Pulmonary phthisis

Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s]

Cavity discharging copiously sanious pus, mixed with blood; hectic fever and night-sweats.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Cough with greenish expectoration, suffocating hoarse cough causing SHAKING IN BRAIN AS IF IT WERE LOOSE IN THE HEAD; cold feeling in chest (Bromium); horribly offensive, green purulent expectoration, coming more from right lung; as soon as he closes eyes he feels like smothering.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Chronic paroxysmal cough with deep rough voice or aphonia, (<) evening and morning, spasmodic and not ceasing till masses of green, yellow, purulent, foetid sputa are discharged; epistaxis,

(<) at night and in forenoon, followed by burning pain over chest and paleness of face; sensitiveness to sudden atmospheric changes prevails, or heat of upper part of body with cold sweat; extreme prostration, must be fanned though breath is cold; hippocratic face.

China [Chin]

Cough excited by talking or laughing after eating or drinking, by deep inspiration; dry cough at night with oppression in chest and sensation of excoriation in larynx; inspiration difficult and painful; burning in chest; palpitations, (<) when lying on left side and by motion, expectoration of bloody mucus; copious exhausting night-sweats, especially on forehead, chest and neck, slightly the linen, not offensive, occurring the moment he drops into a sound sleep.

Chininum-ars [Chin-ar]

Anxiety with dyspnoea and unquenchable thirst; must sit up bent forward, if possible at open window; blueness of lips, hands and nails, with attacks of suffocation, (<) morning till noon; LIMBS ICY COLD; cold clammy sweat; great prostration, followed by deep sleep after dyspnoea and awakens exhausted and bathed in sweat all over.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Intercurrent congestive state from exposure, with dry, harassing cough, diarrhoea, night-sweats; incipient tuberculosis with dry, short, constant night cough, (<) at every attempt to speak; sharp pains from side to side.

Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]

CATARRHAL PHTHISIS, sharp, stitching pains under clavicles cough most constant in morning, with expectoration of yellow mucus of a salty taste; suffocative cough with pains in head as if it would split, and expectoration of tough, ropy, white mucus, nearly causing strangulation before it is discharged, and vomiting of food; HAEMOPTOE OF DARK BLOOD.

Codeine [Cod]

Dry, teasing cough which annoys patient day and night; twitching of muscles, especially of eyelids.

Conium [Con]

Dry, painful, frequent cough in daytime, but (<) at night and in horizontal position, with hoarseness and pain in larynx; fits of suffocation; scanty, purulent sputa with or without vomiting; often cannot expectorate, must swallow sputum.

Curare [Cur]

Excessive nervous debility; sweating from least exertion; dyspnoea from weakness of respiratory muscles; cough with free expectoration of green or gray masses, or of blood; rigors at night.

Digitalis [Dig]

DURING LAST HOURS TO GIVE SOME RELIEF; irregular respiration with frequent deep sighs; distressing dyspnoea; respiratory murmur feeble; fear of suffocation at night with desire for fresh air; tenacious mucus in throat hard to detach; weak, dilated heart.

Drosera [Dros]

FIRST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS, more or less extensive dulness on percussion; diminished vesicular murmur; rough inspiration. prolonged expiration; bronchial respiration in region of scapula; cough dry, oppressive; nocturnal tickling cough, (<) after midnight, in the morning yellow, bitter sputa; spasmodic cough of phthisical girls, often attended by retching and vomiting; phthisis with severe pain in chest, purulent expectoration and foul, puslike taste in mouth; haemoptoe; black pores on chest and shoulder; night sweats, emaciation; diarrhoea (Meph., follows well for the asthenia). Pharyngo-laryngeal symptoms in hereditary subjects.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Tuberculosis in scrofulous subjects, (<) in changes from warm to cold; sputa tough, green; cough moderate; stitches here and there in chest; diarrhoea; great disposition to catch cold.

Elaps [Elaps]

Very violent attacks of DRY COUGH, TREMBLING WITH EXPECTORATION OF BLACK BLOOD; severe tearing pain throughout chest, especially apex of right lung.

