
Conium [Con]

Ciliary neuralgia and prosopalgia, usually on one side (<) from cold, which renders the cheek dark-red and swollen; heat in face,

with congestion to head; lacerating in right half of face, which feels as if excoriated; darting pains in teeth; (<) from eating and drinking.

Croton-tigl [Croto-t]

Pain extending from pupil of eye to back part of head; sensation as if insects were creeping on face; weak, faint spells, with flushes of heat.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Furious stunning pains commence in the evening and go on tearing through ears, face and all teeth; during paroxysm scalp sensitive to touch; sleep restless, interrupted, dreamy; pain lasts in paroxysm to noon next day; during paroxysm (>) from wrapping parts up warmly.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Facial neuralgia, seemingly starting from malar bone; paroxysm preceded by the parts becoming very cold, attended with canine hunger, (<) or brought on by the slightest exposure to cold, as walking out in thin slippers; (>) from external warmth; faceache and asthma after disappearance of tetters in face.

Eucalyptus [Eucal]

Periodical prosopalgia (Aranea diadema).

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Neuralgia after cold washing and overheating; pains throbbing, (<) at night and when lying down, (>) sitting up or slowly walking about; during the pain face gets fiery-red, sometimes only in one spot, and full, yielding pulse; cannot keep the head quiet; at intervals the face looks pale and earthy.

Gelsemium [Gels]

One-sided neuralgic affections of the fifth nerve particularly infraorbital or when the pain runs along one of its divisions at a time. Acute, sudden, darting, shooting pains, with contractions and twitchings of muscles, supplied by the affected nerve; PAIN INTERMITS AND TEMPORARILY RELIEVED BY STIMULANTS; extreme general nervousness and loss of control over the voluntary muscles, giving rise to odd irregular actions or grimaces; periorbital neuralgia with diplopia; sub-occipital neuralgia with sleeplessness; (<) damp cold air.

Glonoinum [Glon]

Throbbing pains in gums of one side, rapidly followed by darting and stinging shocks of pain, extending upward throughout the malar bone of the affected side and downward to neck; great emotional excitement from severity of the pain; (<) from 6 A.M. to noon; cold sweat on face during congestion to head.

Helleborus [Hell]

Dull persistent pain in occiput with a sensation of water swashing about inside; drawing pressure in left brain from behind forward or from nape of neck to vertex; dysuria, neuralgia occipitals (<) after vomiting.

Hepar [Hep]

Chronic cases, pains in malar bones, (<) when touching the parts extending to ears and temples, or in fresh air and (>) from wrapping up face; at same time coryza, hoarseness, much sweating and rheumatic pains.

Ignatia [Ign]

Supraorbital neurosis; pains boring, shooting, formication; CLAVUS HYSTERICUS, LEFT SIDE; convulsive twitching of facial muscles; alternate redness and paleness of face; PAIN FROM HEAD TO LEFT EYE, which burns and waters; especially after fright or

grief; intermitting, (<) mornings and afternoon; from mental emotions or overwork, from suppressed discharges, from excesses in venere et baccho.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Faceache, with a stupid, stunning headache, BEGINS EVERY MORNING AFTER BREAKFAST; pain in head, temples and eyes, attended with most distressing vomiting of a sweetish mucus and, if attended by much straining, of some bile; copious urination and disposition to stool; infraorbital nerves especially affected.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Supraorbital left-sided neuralgia; violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch to the extreme angle of eye; begins in the morning and increases till noon, goes away towards evening; PAINFUL SPOT CAN BE COVERED WITH TIP OF FINGER over the inner corner of right eye; soreness of the bone to touch; painful as if bruised; face pale; cold sweat on face and body; weariness after the pain; shooting pain in left upper maxillary bone towards ear.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Tearing stitches from a molar into forehead, eyes and temples; stinging in cheeks.

Kali-cyan [Kali-cy]

Agonizing neuralgic pains between temporal region, ciliary arch and left upper jaw; PERIODICAL, daily from 4, (<) till 10 and ceasing at 4 P.M., with much flushing of that side of face.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Fulgurant pains in face, gradually growing more frequent; left side of face fiery-red, with twitching and trembling in muscles of face, lachrymation, (<) speaking, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour; swelling of gums and cheeks; FACEACHE FOLLOWED BY FACIAL PARALYSIS, with tenderness to touch or pressure.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

NEURALGIA IN MUCH REDUCED CONSTITUTIONS with paralyzing pains; right-sided faceache, proceeding from hollow tooth, (>) from cold applications (Magn. phos, (>) from warmth).

