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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Mental Affections in an easy question-answer format. …

What are the mental symptoms of Aconite?

There is extreme restlessness, anxiety, tossing about and fear of death, even predicting the hour of death. There is an intolerance of music and there is peculiar aversion to busy streets.

What other drug has the symptom that the patient predicts the hour of death?


What are the mental symptoms of Belladonna?

There is mental irritability, hasty speech and hasty action. There is great deal of delirium,. the patient desire to escape. he strikes those about him and cries to cut and tear the clothing, and is associated with a red face, throbbing carotids.

Veratrum album has almost the same symptoms. How is it distinguished from Belladonna?

There is coldness of surface of the body under Veratrum album and cold sweat on forehead.

What other drugs have hasty speech and hasty drinking?

Lachesis and Dulcamara and Sulphur.

Give, on general, the mental symptoms of Hyoscyamus.

The patient is full of imaginations. Thinks he is about to be poisoned and refuses to take the medicine, and imagines that he is pursued by some one who is trying to take his life. The patient talks and mutters all the time, and jumps from one subject to another. Thee is delirium with involuntary passages and picking at the bed clothes and objects in the air. It is also a remedy for jealously. Nymphomania, patient makes lewd features, throws off bed clothes, uncovers genitals.

What other drug has jealously and great loquacity, the patient jumping for on subject to another?


What are the mental symptoms of STramonium?

There is wild delirium and a bright red face. The eyes have a suffused and wild look. The hallucinations terrify the patient; objects jump up from every corner; he sees all sorts of animals. At one moment he is laughing, singing and making faces and at another spraying. There is constant loquacity, the talk being foolish and non sensical. There is fear of the dark. He imagines that the hears voices. During delirium thee are frequent attempts to escape. Bright objects cause delirium and spasms.

How is Stramonium distinguished from Lachesis in loquacity?

The Stramonium patient does not jump from one subject to another, but talks continually foolishly, and it is distinguished also by the red face and other signs of censorial excitement.

What drug causes a garrulity every much like that caused by tea, a sort of vivacity with love of prattling?

Paris quadrifolia.

What are the mental symptoms of Lachesis?

Loquacity, patient jumps from one subject to another jealousy and a low muttering delirium with tendency of the lower jaw to drop, the patient being worse on waking; the mind is weakened; the patient thinks only with difficulty; ideas also crowd upon the mind rapidly; the patient thinks only with difficulty; ideas also crowd upon the mind rapidly; the patient thinks that he is under the control of some superhuman power.

What drug has the symptom that the patient thinks he has two will, s one commanding him to do what the other forbids?


What other symptoms has Anacardium?

It produces a weak memory; he imagines he hears voices, and another condition is a propensity to sweat; it is a mental condition and does not exist as a result of low meals. the patient is also suspicious.

What other drug produces a disposition to sweat?

Nitric acid.

What are the mental symptoms of Nux vomica?

The patient is irritable and ugly, easily put out; overtaxing of the mental powers aggravate the symptoms; disinclination to mental work; useful in over-worked, fidgety business men of sedentary habits.

What are the mental symptoms of Bryonia?

It is a useful remedy for abdominal symptoms resulting from fits of anger; the patient is irresistible and easily angered; delirium in which the patient thinks he is away from home and wants to go home; talks about his business.

What are the mental symptoms of Chamomilla?

There is a peculiar excitability; the patient is across and excitable, and slight impressions produce mental anguish; pains often result in fainting; it is a remedy for effect of anger; children want to be carried about, and want different things, and when they get them throw then away dissatisfied; especially sensitive to pain, snappish, uncivil.

What drug has colic in children following fits of age?


What are the some other mental symptoms of STaphisagria?

It is a remedy for the affections o f suppressed indignation. there is a hypochondriacal condition; the patient is apathetic and gloomy; he prefers solitude and is shy of the opposite sex. The Staphisagria child is sumptuous and irritable, reminding one of Chamomilla.

