
Chelidonium [Chel]

Limbs feel paralyzed; when bending forward or backward tearing- pressing pain in back, as f vertebrae were being broken asunder; paralytic pressure in upper arm, and weakness in thigh and leg.

China [Chin]

Paralysis from loss of fluids, after arsenical poisoning, onanism: numbness of parts on which he lies.

Cicuta [Cic]

Paralysis from concussion of the brain; violent spasmodic pains, paroxysmal, in paralyzed lower limbs, with involuntary trembling during remission; painful feeling of stiffness in the muscle of the lower limbs; frequent involuntary jerking and twitching in limbs, followed by complete loss of power; deadness of fingers; bruised sensation on many parts of the body; mental torpor.

Cina [Cina]

Paraplegia with unnatural hunger; drawing-tearing pans along whole spine; paralytic pain in left thigh, near knee; coldness of hands and feet with thirst.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Paralysis of face, tongue and of pharynx, so that he has to speak slowly and has difficulty in swallowing; paraplegia, rheumatic lameness from small of back downward; thighs feel paralyzed and bruised; flatulency most troublesome at night, preventing sleep; great repugnance to food and drink; HYSTERICAL PALSY with headache, vertigo, sensation of seasickness, weakness, fainting fits and beating of heart; paralytic weakness of cervical muscles; paralytic affections arising in small of back after taking cold, with cold feeling in extremities and oedema of feet; spasmodic constriction through whole length of spine, especially on motion; anxious, apprehensive disposition.

Colchicum [Colch]

LOSS OF SENSIBILITY OF TONGUE, the first symptom in Colchicum paralysis; lameness after suddenly checked sweat, particularly, foot sweat, by getting wet all over; difficult to lift the feet or to go upstairs, uncertain gait; all muscles of voluntary motion, especially those of arms and legs, paralyzed; tearing twitches, like electric shocks, through one side of body with sensation of lameness.

Conium [Con]

PARALYSIS FROM PERIPHERY UPWARD TO SPINAL CORD AND MEDULLA OBLONGATA; palsy after concussion of spine; paralysis after diphtheria; palsy of old people, especially old women; general paralysis of involuntary muscles, weakness of legs and tottering gait; PAINLESS LAMENESS; muscular palsy without spasms; vision good for fixed objects, but accommodation sluggish; humid tetters. ACUTE ASCENDING SPINAL PARALYSIS (case of Socrates).

Crot. [Crot-h]

Paralysis following apoplexy, particularly right side; glosso- pharyngeal; post-diphtheritic; dementia paralytica; painless palsies of limbs, with numbness and great coldness of affected parts.

Cuprum [Cupr]

AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SPINAL SCLEROSIS; paralysis after chorea, apoplexy or typhoid and typhus; paralysis of lower extremities after abscess of psoas muscle; motor paralysis with atrophy and contractions or choreic automatic movements, sensibility normal; congestion in chest, palpitation of heart, pulse slow, weak and small; eyes closed when opening them, eyeballs move about, eyelids twitch; icy coldness of feet or burning in soles of feet; paralysis ascendens from periphery to center.

Curare [Cur]

Nervous debility from loss of fluids after exhausting illness; debility of the aged, great failure of strength; no pain or any other ailment; general motor palsy, no pain; eyes haggard,

sunken; (<) by dampness, change of weather, cold wind.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Worse from cold damp weather, or by sudden changes from hot to cold weather; paralysis of tongue with impaired speech; paresis and hyperaemia of spinal cord from lying on damp cold ground; palsy of bladder from the same cause, urine offensive and loaded with mucus; incipient paralysis of lungs i n old people from same causes or(<) by them; urticaria from gastric troubles, (>) from cold air; paralyzed arms feel icy-cold.

Ferrum [Ferr]

After great loss of vital fluids, oversensitiveness to pain; laxness and weakness of all muscles, with emaciation, dyspepsia and cold extremities; easily tired out by walking, (>) from moving and walking slowly about, but weariness forces him to lie down.

Formica-rufa [Form]

Paralysis from spinal affections; languid feeling of whole system, with pain in all limbs, accompanied by chills and horripilations along spine; legs feel as if she had no power in them, sore and tired; sensation across abdomen as if bruised below navel, and tired feeling in back: want of memory, fearful and apprehensive.