Kalmia-lat [Kalm]

RIGHT-SIDED FACEACHE, pains rending, burning, agonizing, stupefying or threatening delirium; pressing pain on right side of face, especially between eye and nose; pains occur at irregular times, continue for no definite period, come suddenly or gradually and leave as uncertainly, (<) when sitting bent and by heat; (>) by sitting or standing upright; by cold; pain over right eye, which is weak and watery, with giddiness; pains run from nape of neck up over scalp to top of head, then to temples and face, mostly on right side; faceache, involving teeth of upper jaw, but not arising from caries; periosteal pains; parts tender to touch, (>) from cold, (<) from heat.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Jerking, tearing sticking, burning pains in forehead, semilateral and extending to cheeks, jaws, teeth and neck, induced by talking, moving, sitting up or lying on side not affected, with great excitability and irritability; desire for stimulants.

Lachesis [Lach]

Prosopalgia, (<) left side, tearing pains above orbit and digging, screwing pains around malar bones; right-sided faceache affecting the lower jaw; rising of heat in face before and weak feeling in bowels afterwards.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Neuralgia infraorbitalis sinistra; violent nightly tearing pains in region of zygomatic bone, driving one out of bed and compelling him to walk the floor and shake the head; stretching sensation in skin of face, as if albumen were drying up on it (Baryta, sensation as if covered with cobweb); predominant chilliness and feeling of coldness; (<) from touch, draught, change of temperature.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

RIGHT-SIDED SUPRAORBITAL PAINS, shifting; left-sided faceache affecting the under jaw, both (>) BY WARMTH AND OCCURRING MOSTLY AT NIGHT; jerking cutting pain, (<) when body gets cold; increased lachrymation.

Manganum-acet [Mang]

Neuralgia of tongue, burning pains at night and when quiet; (>) in open air; excessive pains dart from teeth into ear, (>) by friction; face wretched, pale and sunken.

Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r]

Dull aching or sharp shooting pains in the bones of left side of face, which feels extremely tired and heavy; headache on left side and top of head; left-sided toothache, teeth feel long and sensitive; pinching, sticking pain in and around left ear; cannot bear clothing to touch the neck (Lachesis); pain and stiffness of left side of neck shooting downward.

Mercurius-sol [Merc]

Tearing pains, worse at night in bed; often starts from a decayed tooth, and involves the whole side of the face, which may be red and swollen, with ptyalism, lachrymation, constant inclination to perspire, restlessness and sleeplessness; recent cases from cold and chill.

Mezereum [Mez]

Pain in zygoma and temple, right side; boring in upper maxillary and carious teeth, with frequent troublesome muscular twitchings of right cheek; prosopalgia left side from over eye to eyeball, cheek, teeth, neck and shoulder; lachrymation; conjunctiva injected; parts sensitive to touch; neuralgic pains come quickly and leave the parts numb; worse from warmth; facial muscles drawn tense; flow of saliva, redness of fauces; burning in the throat, red spots on nape of neck; formication in the skin of chest; constant chilliness; after abuse of mercury, especially for syphilitic, scrofulous and herpetic persons; neuralgia of herpes zoster.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Pain in malar bones worse when chewing; prosopalgia recurring periodically, ESPECIALLY AFTER CHECKED AGUE; face sallow, great thirst; whiskers fall off; itching and eruption on face; faceache with an increased flow of tears at the height of an attack; neuralgia of trigeminus with lachrymation; cheeks corroded from tears; pains produce paralytic symptoms; after quinine; from eating salt.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Intermittent (quotidian), matutinal, supraorbital neuralgia of excessive severity; tearing pain in the course of infraorbital and middle branch of trigeminus, with redness and watering of eyes, flow of clear water from eye and nostril of affected side, face numb, (<) from coffee, liquors and quinine; patient morose, irritable, constipated, belches a good deal.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.

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