Then another thing about them is that they are intensely sensitive to noise, they are as sensitive as the Ignatia kids, but one thing that worries them out of all proportion is talking, and I have quite frequently had the statement from the parents of a Zinc. child that if the child is attempting to do any work and there is anyone talking in the room it is very much worse than the noise of other children playing, people talking drives them nearly distracted,. Incidentally it is worth remembering for adult people too who are completely exhausted by people talking to them; it is very often a definite lead for Zinc.

Then another well-marked indication for Zinc. is where you have a history of a well-marked, generalized skin eruption in childhood, early childhood, and a chorea developing about adolescence, always think of the possibility of it being a Zinc.

Then there are just two points that I want to mention. One is that many of these Zinc. children develop an acute hunger about eleven oclock in the morning. The other point is that you will very often get a statement from the parents that these children simply bolt their food-either food or drink.

D M Borland