
Natrum-bicarb [Nat-bic]

Feeling as if her right side and arm would become paralyzed, (<) while sitting, (>) on motion, pressing and rubbing.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Paralysis of flexors, after diphtheria, intermittents, sexual excesses and violent fits of passion; paralytic condition of lower limbs; painful contraction of hamstrings; oversensitiveness of pain to touch, and still relief by lying on something hard; great weakness and relaxation of all physical and mental vigor from exertion; hysterical debility; emaciation, especially around neck; marasmus.

Natrum-phos [Nat-p]

Legs weak from the knee down; legs give way under the when she walks.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Paralysis, with cramps and trembling, tongue, eyelids, oesophagus; staggers on walking, falls often; weakness of small of back and knees; hysteria.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

PARALYSIS LABIO-GLOSSO-PHARYNGEA; MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; paralysis from apoplexy, or cerebral softening, from sexual excesses, abuse of alcohol, after mental overexertion, combined with sedentary habits; after poisoning by arsenic, after spasms, or diphtheria; parts cold, numb, emaciated; sick-headache, with dimness of vision, sour bitter vomiting with oversensitiveness of all the senses; paralysis from exhaustion of the spinal cord, spinal anaemia, reflex para and hemiplegia, or white softening, or where paresis of the motor nerve-centres remains after all signs of irritation have passed away; incomplete paralysis; power of motion not entirely gone, but impeded by painful twitchings and spasmodic contraction whenever the affected part is exercised; sensation small of back as if lame; paralysis of arm, with violent jerks in it, as if the blood would start, out of the veins; staggering walk, when he walks he drags his feet, cannot lift them up; numbness and deadness of lower legs, coldness of the paralyzed parts; paralysis of the bladder in old men; great debility of nervous system, with oversensitiveness of all the senses, in drunken people; worse from motion and slight touch but strong pressure relieves (China); mercurial tremors.

Oleander [Olnd]

FUNCTIONAL PARALYSIS (Gelsemium), implicating sensory and motory nerves; painful stiffness and paralysis of limbs; anaesthesia of whole body; trembling of knees when standing and of the hands when writing; vertigo a long time before paralysis sets in; no pains.

Opium [Op]

Paralysis, with insensibility after apoplexy, in drunkards or old people; weakness, numbness and paralysis of the legs and arms; stupefying sleep; the patient is dull, stupid as if drunk; retained stool and urine; want of vital reaction, body cold, stupor.

Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]

SCLEROSIS OF POSTERIOR COLUMN; pains shooting down from the cord to the extremities, especially lower ones, stiffness of limbs, dyspnoea, followed by a peculiar general numbness, approaching to palsy; back feels too weak to support the body; jerking pains; confined to small spots, lasting only a few seconds; pain in small longitudinal spots; paroxysms of dyspnoea.

Phosphorus [Phos]

LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA with much burning along spine; great tingling and formication along spine and in affected extremities; during first stage extreme sexual excitement. DUCHENNE’S PSEUDO- HYPERTROPHIC PARALYSIS, in repose painless twitching of the muscles, and when they stopped easily excited again by contact. PROGRESSIVE SPINAL PARALYSIS, with partial contraction of the affected muscles, formication and tearing in limbs; anaesthesia with increased heat; periodically returning, unbearable pains in spine, preventing walking; heaviness and sensation of fatigue, especially when ascending steps; pains in soles of feet, as if she had walked too much with sensation as if they were asleep; great irritability and nervousness (Zincum met.). PARALYSIS OF BLADDER, caused or (<) by excessive loss of animal fluids, as semen. HEMIPLEGIA, facial, aphasic paralysis from thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery or from pressure upon spinal cord (scoliosis).

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Cerebro-spinal exhaustion from overwork, causing heaviness of limbs, numbness and vertigo; back and legs weak and burning; formication.

Physostigma [Phys]

PARALYSIS AGITANS from excessive spinal irritation, intellect remaining normal; rigidity of muscles, burning and twinging sensations, with numbness of feet and hands and other pars of body; crampy pains in hands; sudden jerking of limbs on dropping off to sleep; tremors of young persons from emotional or physical overwork; staggering gait as if drunk; feeling of weakness, as if paralyzed, from occiput down spine and legs, which fee as if asleep.

