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Lactation Remedies

Homeopathy treatment of Lactation Remedies from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for treating Lactation Remedies homeopathically. …

Remedies of Lactation

BELLADONNA. Too copious flow of milk. Inflammation of breasts, in steaks or rays, diverging from centre to circumference. Breast red, hot, swollen, very tender. Breasts dry, stony-hard- frightfully tender. Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts, especially from weaning. Face flushed. Pupils dilated. Skin hot and dry. Perhaps twitchings; even delirium.

CALCAREA CARBONICA. Profuse secretion of water milk, which the child refuses to take. Excessive lactation, with hectic fever, and sweat, and debility. Breasts distended, milk scanty. She is cold, feels cold air very readily. Want of vital activity to secrete the milk. Milk disagrees with the infant. Milk has a disagreeable, nauseating taste; child will not nurse, and cries much. Hot swellings of mammae. The CALCAREA patient is chilly. Head is apt to sweat at night. CALCAREA is the remedy of persons of plus tissue of minus quality; chalky complexion. Anxiety and fear; that something will happen; that she will lose her reason; of death; of being alone. Aversion to the open air.

LAC CANINUM. Galactorrhoea. Or, loses milk while nursing. Serviceable in almost all cases where it is required to dry up milk. (ALUMEN, BELL.).

LAC DEFLORATUM. Hering says, “has never failed to bring the milk back in from twelve to twenty-four hours.” “Or, decrease in size of breasts, and diminished secretion of milk,” Depression. Does not care to live (PHYTO.) Imagines her friends will die. Has no fear of death, but says she is going to die in twenty-four hours (ACON.). Intense thirst.

PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. Excessive flow of milk; nipples so sensitive that nursing produces intense suffering, which radiates all over the body and to spine. Nipples excoriated and fissured. Breast stony-hard, painful. Caked breasts. Breast full of hard, painful nodosities. Mammary abscess; pus. Large fistulous, gaping, angry ulcers, discharging a watery, fetid pus. Pain is unbearable. Irritable. Restless. Indifferent to life; or death; sure she will die.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. Mild, tearful women who have but little milk. Weeps every time the child is put to the breast. pain extends to chest and neck, down back. Changes from place to place. Milk thin and watery. Acrid milk. Suppression of milk; in mild, tearful women. Or galactorrhoea in women who are not nursing their children; but always in the gentle, tearful type of patients. After weaning, breasts swell, feel stretched and tense, intensely sore. Milk continues to be secreted. In the typical PULSATILLA patient.

SILICEA. Sharp pain in breasts or uterus; pain in back; increase in lochia. Pure blood flows every time she put th child to breast (LYC.). Aversion to mother’s milk (CALC.); child refuses to nurse, or if it does nurse it vomits. Milk suppressed (LAC DEF.). Inflammation of nipples; darting, burning pain in nipple. Nipples drawn in like a funnel. Inflamed breast, deep red in centre, rose-coloured towards periphery, swollen, hard, sensitive; constant burning pain, prevents, rest. High fever. Excited (BELL.). The SILICEA. patient is yielding; anxious; head sweats at night (CALC.). Constipation with “bashful stool”, comes to verge of anus, then slip back. No power is expel it.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.