Pulmonary phthisis

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Stitches through sternum to back (Kali carb, through right lung to back), (<) while walking; violent racking, tearing cough, dry hawking, (<) mornings, later with copious, green sputa or frothy like soapsuds; exhausting night-sweats and loose stools in morning; excessive and rapid emaciation; during morbus Brightii.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Wheezing rales or rattling sounds of air passing through thick, tenacious mucus in the bronchi, difficult to cough up; hard cough with thick, white, milky sputa; rheumatic fever, exudation and swelling around joints.

Kali-nitr [Kali-n]

Lancinating pains in chest, can hardly breathe or lie down, with anguish and extreme prostration; dry tormenting cough with tickling sensation in middle of chest and palpitations, (<) in fresh air and ascending.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Spasmodic cough with expectoration of frothy serous masses, threatening suffocation; shortness of breath from any exertion or ascending; feeling of faintness and dizziness from weak action of heart.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Stitches below left mamma, proceeding thence as with a sharp knife and like an electric shock across the pit of stomach, chest, right side of abdomen, thighs down to tarsal joints; sticking across middle of chest from morning till noon; acute stitches in middle of chest, (<) during inspiration, attended with a feeling of lameness and extending to the elbow across the right shoulder, where pains are most violent on lifting arms; chest feels bruised; PAINS AS IF STERNUM WOULD BE CRUSHED IN; frequent and periodical blood-spitting with foul greenish-yellow, purulent sputa; foetor oris; expectoration of black, clotted blood; continuous burning in small of back; hectic fever with great prostration and emaciation.

Lachesis [Lach]

Cough frequent, dry, short, sharp and harsh; fever worse in the afternoon; prominent clavicles from emaciation, with loss of strength; offensive stools, even if of natural consistency; SORE

MOUTH IN LAST STAGE OF PHTHISIS; difficult expectoration of offensive, purulent sputa, with straining and nausea, even to vomiting;l sweating around neck, after first sleep; alternating chill and flushes in the afternoon, with heaviness to lower extremities and throbbing headache; cough worse by touching larynx, by mental drinks, recumbent position, and after sleep; hoarseness, even to aphonia, often with expectoration of touch masses of green mucus; dyspnoea, worse on lying down, when there is a sensation of weight on chest and anxious palpitation of heart; extreme prostration.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Dry, teasing cough, (<) at night; gasping for breath when sitting up and suffocating spells from heart troubles; short titillating cough with copious, jelly-like sputa, dotted with bloody points.

Ledum [Led]

Soreness under sternum; cough with tearing, beating pain in head followed by bloody or greenish foetid expectoration; suppuration of lungs, with purulent, greenish expectoration, after neglected pneumonia; purulent cavernous phthisis; oppressive constriction of chest, (<) from motion and walking; double sobbing inspiration; violent cough, with expectoration of bright blood; HAEMOPTOE ALTERNATING WITH RHEUMATISM; nightsweat putrid or sour, chiefly on forehead; tendency to uncover; heat and sweat in alternation with itching.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

OBSERVING DISPOSITION; phthisis from a chronic bronchial catarrh with abundant, purulent, foul-smelling expectoration, often after broncho-pneumonia in tuberculous patients; cough night and day, with bloody mucus, or purulent, lemon-yellow, green or white sputa; hectic fever; rattling breathing with dropped jaw and stupor from weakness and exhaustion after coughing, (<) afternoon and towards midnight; EMACIATION OF UPPER PART OF BODY, WHILE THE LOWER ONE MAY BE ENORMOUSLY DISTENDED; night sweats; cold, clammy, sour, foetid perspiration; intercurrent pleuritic attacks, continual stitches on left side with sensation of constriction in chest (Kali carb.)

Lycopus-virg [Lycps]

Great irritability of weakened heart, with palpitation form least motion; cough, with haemoptysis and feeble, weak heart- action; deep, violent in evening and night, without awaking, (<) by change to cold weather and by cold winds; expectoration pale, sweetish unpleasant tasting; great debility, loss of appetite, diarrhoea with griping and rumbling in bowels.

Manganum [Mang]

WEAK, ANAEMIC PERSONS with tubercular deposit in lungs; voice hoarse mornings, clears up after expulsion of lumps of thick mucus; stitches in chest and sternum, running up and down; bruised pain in upper chest when stooping, (>) raising head; breath hot and burning, with disagreeable heat in chest.

