoea during urination. Milky leucorrhoea in paroxysms, preceded by cutting around the umbilicus.

Stannum. Leucorrhoea with great loss of strength; it may be transparent mucus; it may be yellowish.

Strontiana. Leucorrhoea while walking.

Sulphur. Leucorrhoea smarting like salt. Leucorrhoea preceded by colic. Burning and painful leucorrhoea making the vulva sore.

Sulphuric acid. Leucorrhoea of sanguineous mucus with a sensation as if the menses would appear. Milky, or transparent leucorrhoea, without sensation.

Tabacum. Leucorrhoea of serous liquid after the menses.

Tart. em. Leucorrhoea consisting of watery blood; liable to occur in paroxysms worse when sitting.

Zincum met. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, after the menses, causing san itching. Cutting colic succeeded by leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea consisting of thick mucus, for three days before and after the menses.


True parenchymatous metritis, or inflammation of the deeper tissue and substance of the womb, is a disease comparatively rare. It must be distinguished from endometritis, or inflammation of the mucous coat of the womb, which has just been described; and also from peritoneal metritis or more properly puerperal peritonitis, inflammation of the peritoneal or serous coat of the womb and peritoneum generally. This latter disorder usually arises subsequent to parturition, and will receive attention in its proper place.

Inflammation of the womb may be acute or chronic; and in either form may attack the uterus in each of the different conditions of female life. It may be confined to the cervix uteri, as in fact it is in a great proportion of the cases, especially in the chronic form; or it may extend also to fundus. It may be restricted to the proper tissue or substances of the uterus; or it may also involve either its serous covering, or its mucous lining, or both. Acute inflammation of the uterus is seldom seen before puberty, never, perhaps, except as the consequence of mechanical injury. It very seldom appears in the virgin uterus, during pregnancy, or after the change of life. It is much more common in the married state; and in connection with parturition.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.