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Disorders of Personality

Disorders of Personality in children and their treatment with homeopathy. Silica is the most commonly indicated remedy for children who cannot hold their own with the other children, Phosphorus probably comes next. …

Stammering is, in my experience, difficult to treat by Homoeopathy.

Tics, anxiety states, and the nervous child usually respond well.

Silica is the most commonly indicated remedy for children who cannot hold their own with the other children, Phosphorus probably comes next.

The excessively obstinate child, the kind of child Dr. Tyler used to call the “NO” child, usually responds to Tuberculinum bov.

D. M. Foubister
Dr. Donald MacDonald Foubister B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B., D.C.H., F.F. Hom. 1902-1988, England
He was the Dean of Faculty of Homeopathy London. D. M. Foubister was Assistant Physician, Diseases of Children, to the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital. Circa 1950’s. He authored the following works:
The Carcinosin Drug Pictures.
Constitutional Effects of Anaesthesia.
Homeopathy and Pediatrics.
Lac caninum.
Significance of Past History in Homoeopathy.
Therapeutic Hints For Students.
Tutorials On Homeopathy.