Picric-acid [Pic-ac]

PARALYSIS FROM CEREBRO-SPINAL SOFTENING; during first stage intense occipital headache after severe mental effort, congestion of spine with tonic and clonic spasms, keeps his legs wide apart when standing, looks steadily at objects as if unable to make them out, followed by paresis. BRAIN-FAG, limbs become too weak to support the body. WILL-POWER AS IF SUSPENDED; wasting palsy.

Plumbum [Plb]

PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY, pains in atrophied limbs, alternating with colic; MULTIPLE CEREBRO-SPINAL SCLEROSIS, tremors followed by paralysis; extensor muscles more affected then flexors; paralysis preceded by mental alienation, painful contractions of the limbs and cramps of the muscles, and by shooting and tearing pains; palsy of tongue and of organs of speech; wrist-drop; paralytic weakness of extremities, especially right side; hands and feet cold; total want of sweat; obstinate constipation.

Psorinum [Psor]

Paralytic debility without structural changes; trembling of hands and feet; after debilitating acute diseases.

Rhododendron [Rhod]

Paralytic weakness during rest, or after only slight exertion; heavy, weak feeling and formication in back and limbs, worse at rest and in rough weather.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

THE GREAT ANTIPARALYTICUM, Myelitis of the anterior horns (infantile paralysis). Lameness in all extremities and joints, with stiffness, worse on rising after having been seated for a long time, sensation not much impaired; palsy of one side of the lower extremities, with dragging, slow, difficult walking; rheumatic palsies from exposure to wet, strains, or excessive exertions, with painful stiffness, tingling and numbness; paralysis after ague or typhoid, from sexual excesses, pains in small of back improved by lying on something hard; hemiplegia,

paraplegia, paralysis of the rectum and of the bladder, dysphagia paralytica, blepharoplegia, etc.; Bell’s paralysis; paresis of one or more muscles of eyeballs from damp cold; puffiness with paralytic weakness of the joints, more than oedema, as it does not pit much on pressure., Sulphur follows well.

Ruta [Ruta]

Severe, facial paralysis after catching cold, it suits especially robust and sanguineous persons; tottering as if thighs were weak; limbs pain when walking; rheumatic paralysis of the tarsal and carpal joints.

Secale-corn [Sec]

It destroys the activity of the cord. Convulsive twitchings and shocks, painful contractions, tetanic manifestations; perfect paralysis, with increased reflex activity; most excruciating spinal pains, especially in sacral region; paralysis of bladder and rectum; tendency to gangrene; rapid emaciation.

Sepia [Sep]

Paralysis, with atrophy, icy coldness of limbs; the joints feel weak, as if they could not support the body, cramps in calves and feet, (<) in daytime; ankles are weak and turn easily when walking, (<) from riding in carriage, after getting wet; want of natural bodily warmth.

Silicea [Sil]

Paralysis from defective nutrition of nervous system, with oversusceptibility to nervous stimuli; brain and spine cannot bear ordinary vibration or concussion; skin tender and sensitive to touch; paralysis as a sequel to convulsions, paralytic difficulty in swallowing, paralysis of left hands, with atrophy and numbness of fingers; paralysis of legs, (<) mornings, with heaviness of head and ringing in ears; PROGRESSIVE SCLEROSIS OF POSTERIOR COLUMN, sense of great debility, wants to lie down; limbs go to sleep easily, are sore, lame and cold; trembling of legs, as if he had lost all power over them; wandering pains, passing quickly from one part of body to another; spasms or paralysis from checked foot-sweats, depending on alterations in connective tissue in brain and spinal cord; glandular induration; sclerosis of connective tissue; gliomatosis.

Stannum [Stann]

Functional paralysis from onanism or emotions; paralysis mostly left-sided; feeling of a load in the affected arm and corresponding side of the chest; from worms, onanism, spasms, emotions; paralytic heaviness of the limbs, worse using the arm or walking particularly descending; paralyzed parts constantly moist from perspiration; frequent night-sweats.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Paralysis of one side from emotions or onanism; nervous weakness; on putting foot to the ground, pricking in balls of feet as if toes would be drawn; tingling in affected parts.

Stramonium [Stram]

Constant pain in cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae; difficult to bring hand to tumbler, or carry latter to mouth; convulsive phenomena alternating with paralytic ones; limbs feel as if gone to sleep; cold hands and feet; paralysis of lower limbs; loss of

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.