What other drug is closely allied to both Chamomilla and Staphisagria in. the bad effects of anger?


What drugs, like Chamomilla, produce fainting from pains?

Valerian, hepar sulphur and Veratrum album.

Give the mental symptoms of Aurum.

There is melancholy, with disposition to weep; feeling as if he were not fit to live, and a consequent tendency to suicide; often the is a religious mania he prays all the time the mind is full of suicidal thoughts; contradiction or dispute excites the patient, and there is great weakness of the memory; patient thinks he is damned.

What are the mental symptoms of Sepia?

The patient is slow-spirited, cries readily; weak memory; there is sadness and irritability; it will not do to find fault with her; there is also perfect indifference, especially to household affirms and to her own family; the patient is easily offended;she dreads to be alone. wants company, but has an aversion to her own friends.

How is Sepia distinguished from Pulsatilla?

Both have weeping, anxiety, peevishness and are ill-humored; but Pulsatilla, only, has the mild, clinging disposition calling for consolation;she makes her grief known and seeks sympathy. the Sepia patient is worse from gentle exercise, but is relieved by violent exercise.

How does Ignatia differ from both Pulsatilla nd Sepia?

There is a tearful mood with melancholy under Ignatia., but the patients nurse their sorrows, and keep them from others.

Give some other mental symptoms of Ignatia?

It is especially a remedy for the effects of grief, particularly if he patient dwells upon he sorrows in secret, and especially if he cause of the grief be recent; changeable mood introspective, given to sighing, full of disappointments; weeping.

What drug is useful for chronic or long-lasting effects of grief?

Phosphoric acid.

What are some mental symptoms of Phosphoric acid?

There is great indifference and torpidity of mind; the patient is disinclined to anger questions; he is in a stupor, unconsciousness of all that goes on around him, but when roused he is fully conscious; it is also a remedy for home-sickness; the patient is ill from the effects of grief.

Give some of the mental symptoms that would indicate Ignatia in hysteria.

The patient alternately laughs and cries, and there is great sensitiveness to external impressions changeableness is characteristic; the patient sighs a great deal.

What are the mental symptoms of Platina?

The patient is proud and haughty; looks down upon other with disdain; every body seems beneath her; objects seem unfamiliar to her-even familiar objects; she does not know where she is; there is often with this a condition of vision in which objects really look smaller; there is a great dread of death, which the patient believes to be near at hand. The proud, haughty feeling is the main characteristic.

What are the mental symptoms of Lycopodium?

The patient is impatient and irritable, gets angered easily and is apt to be domineering; at other times there is sadness and tearfulness; the memory is weak; they make mistakes in speech and forget words or syllables; afraid to be let alone.

What other drugs have the symptom that the patient has to think how words are spelled?

Sulphur and Lachesis.

What are the mental symptoms of Sulphur?

The patient has in insane ideas; thinks she is wealthy, tears up her clothes and plays with old rags with pleasure, thinking that they are objects of beauty; thee is also melancholy and restlessness there is also a religious mania; patient fears she will not be saved;there is anxiety about her own soul, but perfectly indifferent anxiety about her own soul, but perfectly indifferent about the souls of others; children are apt to be irritable and peevish,

What are the mental symptoms of Hepar Sulph?

The patient is low-spirited, and at time there is a tendency to suicide; the patient feels discouraged and cross, and annoyed by the recollection of past unpleasantness in his life; the memory is weakened he forgets words or localities;l he is over- sensitive, and speech is hasty; he is especially sad in the evening, and does not wish to seed members of his own family.

What are the mental symptoms of Hepar sulph?

The patient is low-spirited, and at times there is a tendency to suicide, the patient feels discouraged and cross, and annoyed by the recollection of past unpleasantnesses in his life; the memory is weakened; he forgets words or localities; he is over- sensitive, and speech is hasty; he is especially sad in the evening, and does not wish to see members of his own family.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.