
Homeopathy treatment for Prosopalgia from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Prosopalgia…

Aconite [Acon]

BELL’S FACIAL PARALYSIS, accompanied by coldness, numbness and tingling, from exposure to dry cold winds; red and hot face, with pain on one side, creeping or as from an ulcer; swelling of the cheeks or jaws, lobe of ear red; fever (<) evening and night; thirst; violent pains with restlessness and anguish.

Agaricus [Agar]

Pricking and sticking into the muscles through which the nerve runs; burning feeling in the eyeballs and lids, pressure with desire to close the lids; needlelike prickings at the exit of the infra- and supraorbital nerve; irritation of lachrymal sac and of meibomian glands; surring in ears.

Agnus-castus [Agn]

HARD ACHING IN DORSUM OR NOSE, the right nasal bone and between the right eyebrow and the root of the nose, as if a stone were pressing there, (>) by pressing hard the seat of the pain, but leaving a steady sensation of discomfort; pains as if he had

received a severe blow on nose; neuralgic pains in different parts of body, coming and going irregularly; great despondency.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Prosopalgia, particularly when the infraorbital branches of the fifth pair and the nerves going to the teeth are affected; pain intense and at acme accompanied by UNPLEASANT SOUR TASTE IN MOUTH; face pale and sunken, rather sallow and in severe cases, when blood is much affected, of a dark muddy, leaden hue.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Prosopalgia, with DARTING, NEEDLELIKE BURNING PAINS, (<) midnight; cannot rest in any place, changing position continually; screams from severity of pain; photophobia; face pale and distorted; puffiness around eyes; great restlessness, periodicity; (>) by warmth.

Atropinum [Atro]

Neuralgic pains, commencing under left orbit and running back to ear, lasting about ten minutes at a time and then disappearing for fifteen or twenty minutes; sharp pains about and around right eye.

Badiaga [Bad]

Severe pain in right eyeball, extending to forehead over the eye and to temple, (<) evenings and on turning eyes.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

More chronic cases; ANAEMIC FORM; twitches and tingling in left side of face; sensation as if the skin were covered with cobweb; tension in face.

Belladonna [Bell]

Prosopalgia with simultaneous vascular excitement (Spigelia without it); muscular contractions from severity of pain; right side affected, and the pain follows the course of infraorbital nerve, shooting tearing from side to face up into temple, ear and down into nape of neck, which becomes rigid, spasms of eyelids; (<) from noise, light, jarring or currents of air, in afternoon; pains gradually increase and then suddenly cease. After abuse of mercury.

Bismuth [Bism]

Lancinating, burning pains, as if the face were torn by pincers, (<) by mastication and the touch of warm food, (>) by continually walking or running about, by cold and by the touch of cold water; features changed as if he had been sick for some time; solitude unbearable.

Bryonia [Bry]

Prosopalgia, (>) by hard pressure and cold applications; twitching, tearing pains in right malar bone up to right temple externally and sore to mere touch; water tastes bitter.

Cactus [Cact]

Right side; pains pulsating and throbbing, (<) from slightest exertion, BEARABLE WHEN LYING QUIETLY IN BED, brought on by wine, strong light, music or missing dinner at regular hour; quotidian at the same hour.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Chronic prosopalgia in fat people; damp, cold feet; profuse menses, (<) when exposed to cold air, (>) in warm room; teeth cannot endure air or any coldness.

Cantharis [Canth]

Right side on a rheumatic base, in paroxysms and ceasing almost as suddenly as it began; burning pains and spasmodic cramps in affected side, with sudden dilatation of pupils; pale, wretched, sickly look frowning with pains; patient irritable and blaspheming.

Capsicum [Caps]

Prosopalgia provoked by external pressure, a fine line of pain running along the nerve; burning, pungent pain in face, (<) from slightest current of air, warm or cold; patients with lax fibre.

Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]

Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye and temple; acute piercing pain in a small spot on left supraorbital ridge; spot remaining sore to touch; tightness in nose between eyes; dull, heavy pain through temples.

Causticum [Caust]

Chronic cases, right side from cheek-bones to mastoid process, (<) at every stormy change of weather, at night; (>) BY RUBBING WITH COLD WATER; lameness of facial muscles or drawing pains in jaws so that he cannot open them; rheumatic pains in limbs; buzzing in ears; chilliness; anaemia and scanty menses.

