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Within ten days he came in, feeling well and looking well. I then gave him one dose (High) to be taken after some time. This was the last prescription I have given him for any purpose, and it is the last he has required. Within a month after I first prescribed the Medorrhinum he dropped his cane and muffler, and walked the street erect, with a firm step, a perfectly well man.



August 11th, 1871. Hannah D.G. went into the wood to pick blackberries, and while at work yesterday she touched some, Rhus-rad., commonly known as the poison-ivy. To-day I saw her, and found her eyelids greatly swelled, and partly closed, with lachrymation and smarting very badly; red pimples of forehead, and on left eyelid and left cheek, with a great deal of smarting and burning : she fears that she will lose her sight : she suffers severely. Rhus radicans (High), one powder in water; a dose every three hour. By the 13th of August she was completely cured.


August 25th, 1871. May J., Fort Hamilton, age 12, daughter of a soldier, poisons her feet whilst working bare- footed in a field. Both feet are covered with yellow scabs, having a brown centre, with red areola; the scabs are half-an- inch in diameter. Rhus rad. (High) every night, dry, which completely cured her; there doses were given.


September 10th, 1871. Maria D.G., age 10, poisons herself with the Poison-ivy. I find her right leg as high as the hip covered with white scabs, having a brown centre and red areola, and about half-an-inch in diameter. Rhus rad. (High) three doses one powder every night dry, which completely cured her.

Comments. These cases were entirely cured within one week by three doses of Rhus rad., given as above stated. I am frequently called upon to treat cases of poisoning by the Poison-ivy, and I never had a single failure, always treating with Rhus rad. (High).


IN the summer of 1875, I attended a case of acute articular rheumatism: it was an obstinate case, in a gentleman sixty years of age, requiring daily attendance from June 11th to September 5th, during which time he suffered excruciating agony from neuralgia. I attended him faithfully, even battling for his life by the maintenance of my position against a swarm of enemies of Homoeopathy, his friends; but with no bitter result than as above stated. Finally, about the first week in September, his sufferings abated, and he arose from his bed a wreck.

It was expected that sufficient time, and all the hygienic measure which he could readily command, would restore him; but no: instead of these hopes being realized, weeks and months passed without change; he walked the streets leaning on a cane, bent over, muffled in wraps to his ears, looking like a broken old, man, apparently soon to fall into the grave. About three months after my attendance cease I saw him pass my office, presenting the picture described.

I had known him many years before his sickness to have good health and a robust frame, and the question arose in my mind, “Why does he remain in this decrepit condition ? Is there any miasm, hereditary or acquired, that remains not cured, and which is the cause of the obstinacy of the acute attack ? Could it be a gonorrhoeal taint ?” For reasons not necessary to mention, I could not ask him.

Without any expectation of finally being permitted to save him, I resolved to act on Dr. Swans suggestion, that “Obstinacy in a case of rheumatism might be due to latent gonorrhoea, and Medorrhinum high will cure it; in many cases where improvement reaches a certain stage and then stops, Medorrhinum has removed the obstruction, and the case progresses to a cure; and this too in cases where gonorrhoea appeared to be the most unlikely cause, teaching us, if anything, the universality of latent gonorrhoea and the curative power of the same virus highly potentized”.

An opportunity soon offered; his wife to consult me on other matters. On questioning her concerning her husband, she said, “he was as well as could be expected, considering his age.” Expressing a wish to see him, with the expectation of prescribing for him again, she said, “she believed he would not do anything more in that direction, as he regarded his feeble state to be due to his age.” The gentleman, however, did come next day, and I gave him three doses of Medorrhinum (High) to be taken every morning.

Within ten days he came in, feeling well and looking well. I then gave him one dose (High) to be taken after some time. This was the last prescription I have given him for any purpose, and it is the last he has required. Within a month after I first prescribed the Medorrhinum he dropped his cane and muffler, and walked the street erect, with a firm step, a perfectly well man. From that time he gained in flesh from 140 to 212 lb. Within two months from the first prescription he became so restless for the want of occupation, that he rented a store and engaged in active business, where he can, now (December 28th, 1879) be found at any time, from six oclock a.m. till eight at night.

J A Biegler
J C Robert