Pulmonary phthisis

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Tickling cough, seemingly from pit of stomach, with burning in chest and passive congestion, followed by great weakness in chest and dyspnoea, (<) from least exposure; spasmodic tickling cough as from down in larynx, suprasternal fossa and whole chest, evening without, morning with expectoration of dark blood, or of tenacious white mucus of sourish, herby taste; loud rattling and whistling in chest, with but little cough.

Phosphorus [Phos]

PHTHISIS IN RAPIDLY GROWING PERSONS (IOD.,), whose minds develop more quickly than their bodies and who catch cold easily; rush of blood to head and chest; constriction of lungs; pains through apex of left lung, (<) from lying on that side; aphonia; oppression of chest at night forcing him to sit up; puffiness around eyes; dry hollow, spasmodic cough, with tightness across chest, must press it with hands, and trembling of whole body; (<) when anyone enters room, before thunderstorm, from strong odors; FREQUENT ATTACKS OF BRONCHITIS, REPEATED HAEMOPTOE, leaving after cough severe dyspnoea and short breathing; albuminous and bloodstreaked sputa difficult to expectorate; vomica and hectic fever; sweat (<) during sleep, frequent urinations; empty feeling and sense of goneness at pit of stomach, (<) 10 to 11 A.M. (Sulphur); awakes hungry at night, must eat or faint away; APHTHAE ON ROOF OF MOUTH, AND TONGUE COVERED WITH APHTHAE; very foetid stool and flatus, odor being like lime that has been used in gasworks to desulphurize the gas; malaise and debility, especially in knee-joints; loss of strength, rapid emaciation and pale skin.

Pix-liquida [Pix]

Suppurative processes of left lung with pain at the third left costal cartilage (Anisum, right side); rales through the lungs and muco purulent sputa; eruption on dorsum of hands, itching at night and bleeding when scratched.

Psorinum [Psor]

Dull pressure extending from right side all over chest, (<) by bending forward, mostly dry cough with expectoration of small, lumpy masses; dyspnoea, (<) when sitting up and relieved by lying down; pain in chest comes by fits; great anxiety; feeling of ulceration under sternum; chest inflates only with much exertion; very much exhausted by talking; voice full, not hoarse; chest contracted; shoulders standing forward; pain in chest as if it were raw and scratched; coughs a long time before he is able to expectorate (Alum).

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Soreness in subclavicular region, felt when patient lies on affected side or presses against chest, affecting the muscles of the shoulder down the arm from sluggish circulation of the upper part of lung, especially left side, during incipient tuberculosis. Equally effective in suppurative stage, especially with young chlorotic girls; dry cough after sleep, has to sit up for relief; sputa salty, offensive, bitter, yellow mucus, or black clotted blood (vicarious menses); expectoration only in daytime, none at night, when she suffers, from anxious tightness in chest; musty, sour, at times cold sweat at night, during stupid slumber, acute suppuration of lungs.

Rumex [Rumx]

Night cough of phthisis, with or without clavicular pain, especially behind midsternum (Kali bichromicum); stitches in left lung; dry, incessant, fatiguing cough from tickling in throat -pit, extending to behind sternum and to stomach, (<) from changing rooms, from slightest inhalation of cool air, 2 A.M.

Sambucus [Samb]

Hectic flush, NIGHT-SWEATS ONLY WHEN WIDE AWAKE, passing over into a dry heat as soon as he falls asleep; nightly suffocative attacks with great anxiety, springing up in bed and struggling for breath; choking cough, afternoon fever.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

PHTHISIS FLORIDA, hectic fever, (<) 2 to 4 P.M.; hectic flush on cheeks; chronic dryness in throat and sensation of swelling in larynx and expectoration of thick mucus, breath and sputa smell badly, to the patient himself unbearable; BLEEDING OF WIND BEFORE AND AFTER COUGHING; cough dry at first excited by tickling and crawling in larynx and upper portion of chest; burning and fulness there from accumulation of blood; sharp stitching pains, chiefly about right lung and in region of mamma; heat after coughing, and after the heat gaping and stretching; prostration and general languor with the dyspnoea.

Sarracenia [Sarr]

Phthisis pulmonum and bronchial affections. joined to or depending on a psoric state; haemoptysis, thick cough; continual tickling in larynx and bronchi; cough, with desire to vomit and vomiting, paroxysms of suffocation and epistaxis; hard cough, shaking chest and bowels and stopping only after expectorating a quantity of compact mucus, tenacious, filamentous, with a bitter, putrid, oily taste.

