
Homeopathy treatment for Paralysis from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Paralysis…

Aconite [Acon]

Paralysis accompanied by COLDNESS, NUMBNESS AND TINGLING, traceable to exposure to cold, especially to dry cold winds, mostly in the beginning (Causticum when palsy became chronic), from congestion of spinal cord; arms hang down as if paralyzed from heavy blows; crampy, contractive pains in hands and fingers; jactitation of arms; trembling of lower extremities; painful sensitiveness of the body to contact; congestion of blood of single parts, causing great sensitiveness and finally paralysis.

AEsculus-glabra [AEsc-g]

Paralytic affections of lower extremities; great lameness and weakness of back; strong tendency to contraction of legs.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

Paralysis of upper extremities; lameness and paralytic feeling from neck down, cannot raise arms, can hardly walk, must lie down.

Agaricus [Agar]

Sense of languor as if the body were bruised and the joints dislocated; sense of weariness and weakness all down the spine; paralysis of lower limbs, with slight spasms of arms; palsy of upper and lower limbs from incipient softening of spinal cord; paraplegia from congestion of lumbar cord; VIOLENT PAINS IN ALL PARALYZED PARTS; pain in lumbar region and sacrum, (<) while sitting or during exertion in daytime; formication in upper and lower limbs as if gone to sleep; limbs cold, blue; crosswise affections. Senile tremor.

Aluminium [Alum]

Locomotor ataxia; inability to walk except when the eyes are open and in daylight; loss of sensibility of feet; numbness of heel when stepping; tearing in thighs and legs when sitting or lying, (<) at night; pain in sole of foot on stepping, as if it were too soft and swollen; drawing pains in extremities; rheumatic and traumatic paralysis in gouty patients; palsy from spinal disease; arms feel heavy and go to sleep; lower limbs heavy, can scarcely drag them; feeling of weakness in bladder and genitals; bowels in-active; mistakes in speaking; consciousness of his identity confused; strength all exhausted after walking in fresh air, with yawning, stretching, drowsiness and inclination to lie down, in fresh air, with yawning, stretching, drowsiness and inclination to lie down, which only increase the lassitude.

Ambra [Ambr]

Paralytic complaints; weakness of whole body, of the knees, as if they would give way; of feet, with loss of sensation; in the stomach, so that she must lie down; (<) after sleep, feels weak and weary, eyes feel as if the lids had been closed too tightly; great lassitude, especially mornings in bed; coldness of hands and feet, emaciation.

Anacardium [Anac]

Paralysis of single parts; sensation of weakness in arms, with trembling numbness of fingers; wavelike twitches, here and there, in the legs; knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude; repeated tearings in paroxysms through upper and lower limbs at the same time; sensation as of a hoop or band around the parts; want of moral feeling; paralysis, with imbecility; loss of

will, cannot control the voluntary muscles; cannot speak, only utters unintelligible words; drinks run out of the mouth; pulse slow and moderately full, body cool. After apoplexy.

Angustura [Ang]

Paralysis; weakness of the whole body, as if the marrow of the bones were stiff; affections of spinal cord and extensor muscles; twitching and jerking along the back like electric shocks; tetanic spasms, caused by contact, noise or the drinking of lukewarm water; worse from touching the affected pats; rheumatism; with paralytic conditions.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Paralysis of cerebral origin; PARALYSIS FOLLOWING DEVITALIZING AFFECTIONS, as diphtheria, typhoids, suppressed eruptions, meningeal affections; PALSY OF ONE SIDE OF BODY AND CONVULSIONS OF THE OTHER; whole nervous system under a paralyzing influence, with general feeling of lassitude and depression; limbs, especially lower, emaciated and cold to touch; shortening of tendons; coma.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

PARAPLEGIA FROM EXHAUSTION, resulting from concussion or alcoholic excess; hysterical and diphtheritic paralysis; locomotor ataxia with defective coordination of muscles, staggering in the dark or when eyes are closed, feeling of soreness in lumbo-sacral region, diminution of tendon reflexes and atrophy of optic nerve (Alumina metr). Lassitude of lower limbs, with dizziness as from intoxication; paralytic heaviness

and weakness of legs, he does not know where to put them, calves feel bruised as after a long journey; pain in small of back very severe when rising from a sitting posture, (>) by walking; trembling of hands so that he drops things; very nervous at night and sleep full of horrible dreams; paralytic debility of lumbar region and kidneys; faeces and urine pass unconsciously and involuntarily.

