Hepatic derangements

Mercurius [Merc]

LIVER ENLARGED AND OFTEN INDURATED; dirty, yellowish-white coating of tongue, which takes imprint of teeth; scorbutic symptoms; gums ulcerate and become spongy, foetid breath; jaundiced hue of skin and conjunctiva; liver sore to touch; abdomen tympanitic and swollen; cannot lie on right side; stools clayey from absence of bile or yellowish-green, bilious, passed with;much tenesmus, and followed by a never-get-done feeling; rush of blood to head; sleeplessness form itching without eruption; mental depression, emaciation.

Myrica-cerif [Myric]

Liver enlarged and sore, as if bruised, jaundice; bitter taste or sweetish; PULSE SLOWER THAN THE BEATING OF THE HEART; despondency, dull heavy headache, (<) morning, sclera of a dingy, yellowish hue, tongue dirty yellow; muscular soreness and aching in limbs, urine dark and turbid; bad, foul taste; offensive, tenacious mucus in nose and throat; slimy, glutinous, frothy mucus in pharynx; imagines he can eat, but when food reaches pharynx it is expelled on account of the horrid nausea; stools mushy, gray; passes very offensive flatus; desire for acids; vertigo, stupor, unrefreshing sleep.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

MALARIAL CACHEXIA; dull, heavy aching and distention about liver after eating, (>) as digestion advances; stitches and tension in liver, skin yellow, earthy; obstinate constipation; short breathing, palpitations; stitches in spleen, (<) with every motion; paretic feeling in upper and lower extremities; (<) in summer and in thunderstorms.

Natrum-phos [Nat-p]

Cirrhosis of liver; HEPATIC FORM OF DIABETES, especially when there is a succession of boils; intense pressure and heat on top of head as if it would open; yellow, creamy coating at the back part of tongue and roof of mouth; acidity and acid dyspepsia; weak feeling in back and limbs.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

IRRITABLE LIVER; JAUNDICE FROM VEXATION, from excessive study or mental work; congestion of liver with soreness and sharp, sticking pains; suicidal melancholy, (<) from music and in morning; brain feels as if loose; sallow, jaundiced face; vomiting of bile; LIVER ENGORGED (<) LYING LEFT SIDE; great flatulence; soreness of liver to touch, to jars, with sharp, stitching pains in it; stools dark-green, bilious; urine loaded with bile; drowsiness, (<) forenoon and when reading; (>) warm, dry weather, (<) damp, wet weather.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Chronic derangements, LIVER ENORMOUSLY ENLARGED; jaundice with clay-colored stools; cadaverous smell from mouth, bloody saliva; excessive physical irritability and weakness.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

HEPATIC AFFECTION IN GOOD LIVERS, in alcoholic excess and after allopathic dosing. Liver swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure of clothing; jaundice provoked by violent anger, abuse of quinine, with attacks of faintness, leaving him sick and weak, haemorrhoidal colic or from gastric and bilious derangements, with sudden, severe pain in right side; stitches in hepatic region, (<) from contact or motion.

Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]

STITCHES IN LIVER RELIEVED BY DEEP INSPIRATION; burning in small spots in abdomen; colic from eating sugar and diarrhoea from drinking coffee.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Hyperaemia, at first enlargement, fatty degeneration and finally

atrophy of the liver with jaundice and dropsy; WAXY LIVER DEPENDENT UPON LONG-LASTING BONE DISEASE; FATTY LIVER IN CONSEQUENCE OF CARDIAC TROUBLES; ACUTE YELLOW ATROPHY OF LIVER; SUPPURATING HEPATITIS with hectic fever, night-sweats, enlargement in right hypochondrium and marked soreness of liver; malignant jaundice from venous obstruction, often from alcoholism; gall-bladder full of pale-yellow, slimy fluid; loss of appetite, unquenchable thirst, (<) after eating and drinking; abdomen flaccid, with chronic loose bowels; haemorrhoidal bleeding and haemorrhages from different parts of body; profuse sweat immediately after falling asleep; worse during atmospheric changes, thunderstorms, windy weather, after midnight.

Plumbum [Plb]

Continuing darting pain in region of liver CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER, first enlarged and then contracted; hepatic region sensitive to pressure without being enlarged, or somewhat hypertrophied; sensation of heat, and burning in liver and spine; persistent sticking pain in hepatic region, first anteriorly, then posteriorly.