Cedron [Cedr]

Unbearable neuralgic pains, but wandering from one place to another one, although starting from a carious tooth; SUPRAORBITAL QUOTIDIAN NEURALGIA, (<) on left side and affecting the eye which burns like fire; puffiness of face; patient nervous, excitable, with cold hands, feet and nose, congestion to head; pressing, tearing pains with occasional shooting into orbits; clocklike periodicity.

Cepa [All-c]

Neuralgic pains like a long thread running towards e ar from a deep part in the brain, (<) evenings; TRAUMATIC CHRONIC NEURITIS AFTER SURGICAL OPERATIONS, severe pains in cicatrical tissue.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Severity of pain causes hot sweat about head and extorts screams, twitching in eyelids, eyeballs, lips and facial muscles; patient wild and unruly, tossing and rolling about, (<) at night and by warmth; menses profuse.

Chelidonium [Chel]

NEURALGIC PAINS FROM HEPATIC DISORDERS, across eyes from left to right, accompanied by most profuse lachrymation and dread of light; tenderness of temples to pressure, NEURALGIA SUPRAORBITALIS AND TEMPORALIS DEXTRA; violent tearing in antrum; tendency to spread to the jaws and teeth as well as up the head; cold sensation in occiput from nape; face collapsed and pale; constant chilliness, except towards evening, when cheeks become red and head and left eye feel hot; towards morning profuse perspiration so that bed is wet through, preventing sleep at night; slight amelioration by pressure with hands, (<) from light, fresh air, any motion of head, and especially bowing; daily repeated attacks of difficult breathing and constriction of chest; pains begin slightly on eyebrows, and increasing pass over forehead, orbits and eye of same side.

China [Chin]

Periodical neuralgic attacks; pains excessive and skin sensitive to least touch; parts feel weak; face alternately pale or red; pain from left to right, especially in infraorbital and maxillary branches; (<) from draughts of air, least touch, lying down, at night; after eating; great weakness after paroxysms.

Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]

Supraorbital neuralgia, daily at same hour, especially from 7 A.M. to noon; intervals free from pain; free from all complications; highly lateritious urine, full of urates and purpurate of ammonia, clavus hystericus, right side (Ignatia, left).

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Prosopalgia as a REFLEX NEURALGIA FROM OVARIAN OR UTERINE TROUBLES; rheumatic facial neuralgia; hysterical lachrymation; neuralgia affecting malar bone, pain goes off at night and reappears early next morning; frequent flushes of heat, wants to be in the open air, though sensitive to draughts and worse from motion; great debility between menses.

Cina [Cina]

Periodic twitching tearing pain in zygoma, wandering from one part to another; fine stickings as from needles in lower jaw, (<) by pressure with hand; pain as if both malar bones were compressed by pincers.

Coccinella [Cocci-s]

Pain in course of frontal nerve, gradually increasing; cannot open eyes, pain (<) from any bright object, especially over right eye, which is sensitive to least touch, ending in general heat, followed by sleep and entire relief; PERIODICAL FACEACHE EVERY 8, 12, 14, 21, DAYS; skin of whole body moist and cold; great weakness from long-continued suffering.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Attacks regularly every afternoon, preceded by irritability, gasping, prostration, chilliness, coldness of feet, violent jerks in pes anserinus; boring, stitching, crushing, lancinating pain in jaws, radiating very far, even to the fingers’ ends; face distorted and cold to touch; chilly feeling through teeth; spasms in throat; trembling all over; extreme irritability of whole nervous system, acidity of stomach.

Coffea [Coff]

Sharp cutting pains extending to front of ear, down the lower jaw and teeth; patient much excited, cannot stand still, must walk constantly; temporary relief from hard pressure and by holding ice-water in mouth.

Colchicum [Colch]

Left-side prosopalgia with paralytic weakness of the muscles, but lacks the severity of those of Spigelia, tearing and tensive pains in facial muscles, moving from one location to another; drawing in bones of face and nose, with sensation as if they were being rent asunder.

Colocynthis [Coloc]


BY PRESSURE, but come on all the more violently as soon as pressure is removed; tensive tearing pain, with heat and swelling, especially in small branches of infraorbital nerves, (<) touch and motion, (>) perfect rest and from external application of heat; constriction and pressure in left malar bone, extending into left eye, with dazzling before eye and diplopia; transient stitches in upper jaw, frequently returning; often caused by chagrin, indignation or too close application to business.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.

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