Ferrum-ac [Ferr-acet]

Phthisis florida in young people subject to tuberculosis; great oppression of chest from any little exertion; nostrils dilate and work hard with every effort to breathe; dry teasing cough, (<) after drinking any thing warm; bruised sore feeling in chest and dull aching pain in occiput. Later on, with hectic fever night- sweats, loss of muscular power, emaciation and purulent sputa; it ought to be steadily given till alkaline urine becomes acid.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

EPISTAXIS ALTERNATING WITH SPITTING OF BLOOD; pains in chest, flying from one point to another; feeling of fulness and pressure in pit of stomach; vomiting of food; paleness of buccal cavity; painless diarrhoea; amenorrhoea or watery menses; women who flush easily, especially after drinking wine, with dyspnoea and palpitations.

Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i]

Phthisis in persons or relaxed fibre, especially in third stage; great debility and emaciation, in evening chilliness, followed by heat and sweat all night; cough at first dry, later with greenish purulent sputa, containing small, cheesy particles; oppression of chest; inclination to lie on back; sides of chest tympanitic; under clavicles rales and bronchial breathing.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

PHTHISIS FLORIDA; haemoptoe; acute, short spasmodic and very painful cough, (<) by going into open air, with involuntary spurting of urine.

Guaiacum [Guai]

Late stage of tuberculosis with pleuritic pains referred to the left apex and offensive, MUCO-PURULENT SPUTA OF SUCH HORRIBLE ODOR that relatives could hardly come into the sick-room; pulse soft, small and frequent; exhaustion and emaciation; NIGHT-SWEATS SMELLING VERY OFFENSIVE; skin hot, especially on hands.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Haemoptysis, TICKLING COUGH WITH TASTE OF BLOOD or sulphur; dull frontal headache; tightness of chest; cannot lie down because of difficulty of breathing from congestion; severe pleuritic stitches in lower part of lungs; VENOUS HAEMOPTOE, BLOOD COMES INTO MOUTH WITHOUT COUGHING or scarcely any effort; mind clam; prostration out of proportion to loss of blood; fever at night, hands hot, burning in eyelids when closing them.

Hepar [Hep]

Harsh, dry sounds in bronchi from tumefaction of mucous membrane, moist sounds rare and expectoration not copious; very sensitive to open air, sweats easily from exertion and turns pale, afterwards burning redness of face and heat and dryness of palms of hands; spasmodic cough in paroxysms, with titillation in larynx and efforts of vomiting or habitual bronchial catarrhs with loud rattling of mucus. As an intercurrent in cases of cheesy pulmonic deposit with strong tendency to suppuration, when the tendency to cicatrize is often interrupted and the expulsion of the caseous material imperfect.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Dry, tickling cough of consumptives, especially when reflex from heart disease.

Iodum [Iod]

SUITABLE TO YOUNG PERSONS WHO GROW TOO RAPIDLY and subject to frequent congestions to the chest, with dry cough excited by tickling all over chest, (<) in warm room, with expectoration of stringy, transparent mucus, sometimes streaked with blood; marked feeling of weakness in chest, particularly on going up stairs; morbid hunger, even soon after a meal, and yet constantly increasing emaciation; rapid pulse, high temperature, profuse perspiration, especially mornings; head heavy, feels unable to do any serious work. First stage of tuberculosis.

Jaborandi [Jab]

Colliquative sweating of phthisis, very profuse, causing great prostration.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Follicular chronic laryngitis with swelling of the tissues and increased secretion of a glutinous fluid, (<) mornings, when the tough mucus nearly strangles him; laryngeal phthisis, the ulcers causing cough nearly at every inspiration, feeling of stiffness in larynx; hoarseness; tightness at bifurcation of bronchi; cough with profuse yellow expectoration and much sweating, with PAIN FROM MIDSTERNUM THROUGH TO BACK, (<) undressing, morning on waking, after eating; (>) after getting warm in bed.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Puffiness of the upper eyelids;l stitches in the walls of the chest; and in eyes, ears, teeth and different parts of the body; lower portion of right lung affected; stitches running through chest to the back; about noon chilliness, after dinner nausea, faintishness, sleep, heat in the evening, constipation; easily frightened; a slight touch of the feet causes the patient to jerk them up in affright; cough, with nausea and vomiting, especially mornings (3 A.M.), with constrictive pain in chest and throat, redness of face and sweat all over; while globular sputa, which fly from mouth when coughing; large quantity of purulent expectoration, with tendency to gastric irritation; disease caused or aggravated after confinement of nursing, sensation of hollowness in chest, (<) from talking; empty, gone feeling in stomach before eating, (<) after eating.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.