Podophyllum [Podo]

TORPOR HEPATIS; CHRONIC HEPATITIS, costiveness, jaundice, constantly rubbing and stroking hypochondrium with hands; fulness in right hypochondrium, hyperaemia of the liver, with flatulence, pain and soreness; great irritability of the liver and excessive secretion of bile; twisting pain in right hypochondrium with sensation of heat there; jaundice, with gall-stones; pain from region of stomach towards gall-bladder, with excessive nausea; with constipation and diarrhoea. POLYCHOLIA.

Psorinum [Psor]

CHRONIC HEPATITIS; deep heavy pain in hepatic region, (<) from pressure or lying on right side, walking, coughing, laughing, or taking a long breath; stinging, sharp pains in liver and sleep; sharp stinging in pit of stomach.

Ptelea-trif [Ptel]

Sharp pains in the right hypochondria; when walking a dragging pain; pains shooting downward; distress at the base of the liver or in the region of the spleen; nausea and retching, with increase of frontal headache, worse, by speaking and waking; goneness in stomach; heavy aching pain in liver, RELIEVED BY LYING ON RIGHT SIDE; a feeling when lying on left side as if the liver were dragging on its ligaments; jaundice, with hyperaemia of the liver.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Darting, tensive pains in hepatic region; sticking pains, particularly when walking, feeling of lassitude in hypochondria; frequent attacks of anguish, especially at night, with diarrhoea; greenish or slimy stools; bitter taste; oppression in chest and pressure at stomach.

Quassia [Quas]

Acute stitching in hepatic region; drawing pains in both hypochondriac with sensation as if ABDOMEN WERE EMPTY AND RETRACTED TO THE SPINAL COLUMN, (<) deep breathing; sensation of coldness running down the back; with constant desire to yawn, to stretch out the feet; vomiting, diarrhoea, scanty urination or chronic, obstinate constipation from deficiency of bile.

Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]

Stitches in hepatic region extending into chest; sensation of soreness in hypochondria, especially to the touch; stitches in right side of chest, extending to the liver, with inclination to draw a long breath, (<) from touch, motion and from stretching the body; STITCHES BETWEEN the shoulder blades.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

TORPID LIVER, skin yellow, colic: indurations in abdomen; heat streaming from breast to liver, into abdomen, with diarrhoea; goneness in stomach, with headache.

Secale [Sec]

INFLAMMATION AND GANGRENE OF THE LIVER, enlargement of the liver; acute pains in hepatic region; tongue thickly coated with a brown, tenacious substance, burning in throat, unquenchable thirst; great weakness but no pain; limbs cold, covered with cold sweat.

Selenium [Sel]

Enlarged liver with loss of appetite, (<) mornings; white coating of tongue, no thirst; sharp, stitching pains in hepatic region, (<) by pressure and motion; PECULIAR FINE RASH OVER HEPATIC REGION, which is sensitive to touch.

Sepia [Sep]

FUNCTIONAL DERANGEMENT OF LIVER, often preceded by migraine or wandering articular affections with profuse sweats; constant aching pain in right side of abdomen, extending, when violent, to chest and back, with oppression of breathing, distress and aching in right shoulder and scapula; cheeks flushed; forehead and conjunctiva yellow, also around mouth, and yellow or red saddle over bridge of nose down cheeks; IRREGULAR YELLOW PATCHES ON FACE; tendency to perspire, especially between scapulae, mammae and under axillae; occipital headache; gastrosis, tongue flabby and indented, no appetite or easily satisfied, (<) from acids or fats; flatulence; stools bright-yellow or of an ashy color; urine scanty and loaded with urates; lassitude, atony of connective tissue and relaxation of blood vessels; TISSUE TORPIDITY RELIEVED BY EXERCISE WHICH HURRIES ON THE BLOOD; feels (<) when awaking, when sitting, always (>) by a good walk, but ascending painful; (>) from eructations, with desire to pass flatus downward, (<) in close rooms, in foggy weather, during nursing; pain in hypochondria more tolerable when lying on painful side; hepatic neuralgic with great depression of spirits; frequent stitches under right ribs.

Silicea [Sil]

Throbbing ulcerative pain in hepatic region, worse from touch or walking; ABSCESS OF LIVER; hardness, distention of liver; beating soreness in liver, worse on motion, when lying on right side; burning or throbbing in pit of stomach; disgust for warm food, desires only cold things; painless diarrhoea, with exhaustion or constipation from inactivity of rectum.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Swelling and hardness of the liver; stitches and hardness of the liver; thirst; insomnia or sleep in cat naps; constipation; haemorrhoids; dyspepsia of drunkards.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.