Mercurius-sol [Merc]

Great aggravation and often IMPOSSIBILITY OF LYING ON RIGHT SIDE; FUGITIVE PAINS, changing place continually sometimes caused by mercurial rubber plates; stitches in anterior superior part of chest, extending through to back when coughing; racking cough every other evening, with pain in chest and small of back; tickling hardly allowing one to speak; violent night cough, shortness of breath, as if he inspired smoke; chill (<) evening; heat with aversion to uncover; clammy sweat; rawness and burning under sternum provoking cough.

Millefolium [Mill]

Oppression of chest, frequent bloodspitting; piercing pains; stinging bruised feeling, (<) under left shoulder-blade; Blennorrhoea of lungs; frequent spitting of bright-red blood; colliquative sweats.

Myrtus-com [Myrt-c]

Stitching pain in left chest from upper portion straight through to left scapula, (<) when taking a long breath or coughing; burning pain in left chest, with throbbing, aching and tickling.

Natrum-ars [Nat-ar]

Lungs feel full and clogged, (<) behind sternum; supraclavicular regions sore on pressure; cough caused by a sensation of suffocation, as from smoke in chest; dry cough, with feeling of tightness and oppression in middle and upper third of chest; chilly at night, skin hot and dry.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

EARLY STAGE; COUGH APPEARS WHEN ENTERING A WARM ROOM; skin of whole body dry and rough; violent hawking of thick mucus, which soon collects again; cough with muco-purulent sputa; loud rales through chest; pain about left ninth and tenth ribs; lower lobe of left lung affected; coldness between scapulae; hydrogenoid constitution.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula; breathing anxious, oppressed; short on walking fast, (>) in open air and when exercising arms; attacks of suffocation; spasmodic periodical cough with rattling in chest and expectoration of bloody sputa, (<) evening after lying down; congestion to head, with hectic flush and general malaise after least exertion; sleepy by day and restless at night; sweat on awaking at night and on rising in the morning; chronic coryza, with total loss of smell and taste; (<) at seashore.

Natrum-phos [Nat-p]

PHTHISIS FLORIDA IN YOUNG PEOPLE, with hereditary tendency to sigh, especially during menses; pains in chest, (<) from deep breathing and pressure; intercostal muscles feel sore as it drawn.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

PHTHISIS MUCOSA, ESPECIALLY OF OLD PEOPLE; cough with muco- purulent sputa, lower lobe of left lung; sensation of goneness in chest; soreness of chest, (>) by pressure, hence patient holds his chest while coughing piercing pains in left chest; dyspnoea during damp weather.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Frequent haemorrhages from lungs, chest feels sore to touch, blood being bright-red and profuse; stitches through right chest to scapula; intermitting pulse; least exertion causes palpitation and dyspnoea; panting breathing during talking; tickling cough, (<) at night; offensive bloody sputa, or purulent and dirty-green, with loose and rattling cough; exhausting night- sweats, skin cool towards morning; heat in flushes in hands and feet; hectic fever from breaking down of tubercles; OFTEN AFTER CALCAREA or Kali carb.

Oleum-jecor-asel [Ol-j]

INITIAL STAGES OF TUBERCULOSIS; chills running down the back; hoarseness; soreness in chest and stomach; sharp, stitching pains here and there through chest; burning pains in spots; evening fever with burning in palms of hands; weakness in chest, with hard coughing spells towards morning, emaciation, loss of strength and appetite; expectoration of yellow mucus, or blood- tinged sputa; tickling cough, with palpitations; affections of glands, bones or skin, as tinea, impetigo, etc.

Petroleum [Petr]

TUBERCULAR PHTHISIS IN FIRST AND SECOND STAGE; great hoarseness, showing involvement of larynx; pressing, digging pains in chest; easily exhausted after mental or bodily labor; dry and hacking cough; pulse accelerated by every motion, slow during rest; cold air causes an oppressed feeling in chest; cold feeling about heart.

Phellandrium [Phel]

Right lung chiefly affected; cavity of lung, with hissing sound on breathing and HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE EXPECTORATION; continuous cough, profuse sweat, diarrhoea, vomiting of food, excessive prostration and emaciation. (Caps., breath only offensive during the cough).

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.