Aconite [Acon]
Fitful mood, changing from one thing to another, now full of mirth and in a few moments disposed to weep; ecstasy, inclined to be gay, to dance and sing, loquacity, speech hurried.
Agaricus [Agar]
Fearless frenzy, with intoxication, accompanied by bold, vindictive designs; menancing, mischievous rage, directing it even against herself, with great strength; shy mania; excess of fancy, ecstasy, prophecy, makes verses; very marked choreic twitching; extraordinary heaviness and languor in the lower extremities, pain all along the spine, which in several spots is tender to touch; cyanosis breath flatus and stool foetid (sclerosis of the hemispheres of the brain).
Anacardium [Anac]
A great deal of foolish talk and foolish imaginations; loss of confidence in himself, which makes him irritable and quarrelsome; acts stupidly and childish, laughs when he ought to be serious and vice versa; sensation as if he had two opposite wills acting against each other.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Anxious reflections about himself, his present and future face, disposition to SHOOT himself in the night; continued state of exalted love and ecstatic longing for some ideal female; more in the fresh air than in the room. Satyriasis.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Perfect irresoluteness; all self-confidence has disappeared; angry on account of trifles, when he may even commit crimes; sudden, excessive, but transient burst of anger.
Belladonna [Bell]
Derangement of the will faculty; amorous mania, with sexual excitement; senseless talking with staring, protruding eyes; merry craziness; gives offense without any cause; wants to touch every one and everything; foolish gesticulation; irritable, curses horribly, wants to strike and bite; wants to DROWN himself;f or that somebody else should kill him; despondency and indifference.
Bovista [Bov]
Sensation as if the head were enormously increased in size; great irritability; everything affects him unpleasantly; awkward lets everything drop, tired of life in the morning, pleasant in the evening.
Camphor [Camph]
MANIA TO DISPUTE; acts and talks too hastily; feels insulted about everything; oversensitiveness; food has a strong taste; all objects appear bright and shining; amorous desires, with weakness of the sexual organs.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Exaltation of spirits, with great gayety and disposition to laugh at the merest trifles, is full of fun and mischief; excessive loquacity; pleasant hallucination of sight and hearing; a perfect horror of darkness; constant fear to become insane.
Cantharis [Canth]
Great restless, obliging him to move constantly; uneasiness day and night, with hot head; strange ideas crowd on him against his will; noisy insolent and contradicting; unbounded frantic sexual desire.
Cicuta-vir [Cic]
Crazy delirium; funny gesticulations with redness of face and heat of body; confounds things of the present with those of the past; is afraid of society and wants to be alone. Epilepsy after concussion of brain.
Crocus [Croc]
HYSTERIA; excessive mirth and cheerfulness alternating with melancholy. childish follies; pleasant dementia with paleness and headache; immoderate laughter.
Euphorbium [Euph]
Temporary attacks of craziness, insists on saying his prayers at the tail of his horse; knows his freaks and wants to be by himself and in silence.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Indomitable rage, wants to kill somebody or himself; horrid anguish; complains of being poisoned; thinks he will bit by animals and wants to drown himself;fantastic craziness; converses with people who are not present; looks at men as hogs; considers the stove a tree and wants to climb up; loves smutty talk; wants to go naked (hyperaesthesia of the skin). Erotomania; very little rush of blood to head; restless sleep; dizziness; muscular twitching dry mouth and dilated pupils; no appetite or bulimy, but eating aggravates all symptoms.
Lachesis [Lach]
Malice; thinks only of mischief; undertakes many things, persevere in morbid talkativeness in chosen language, but jumping from one subject to another; haughtiness, mistrusts those around him.
Paris-quad [Par]
Loquacious vivacity; jumping with a good deal of self- complacency, from one subject to another, merely for the sake of talking; indisposition to any mental labor.
Phosphorus [Plat]
Irritable weakness, with ecstasy; thinks his body is all in fragments and wonders how he is going to get the pieces together; imagines himself a great person; shameless sexual excitement; erotic mania, followed by apathy and coma.
Platina [Plat]
NYMPHOMANIA; hysteria, with great lowness of spirits; nervous weakness and vascular excitement; imagines that everything around her is small, and everybody around her inferior in body and mind; involuntary disposition to whistle and sing; canine hunger, and eats greedily.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Cheerful disposition, which is not natural to him; imagines all sorts of strange things about his body; is absorbed in every the whole day; mind excited, almost strained with fanciful notions and the body cold.
Secale [Sec]
Excessive sadness, which gradually changes to imbecile cheerfulness; talks and acts foolishly; rage, followed by continuous deep sleep.
Selenium [Sel]
COMPLAINTS INCIDENT TO OLD AGE, particularly at the critical age; full of melancholy, with profuse micturition; dread of society; exhaustion even from light labor; rage and cruelty in his dreams, as if he were a hyena or a wild beast.
Stramonium [Stram]
Loquacious delirium, with strange ideas; imbecility; talks with absent persons; behave himself nasty and unclean; frightful fancies; all his features show fright and horror;religious mania, with pious looks; desire for light and company (reverse of Bell).
Tabacum [Tab]
Cheerful and merry mania; sings the whole day; talks nonsense; becomes quite stupid, loses his senses;praecordial anguish, with faintness.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
MANIA DE GRANDEUR; alternation of laughing and moaning; attempts a great many things but accomplishes nothing; only conscious of himself as in a dream; rage, with great heat of the body; eats his own faeces. Suicidal tendency from religious despair.
Verbascum [Verb]
Excessive mirthfulness; lascivious fancies; ideas crowd upon him; indisposition to mental or bodily work; liable to neuralgia.