Senecio [Senec]

Incipient phthisis, attended with fatiguing coughing, the result of obstructed menstruation; increased bronchial secretion; loose mucous cough, rattling in chest, labored respiration.

Senega [Seneg]

Fat persons of lax fibre; great soreness in walls of chest and great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus, difficult to expectorate; pressure on chest as if the lungs were pushed back to the spine.

Sepia [Sep]

CENTRAL THIRD OF RIGHT LUNG (Arsenicum, upper third) especially affected; short, dry cough, titillation in larynx, sometimes a thick deep voice, without metallic timbre; dry cough, (<) in the evening before and after going to bed; free expectoration in the morning or expectoration only at night, none during day; sputa gray or yellow; pressure on right side of chest and under right scapula when breathing or coughing; profuse sweat on moving and during whole night; sour sweat; excessively foetid sputa.

Silicea [Sil]

PROFUSE DISCHARGE OF FOETID PUS; nightly paroxysms of cough with tickling in suprasternal fossa; tuberculous deposits on skin, showing themselves as lumpy tumors; rattling of phlegm in chest; cough provoked by cold drinks, (<) by inhalation of moist warm air and INCREASED BY RAPID motion; sleep disturbed at night by heat, startings and night-sweats, especially in head; terribly offensive foot-sweat; not so much constipation, as rectum has not the power to expel faeces, which recede after partial evacuation; coldness and general prostration; general heat internally, with violent thirst; excruciating deep-seated pain in chest; tickling itching in chest threaten suffocation, till a deep shattering cough comes on, lasting several hours; CATARRHAL, PHTHISIS OF OLD PEOPLE.

Silphium-lacin [Silphu]

Copious expectoration, but more watery than Stann., tasteless, stingy, light-colored, causing rapid emaciation.

Spongia [Spong]

Tuberculosis pulmonary, first stage, with hard, rigging cough, rush of blood to chest, palpitations and sudden weakness while walking; flushes of heat which return when thinking of them; severe dyspnoea on lying down, exhaustion after every exertion, especially of chest; hoarseness, with sudden aphonia, while speaking; chilliness in back not removed by artificial heat, yet if room becomes warm cough in increased, with whitish-yellow sputa, which are swallowed on account of weakness.

Stannum [Stann]

Profuse mucous expectoration in the first stage of consumption, or when a neglected catarrh threatens to pass into phthisis; dry, short, hacking cough, excited by reading, talking, singing, lying on right side, and titillation in throat and chest; greenish or yellow sputa, with a saltish, sweetish or putrid taste, especially mornings; can speak only a few words at a time for want of breath; more or less hoarseness; roughness of throat and sore pain in chest; FEELING OF WEAKNESS IN CHEST AS IF DEPRIVED OF ITS CONTENTS AFTER EXPECTORATING OR TALKING; constriction of chest and constant chilliness, alternating with flushes of heat; profuse night-sweats; pressure and bloatedness of stomach always after eating; great lassitude, hands and feet heavy and cold, or burning hot.

Sulphur [Sulph]

PATIENT COMPLAINS CONSTANTLY OF BEING TOO HOT; dryness and burning in throat, the breath appears hot to the patient; cough mostly dry, only now and then profuse discharge of purulent matter, which relieves for a while; congestion towards head and chest, with palpitations of heart; burning of the feet at night, cannot bear to have them covered; diarrhoea early in the morning before rising; cramps in the calves when lying in bed, or in the soles of feet when walking about the room; sudden arrest of breathing when turning over in bed, relieved by sitting up; during paroxysms of cough, patient complains of lungs touching the back; itching of skin without any eruption, or boils follow; profuse night-sweats.

Sticta-pulm [Stict]

Incessant, wearing, racking cough, (<) by inspiration, dry at night, loose in the morning; pulsation right side of sternum going down to epigastrium.

Tarentula-cubana [Tarent-c]

Produces euthanasia when last moments arrive.

Theridion [Ther]

In the beginning of the disease; night cough; violent stitches high up in chest, beneath the left shoulder, perceived even up in the throat; great inclination to sign; anxiety about heart; slow pulse, with vertigo; icy sweat at night, with vertigo and faintness; follows well after Calcarea, or Lycopodium in phthisis florida.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.