ACCOMMODATION defective : Agar., ail., arg-n., aur-m., hydr., morph., nat-m., nit-ac., onos., phys., spig.
Accommodation Defective, action too great : Phys.
Accommodation Defective, diminished : Morph., phys., tab.
Accommodation Defective, headaches : Mag-p.
Accommodation Defective, over-exertion : Nux-v.
Accommodation Defective, slow : Aur-m., cocc., Con., Gels., nat-m., onos., plat., psor.
Accommodation Defective, tension : Jab.
ACUTE : Acon., ang., aspar., Bell., bufo., chin., colch., cycl., fl-ac., hyos., lach., nux-v., ph-ac., sars., seneg., viol-o.
Acute, at night, in hysterical persons : Ferr.
AMAUROSIS (See Paralysis)
APPROACH, objects seem to approach and then recede : Cic.
BALLS (See Colors) : Verat-v.
Balls, fire, of : Stram.
Balls, floating : Kali-c.
Balls, luminous : Cycl.
BLIND (See Lost)
BLURRED : Acon., aeth., arn., ars., aur., cact., calc-f., calc., chel., chin., con., crot-c., dros., fago., Gels., glon., iris., jab., kali-p., Lac-c., lil-t., lyc., med., merl., nat-a., Nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., onos., phos., phys., plat., psor., rhus-t., ruta., sec., stram., teucr., thuj., tril.
Blurred, morning : Merl., nat-s.
Blurred, evening : Ruta.
Blurred, closing eyes amel. : Calc-f.
Blurred, distant objects : Chel., jab.
Blurred, emissions, after : Calc., chin., lil-t., Phos.
Blurred, figures : Ail.
Blurred, gaslight : Calc.
Blurred, headache, before : Gels., hyos., Iris., kali-bi., podo., sep.
Blurred, irritated, when : Con.
Blurred, letters : Ail., arg-m., arg-n., ars., bell., carb-ac., chel., cina., cob., jab., kali-c., lyc., meph., ox-ac., phys., ruta., stram., sulph.
Blurred, looking a short time : Nat-a.
Blurred, overheated : Nux-v.
Blurred, pressure amel. : Calc-f.
Blurred, turning eyes : Gels.
Blurred, writing, while : Calc-f.
BRIGHT (See Dazzling) : Anan., ars., chel., olnd.
CHANGING (See Moving, Vanishing) : Gels.
CIPHERS : Ph-ac., phos., sulph.
CIRCLES (See Colors) : Calc-p., carb-v., caust., hell., iod., kali-c., plb., psor., stront., zinc.
Circles, about light : Cycl.
Circles, around an internal brighter field : Carb-v.
Circles, colored around white objects : Hyos.
Circles, colored around a bright center : Ammc.
Circles, colored bands : Con.
Circles, fiery (See Fiery)
Circles, heat, during : Dig.
Circles, reading, while : Kali-c.
Circles, turning : Kali-c.
Circles, yellow and white rays, with : Kali-c.
Circles, zigzags : Viol-o.
Circles, zigzags, of color : Sep.
Circles, zigzags, flickering : Ign.
Circles, objects move in a circle on closing eyes : Hep.
CLOUDY (See Foggy)
COBWEBS before eyes (See Foggy)
COLORS before the eyes (See Spots) : Agar., am-c., anac., arn., arund., aur., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., camph., caust., chin-s., chin., cic., cina., cocc., Con., cycl., dig., eupho., hep., iod., ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., mag-c., mag-p., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., ruta., sars., sep., sil., spong., stram., stront., sulph., thuj.
Colors, evening : Agar., kali-n., sars.
Colors, blindness, color : Bell., carb-s., chlol., cina., sant.
Colors, fast motions, when making : Stram.
Colors, rubbing, after : Stront.
Colors, black : Agar., arn., cina., clem., lach., merc., Nat-m., phos.
Colors, black, animals : Nat-a.
Colors, black, balls : Bell., cund., kali-c.
Colors, black, circles (See Rings)
Colors, black, disk : Elaps.
Colors, black, figures : Cocc., petr.
Colors, black, figures, floating before eyes : Cocc.
Colors, black, flickerings : Lach.
Colors, black, flies, floating : Sulph.
Colors, black, floating : Chel., chin., chlf., cop., daph., gins., led., petr., Phos.
Colors, black, halo : Phos.
Colors, black, horns : Cund.
Colors, black, letters change to points : Calc-p.
Colors, black, lightning : Staph.
Colors, black, looking down, when : Kalm.
Colors, black, motes : Merc-i-f.
Colors, black, moving : Thuj.
Colors, black, objects : Caps., cic., sol-n., stram., sul-ac.
Colors, black, turning, on : Cocc., sarr.
Colors, black, plate : Kali-bi.
Colors, black, points : Anan., ant-c., calc., caust., chin., con., elaps., gels., jatr., kali-c., merc., mosch., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., sol-n., tab., thuj.
Colors, black, points, morning : Bell.
Colors, black, points, candlelight, by : Carb-an.
Colors, black, points, dinner, before : Thuj.
Colors, black, points, reading, while : Calc., kali-c.
Colors, black, reading, while : Cic., kali-c., sol-n.
Colors, black, reading, accompanying letter : Calc.
Colors, black, rings, circles : Psor., sol-n.
