
Tearing about lower margin of right orbit, extending under right ear, involving also bones of face, as if everything were torn out; pains from forehead into eyes (right) and from vertex and temples down upon zygoma, with bloatedness of face, congestion to head, vertigo and ringing of ears, (<) from talking, stooping or external pressure, (<) while eating, lying down, after sleeping, from heat. Neuralgia accompanied by much nervous waste, especially in nervous and nervo-sanguineous temperaments; brought on sometimes by taking cold over the washtub.

Piper-meth [Pip-m]

Burning neuralgic pains, with feeling of pressure upon brain, RELIEVED BY DIVERSION OF MIND by some new topic, by excitement or change of position.

Plantago-major [Plan]

Neuralgia in left side of face, pains shooting and tearing, extending from jaw to ear.

Platina [Plat]

Profuse menses with sensation as if the body were growing larger every way; STEADY, COMPRESSING, CRAMPY PAIN IN MALAR BONE AND ZYGOMA, with a kind of numbness, and at the same time a burning, pungent sensation, inducing one to rub or scratch the part; painful crampings and compression around orbital region, particularly supraorbital, the globe of the eye sometimes participating and feeling sore; tingling pains, with feelings of coldness and numbness of affected side; cramp-pain and tensive pressure in malar bones; painful feeling of numbness, as if the parts were between screws, with anxiety, weeping and palpitations, gradual increase and gradual decline; often reflex from uterine diseases.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Faceache, especially left brow; nervous excitation coming at irregular intervals, (<) from lying with head low, when chewing, talking from hot or cold things in mouth, before midnight; pain begins in tooth and shoots upward to and around the ear; skin of the face painfully sensitive; pains twitching, tearing, (<) in warm room; begins morning, worst at noon and gradually decreases; delaying menses, browache gradually increases till flow brings relief, after which it gradually diminished.

Rhododendron [Rhod]

Violent, tearing, jerking faceache, (<) by thunderstorm or its approach, (>) while eating and from warmth; neuralgia of inferior and superior dental nerves, pain going from gums to teeth and radiating over right face, teeth loose, gums swollen, (<) in wind and wet weather; great weakness after the pain.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Neuralgia supraorbitalis sinistra; drawing, burning, tearing pains in face, jerking in dental nerve with a feeling as if teeth were too long, with great restlessness and necessity to move about; momentarily (>) by applying cold hand on face, otherwise hot applications relieve the pain.

Robinia [Rob]

Neuralgia faceache, spreading to the eyes, forehead and ears, to teeth, changing the whole features of patient; sensation of DISARTICULATION AND FRACTURE OF JAWBONE; left side.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Intermittent neuralgia, beginning with a shaking chill of great severity; twitching, convulsive trembling.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Neuralgia in upper jaw, extending to the nose, eye, ear, neck and side of head; shooting-burning pain; MUST KNEEL DOWN AND HOLD HEAD TIGHTLY TO THE FLOOR; severe pain on all the left side of head, especially in the eye; severe pains in the head, in rays drawing upward from the neck; twitching of the cheeks towards the eyes; spongy, bleeding gums; lassitude, torpor; HEREDITARY HEADACHES; (<) by fasting, cold, vexation and exertion, by stimulants, and (>) by heat, liquid diet and by pleasant mental work in a recumbent position.

Sepia [Sep]

Intermittent faceache, with congestion of the eyes and head; also during pregnancy; jerking, like electric shocks, upward; pain appears in the morning immediately on waking; or NONE IN DAYTIME, BUT SEVERE AT NIGHT, spreading over lower and upper maxilla, radiating to vertex, occiput and neck, arms and fingers; patient feels nearly well during day and his face is of good color.

Silicea [Sil]

Dental nerves especially affected, pains more in jawbones than teeth; jaw swollen; toothache, (<) after being a short time in bed; gums very sore, inflamed; face pale, cachectic; restless and fidgety, starting at least noise; inveterate intermitting neuralgia.