Gelsemium [Gels]

FUNCTIONAL PARALYSIS OF MOTOR NERVES, leaving sensory ones normal, or hyperaesthetic. Infantile paralysis, complete relaxation of entire muscular system; sensation of heaviness in limbs, muscles weak and unable to obey the will, feel bruised and cold; tingling, creeping, crawling; ptosis associated with thick speech and suffused redness of face, eyeballs sore, (<) on moving eyes; dysphagia and aphonia from muscular failure. FIRST STAGES OF LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA with so-called neuralgic or rheumatic pains in extremities, (>) motion; paraplegia, unsteady gait and trembling of hands when lifting them up; post-diphtheritic palsies; mental exertions cause a sense of helplessness from brain weakness; paralytic and spasmodic symptoms from reflex irritation; (>) from


Graphites [Graph]

Affections of MEDULLA OBLONGATA; numbness and deadness, with coldness of the fingers of both hands, extending as far as middle of upper arm; coldness and numbness of face; great vertigo and blindness with prostration; countenance pale and haggard; emaciation without perceptible cause. Chronic eczema.

Hepar [Hep]

Paralysis from suppressed eruptions or after mercurial poisoning; oversensitiveness to pain; stitches and rheumatic pains in back; spinal irritation; Bright’s disease.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Paralysis of lower limbs, with upper; limbs paralyzed and remain in any position they are placed; great weakness and exhaustion; paleness and coldness of surface; formication of epigastric region and of limbs; pulse and heartbeat intermit.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

PARALYSIS AGITANS AFTER SPASMS, trembling of arms and hands; fingers look and feel too thick; cold hands and feet; stupid and drowsy; fingers look and feel too thick; cold hands and feet; stupid and drowsy; paralysis of sphincter ani et vesicae.

Ignatia [Ign]

Hysterical paraplegia, after great mental emotion and night- watching in the sick-chamber, languor and trembling of limbs; taciturn and resigned.

Ind. [Indg]

Stiffness and dull aching all over, especially right side, (<) when beginning to move, after resting and after meals; distress in stomach after eating ever so little.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Paralytic weakness, with cramps in hands and fingers, also in hip-joints; paresis with trembling, frequent and violent vertigo, sudden attacks of unconsciousness, totters as if intoxicated, better in fresh air; arms feel numb and cold, covered with purple spots; faint and weak after a walk, limbs go to sleep even after a meal.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Paralysis from syphilitic or mercurial rheumatism, after spinal meningitis.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Paralysis dependent on exhaustion of nerve-power in RECENT CASES, as after diphtheria; laming, paralytic pains in limbs, most during rest, (>) from motion without exertion, especially felt rising from sitting or on beginning to move.

Lachesis [Lach]

Paralysis, left side, after apoplexy or cerebral exhaustion; tingling prickling in limbs; trembling of hands in drunkards; awkward stumbling gait; head heavy as lead, (<) about occiput, with vertigo; flushes of heat.

Lathyrus [Lath]

MOTOR PARESIS OF LOWER EXTREMITIES, with tremulous tottering gait, abductors more attacked than adductors, sensibility remaining intact or even hyperaesthetic, (<) in rainy weather; no pains; emaciation of lower limbs; (<) when standing or walking, (>) when lying down; tendon reflexes exaggerated; no atrophy.

Ledum [Led]

ASCENDING PARALYSIS FROM FEET UPWARD; rheumatic palsy of hip- joint; numbness and formication of all limbs; emaciation of suffering parts; oedema of body; purplish spots over body, like petechiae; lack of vital heat.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Paralysis with formication of affected limbs; excessive

flatulency from torpor of intestinal canal; great prostration; mental, nervous and bodily weakness; great emaciation and internal debility.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

PARALYSIS AGITANS, involuntary shaking and trembling of hands and limbs, or of head; muscular paralysis from a disturbed or diseased condition of motory nerve fibres.

Manganum [Mang]

PARAPLEGIA; paresis begins in lower extremities, he staggers, inclines to run forward when he tries to walk; great weakness and weariness all over; tenderness of bones in general; weak memory.

Mercurius [Merc]

PARALYSIS COMMENCES IN UPPER EXTREMITIES AND RUNS DOWNWARD; paralysis agitans; mercurial tremor; twitching of arms and legs; tearing; stinging rheumatic and arthritic pains; rigidity and immobility of the limbs, through they can be easily moved by others; legs paralyzed in spinal meningitis; general malaise of mind and body.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.