Colors, black, rings, floating : Dig.
Colors, black, rings, headache, before : Psor.
Colors, black, rings, heat, during : Dig.
Colors, black, rings, reading : Kali-c.
Colors, black, rings, waving : Dig.
Colors, black, rising, from stooping : Mez.
Colors, black, serpents : Cund.
Colors, black, sparks : Stry.
Colors, black, spots : Agar., am-c., arg-n., asc-t., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., camph., chel., chin-s., chlor., cimic., cocc., con., cupr-ar., cur., dulc., elaps., Glon., hell., lil-t., lyc., mag-c., med., meli., nat-c., Nat-m., nit-ac., petr., phos., psor., Sep., sil., stram., stront., syph., tab., thuj., verat.
Colors, black, spots, morning, waking, on : Dulc.
Colors, black, spots, eating, after : Lyc.
Colors, black, spots, exertion, physical : Calc.
Colors, black, spots, eyes are closed, when : Con., elaps.
Colors, black, spots, headache, before a : Psor.
Colors, black, spots, headache, during : Glon., Meli.
Colors, black, spots, moving in all directions : Chin-s., sep., stram.
Colors, black, spots, reading, after : Cocc., cur.
Colors, black, spots, rising from a seat, on : Verat.
Colors, black, spots, sewing, while : Am-c.
Colors, black, spots, turning quickly : Glon.
Colors, black, spots, vertigo, with : Con., glon.
Colors, black, spots, writing, while : Nat-c.
Colors, black, spots, floating (muscæ volitantes) : Acon., aesc., agar., am-c., anan., ant-t., arg-n., arn., asaf., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., carb-v., carl., caust., chel., Chin., chlol., cob., Cocc., coff., con., crot-h., cupr-ar., cycl., daph., dig., gels., glon., hyos., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., lact., lil-t., lyc., mag-c., merc., mez., morph., nat-c., Nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., par., Phos., Phys., psor., rhus-t., Sep., Sil., sol-n., stram., Sulph., tab., ter., thuj., verat., zinc.
Colors, black, spots, floating, eating, after : Lyc., phos.
Colors, black, spots, floating, reading, while : Kali-c.
Colors, black, spots, floating, sewing, after : Am-c.
Colors, black, spots, floating, walking in open air : Ter.
Colors, black, spots, floating, writing, while : Nat-c.
Colors, black, stripes : Con., ph-ac., sep., sol-n., sulph.
Colors, black, stripes, morning : Bell.
Colors, black, stripes, reading, while : Kali-c., sol-n.
Colors, black, veil : Aur.
Colors, black, veil, before the right eye : Phos.
Colors, blue : Acon., act-sp., aur., bell., bry., Cina., crot-c., cycl., elaps., kali-c., lach., lyc., nicc., stram., stront., tril., tub., zinc.
Colors, blue, right eye : Nicc.
Colors, blue, evening : Am-br.
Colors, blue, blindness for : Carb-s.
Colors, blue, circles : Zinc.
Colors, blue, closed, when eyes are : Thuj.
Colors, blue, dark blue : Cycl., kreos.
Colors, blue, distance, in the : Iod.
Colors, blue, halo around candle : Ip., lach.
Colors, blue, haze : Bry.
Colors, blue, light around : Lach.
Colors, blue, light around of the candle : Hipp.
Colors, blue, reading : Bell.
Colors, blue, rubbing, on : Stront.
Colors, blue, points : Sec.
Colors, blue, sparks : Ars.
Colors, blue, spots : Acon., kali-c.
Colors, blue, spots, morning on rising : Thuj.
Colors, blue, spots, night, when lying on right side in a dark room : Stram.
Colors, blue, spots, in a dark room : Hep., stram.
Colors, blue, stars : Psor.
Colors, blue, stars, during headache : Psor.
Colors, bright : Aloe., alum., am-c., ant-t., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., bor., bry., camph., cann-s., caust., chel., cic., Cina., coloc., con., croc., dig., dros., dulc., euphr., fl-ac., graph., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., lyc., mang., meny., mez., nat-m., Nux-v., olnd., op., phos., plat., puls., rhus-t., sabin., sec., seneg., spig., stram., stront., valer., verat., viol-o., zinc.
Colors, dark : Acon., agar., am-m., ambr., anac., arn., ars., asaf., bell., berb., calc., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., cocc., con., cupr., dig., dros., euphr., ferr., hep., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., laur., lyc., mag-c., mang., meny., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., olnd., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., plb., ruta., sabad., sec., sep., sil., squil., staph., stram., Sulph., thuj., verat., verb.
Colors, dark, circles : Iod., kali-c.
Colors, dark, circles with points of light : Caust.
Colors, dark, clouds : Coca., lact-ac., ol-an., tarent.
Colors, dark, objects : Ant-t., ign., nat-m., phos., sulph.
Colors, dark, objects, moving : Carb-h.
Colors, dark, objects, seem dark : Bell., berb., hep., nit-ac., thuj.
Colors, dark, points : Chlf., cic., con., Sulph.
Colors, dark, points, floating : Aur., hyos.
Colors, dark, serpent-like waves : Phys.
Colors, dark, specks : Calc., con., cupr-ar., kali-c., mag-c., nat-m., nit-ac., Phos., sep., Sil., sulph.