Arnica [Arn]

Paralysis in consequence of exudation within the brain or spine, of apoplexy, of concussions; of wakening diseases, of protracted intermittent fevers, of ischias; convulsions and tetanic spasms consequent upon mechanical injuries; paralysis of body (right side); jactitation of single muscles, twitching in all the limbs; oversensitiveness of the whole body, EVERYTHING FEELS TOO HARD; weary, bruised, sore, great weakness; knee-joints suddenly bend when standing, feet numb and insensible; arms weary as if bruised; painful paralysis from concussion of spine (helps to absorb the clot in the brain of the intemperate; hopeless, downcast, peevish; state of mind pitiable (Natr. m., relief by lying on something hard, though spine is sensitive to touch); (<) in damp, cold weather.

Arsenicum [Ars]

PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY; trembling of limbs (in drunkards); excessive weakness and exhaustion of limbs force him to lie down; violent neuralgic tearing pain in upper and lower limbs; cannot rest on affected part, PAIN LEAST WHEN MOVING AFFECTED PART; sensation of weakness, ad if bruised, in the small of black; stiffness in spinal column, beginning in region of coccyx. Antidote to lead-poisoning.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

PARALYSIS FOLLOWING APOPLEXY IN OLD PEOPLE, who are childish, sensorium not clear, loss of speech, paralysis of tongue, of upper and lower extremities; weariness, constant inclination to lie down; facial paralysis and GLOSSO PARAPLEGIA in scrofulous persons, sometimes with great mental and bodily failure of development, mouth kept partly open and saliva runs out; multiple sclerosis of the brain and spinal cord.

Belladonna [Bell]

FIRST STAGE OF LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA, loss of coordination of the muscles of upper and lower limbs;l trembling in all limbs; general tremor with anxiety; paralysis of one and spasms of the other side of the body; paralytic debility of all muscles, especially of feet; disinclination and aversion to work and motion; great restlessness, with sudden startings; paralysis of right side of face; inability to speak; diplopia, amaurosis.

Bryonia [Bry]

Paralysis, generally of both sides, in rheumatic and gouty patients; (<) from motion and contact; legs so weak they will scarcely hold him, knees totter and knock together when walking.

Bufo [Bufo]

PARALYSIS AGITANS; weak memory, idiotic; great weakness of extremities; trembling and heaviness of limbs; restless movements of limbs and body; twitching of whole body increasing rapidly in severity; great weakness, fainting.

Cadmium [Cadm-s]

Painful drawing in face, inability to close eyes, distortion of mouth to one side, difficulty in talking and swallowing; from catching cold after failure of Causticum

Calcarea [Calc]

Spinal paralysis from frequent wettings, or the result of exhausting sweats, of loss of animal fluids, of sexual excesses, causing weakness of back and threatening motor paralysis or locomotor ataxia; great weakness, especially mornings; palsy of upper extremities to the fingers with coldness; great weariness, unable, to walk; trembling of body during puberty in leucophlegmatic people.

Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]

Paralysis with tingling in affected parts (Aconite, Staphysagria); TREMBLING WITH MENTAL WEAKNESS, especially of lower limbs and right arm; intensely violent pains on attempting to walk, as if he trod on a number of spikes, with stiffness and tired aching in both knees; great desire to lie down.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Paralytic weakness of fingers with seizing anything (Natr. m.); trembling hands when writing; limbs go to sleep easily; numbness of the parts on which one lies; oversensitiveness of nerves from loss of fluids; paroxysms of pain caused by the slightest contacts, and gradually increasing to a great height.

Caulophyllum [Caul]

Paraplegia from retroversion and congestion of womb after childbirth, with partial loss of sensation in affected limbs; emaciation, anaemia and general debility.

Causticum [Caust]

CHRONIC PARALYSIS from dry, cold weather, especially during the intense cold of winter, OF SINGLE PARTS OR SINGLE NERVES, as of facial nerve, ptosis; paralysis of tongue when deglutition and speech are more or less destroyed; palsy of lips; glosso- pharyngeal palsy, sometimes involving vocal cords; hemiplegia of opposite side of body as the sequela of apoplexy; gradually appearing palsies; pains in paralyzed parts increase when lameness decreases; one-sided paralysis, especially of flexor muscles; SENSIBILITY MOSTLY INTACT; catarrhal and rheumatic conditions; suppressed chronic eruptions; weeping mood, hopelessness, fear of death.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.