Spigelia [Spig]

BEATING OF HEART PRECEDES PROSOPALGIA, which is roused or made (<) eating; pain comes up from nape of neck overhead and settles on left eye; NEURALGIA COMES AND GOES WITH THE SUN; left-sided faceache with severe burning, sticking pains and patient intolerant of his suffering, skin of face swollen and shining; shooting, piercing pain, chiefly seated in globe of eye; tearing, shooting, jerking, or burning pain in all directions, with dark redness of the affected side; flow of water from eyes and nose; twitching of facial muscles; difficulty of breathing; palpitation of heart; rheumatic pains everywhere, worse in damp weather, from touch or motion; mostly left-sided; periodical from morning till sunset, worse at noon; ciliary neuralgia, with lachrymation; thrilling and vibratory pains, darting and lancinating in maxillary and temporal bones; (<) from masticating solid food, (>) sitting up and walking about.

Stannum [Stann]

Prosopalgia after ague suppressed by quinine; obstinate neuralgia of head, face and chest, gradually increased to its height and then gradually decreasing; feels as if she would faint.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Pressing and beating pain extending from the decayed tooth to the eye; worse from slight pressure or from contact of a metallic substance, better from heavy pressure; pains stitching, burning, drawing and cutting, with sensation of swelling of affected side; spasmodic weeping; cold hands and cold sweat on face.

Stramonium [Stram]

Prosopalgia nervosa; pains maddening, spasmodic starts and shocks through body, throws arms upward; skin of forehead wrinkled; pain in cheek near left ear, as if sawing the bone; muscles in oscillating motion; grinding of teeth; muscles will not obey the will; spasms of chest hindering breathing; fainting; delirious talk with open eyes.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Aching pain over left eye; pressure in head every other morning at 8 to 9 A.M., and continuing until bedtime; tearing and pressure in left temple and eye; painful pressure over the eyebrows; drawing pain in left side of face, apparently above the eye in region of temporal and malar bone extending as far as the lobule, worst in the morning.

Tarentula [Tarent]

Pain in right or left angle of inferior maxilla, so severe as to think he is going crazy; pain in inferior maxilla, as if all the teeth were going to fall out; neither cold nor heat relieves; pain in direction of right inferior maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach; dizziness, vanishing of sight and buzzing in ears; sensation of heat in face.

Thuja [Thuj]

After SUPPRESSED GONORRHOEA, or eczema of ear; faceache from left malar to ear, teeth, nose and head; painful spots burn like fire, and are sensitive to the sun; pain changes from left to right; drawing in the muscles of mastication; he can neither talk nor shut his mouth without pain; swelling of gums, salivation; better at night; pains of an intense stabbing character, (<) when sitting up; pains begin in malar bones and eyes and go back (Spigelia, pains begin in occiput and go forward). Ailments from vaccination.

Valeriana [Valer]

Fierce pains through left side of face, darting into teeth and ear; muscles twitch; pains appear suddenly and in jerks; hysterical neuralgia.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Drawing-tearing pains, with bluish-pale face, sunken eyes, prostration; tearing in cheeks, temples and eyes, with heat and redness, driving to madness; worse in damp weather; right side or left to right; especially in anaemic persons; spasm of muscles when masticating.

Verbascum [Verb]

Faceache, when there is a CRUSHING AS WITH TONGS in painful parts, (<) from talking, sneezing, change of temperature, and daily from 9 A.M. to P.M., or from draught of air, especially on passing from the open air into a warm room; considerable coryza and lachrymation, brought on by pressure and chewing, attended with headache, redness of face, vertigo, belching and a discharge of tough saliva from mouth; right side more affected.

Zincum-met [Zinc]

Burning, jerking, sticking in infraorbital nerve, with blueness of eyelids, (<) from motion or getting tired, from least touch and in the evening; cold sweat on forehead, numbness of tongue, constricted sensation in throat; pain so severe as to induce lethargy.

Zincum-sulph [Zinc-s]

Sleeplessness from severity of pain after abuse of mercury or


Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.

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