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Mental Disturbances

Homeopathy treatment of Mental Disturbances from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for treating Mental Disturbances homeopathically. …

Mental Disturbances

SEPIA. Indifference. (PHOSPHORUS). Indifference to husband- children, loved ones. Loses interest in what she ordinarily loves. Depressed. Hates, and weeps with, sympathy. Only “wants to get away, and be quiet”. Nausea; in the morning; from smell of cooking. vomiting; of food and bile in the morning. vomiting strains her greatly. Painful sensations of emptiness in stomach. Relief (of many symptoms) from eating.

Intolerant of noise and smells. Nausea from smells of cooking. Feels the cold; but must have air. Feet clammy cold (CALCAREA); Offensive sweat, arm-pits. Sallow face; brown pigmentation nose and check-bones (“the SEPIA saddle”); brown pigmentation forehead. The food cravings are for vinegar and sour things, perhaps for sweets and wine. Aversion to meat; fat; often bread, and milk. With such symptoms, SEPIA is the great remedy for the sickness of pregnancy and for all ills associated with pregnancy.

PHOSPHORUS. Also, indifference (SEPIA). But PHOSPHORUS loves sympathy – touch – massage (opposite of SEPIA). Anxiety for others (ARSENICUM, PHOSPHORUS). Fear alone-in the dark-of burglars-of ghosts. Fear of thunder. Desire for salt; for ices; for cold water; Thirst for cold drinks, which may be vomited when they become warm is stomach. Aversion to tea, coffee, meat, boiled milk; even to water, the sight of which may cause nausea. Women whose periods profuse and bright coloured; who bruise and bleed easily. (Especially in the typical PHOSPHORUS patient; tall, slender, fine hair, long eyelashes.)

PULSATILLA, NIGRICANS. Easy weeping. Changeable moods (CROCUS SATIVA, IGNATIA AMARA). Craves sympathy; yet changeable, irritable, jealousy, suspicious. Weeps, telling her symptoms, when nursing. Bursts into tears. (IGNATIA sighs; PULSATILLA weeps). Miserable restlessness at night, relieved by getting up and walking about. Better slow motion. During labour, PULSATILLA has often corrected malpositions, and converted difficult into easy delivery. Has corrected want of expulsive power (inertia of uterus). Weeps because she is not delivered. The great remedy of mild, tearful women. Aversion to fat, meat, butter, pork, bread, milk. Desires sour, refreshing things.

IGNATIA AMARA. The remedy of contradictions; of cravings for foods that should be hurtful, put prove helpful. Great remedy of ‘nerves” – of hysteria. Sensation of lump in throat when not swallowing. Nervous spasm of throat and gullet; unable to swallow liquids or solids (especially during grief). When chilly, thirsty; no thirst with fever. Sensitive, and hyper- acute feeling. Slight blame excites anger, which makes her angry with herself. Much sighing. Incredible changes of mood; jokes and makes merry, then weeps. These moods alternate rapidly (CROCUS).

Great grief after losing what is dear to her. Craves something which, after a few mouthfuls, seems disgusting to her. Extreme aversion to tobacco smoke (PULSATILLA NIGRICANS). Copious, nervous discharge of watery urine. Does unaccountable and unexpected things. Full of contradictions and surprises. Fear that she will never sleep again. The remedy of grief – bereavement – with frequent sighing. Give for the colic of infants, breast-fed, whose mothers are suffering from grief.

AURUM METALLICUM. Deepest depression. Looks on the dark side. Weeps; prays; “is not fit for this world.” Longs for death; even suicidal. In labour “thrashes around in bed, as if wishing to injure or kill herself.” Moans in sleep. Frightful dreams. Sleepless and tossing after 4 a.m. Morose; quarrels.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.