Hepatic derangements

Cobaltum [Cob]

STITCHES RUNNING DOWN THE THIGHS FROM THE LIVER; shooting pains in hepatic region and sharp pains in spleen, (<) on taking a deep inspiration; fullness in abdomen after a slight meal; constant dropping of blood from anus, but no blood with the stool.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Pressive pain in hepatic region, (<) by coughing and bending over and breathing, pains extending from right hypochondrium towards epigastrium and stomach, cannot bear least touch; faintness from slight exertion; vomiting of mucus and water, with distention of abdomen, pain (<) after vomiting, after anger.

Conium [Con]

Enlarged liver, pressing pain in hepatic region, (<) from pressure; convex hard swelling, extending towards praecordial region and nearly to right chest of ilium; stitches or painful tearing in liver, (<) by inspiration, when turning head, when standing or sitting, in snowy weather; colic from incarcerated flatus; sleepy in daytime and sleep disturbed by dreams at night; erratic itching of all parts of body; torpid action of bowels.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Shooting and stitches in hepatic region when taking a long breath, also on top of right shoulder; pressive hepatic congestion, especially when from heart disease or from imperfect performance of uterine functions, or if a sequel of malarial fever. Acute yellow atrophy; malignant jaundice, dark haemorrhage from nose, mouth, etc.; dark scanty urine.

Digitalis [Dig]

ENLARGED LIVER, EVEN DROPSY, FROM ORGANIC HEART DISEASE; soreness and hardness, with sensitiveness to pressure in cardiac and hepatic region; yellow hue of face, constipation, violent vomiting of water and bile, nausea, aversion to food and drink,

urine normal or high colored from bile; slow pulse; tongue clean or whitish-yellow; drowsiness even to stupor; dropsy with suppression of urine.

Dolichos-pruriens [Dol]

Terrible itching without any perceptible cause, or rash form hepatic troubles, with jaundice and constipation, (<) at night, preventing sleep.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Soreness in hepatic region, tight clothing is oppressive; fulness and tenderness in; region of liver, with stitches and soreness on moving or coughing; jaundice; anasarca from general debility; constipation, high-colored urine; violent bone-pains which make the patient restless; deficient perspiration with tenderness of skin.

Ferrum [Ferr]

CHRONIC HEPATIC AFFECTIONS AND INFECTION OF LIVER; swelling and hardness in hypochondriac region; liver enlarged and sensitive to pressure, pains along back and liver, particularly in places upon which she must lie, cannot lie long upon either side; hardness and distention of abdomen, without flatulence; bad taste, mouth dry; tongue coated white; (<) drinking cold water.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

ULCERATION OF LIVER; ascites from hepatic induration and portal congestion; craves refreshing drinks and is continually hungry; dropsy with feeling of fulness and pressure in epigastrium; ascites from enlarged and indurated liver, in consequence of alcoholic drinks; constipation with haemorrhoids; urine scanty, dark, pungent and foetid; restless sleep; sallow skin; complaints of premature old age, of bummers, in consequence of syphilo- mercurial dyscrasia.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Passive congestion of liver, bilious diarrhoea and relaxed gall- ducts; flatulence in stomach with eructations from want of elasticity in muscular fibres; jaundice with prostration; clay- colored stools; acute catarrhal enteritis during damp. warm or cold weather, soreness of abdominal walls; vertigo, dim sight and fulness of head.

Graphites [Graph]

Hardness in hepatic region; stitches in right hypochondrium, cannot bear tight clothing; unpleasant taste in the morning, as if he had eaten eggs; abdomen distended, hard; stools are covered with mucus or contain shreds of mucus; hepatic affection maltreated with mercury; (<) from metals.

Hepar [Hep]

Chronic engorgement of liver; during inflammatory process in cirrhosis of liver; soreness and stitches in liver when walking; HEPATIC ABSCESS; depressed and irritable frame of mind; great sensitiveness to dampness of the atmosphere; craving for sour and strong-tasting articles; difficult expulsion of faeces and urine; jaundice.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

TORPOR OF LIVER with pale, scanty stools; liver atrophied, marasmus; jaundice, with catarrh of stomach and duodenum, bitter taste; goneness and faintness in epigastrium; obstinate constipation; itching of skin; general prostration.

Hydrocotyle-asiat [Hydrc]

CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER; hypertrophy and induration of connective tissue; obstruction of the whole hepatic region; slight pain in upper portion of liver; crampy pains in stomach, without nausea.

Iodum [Iod]

Pressure and stitches in hepatic region, painful to touch, loss of appetite, emaciation, excessive weakness, diarrhoea; HARD CIRRHOTIC LIVER CAN BE FELT AS EMACIATION PROGRESS; jaundice with much pain and tenderness in hepatic region.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Cutting pain in right hypochondrium, worse on motion; crampy pain in right lumbar region; pain above the crest of ilium, first right side, then left; constipation, succeeded by thin, watery diarrhoea; burning in mouth, fauces and anus; autumnal bilious fevers.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Pain in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to small spot; dull pain or stitches in liver; clay-colored stools; metallic taste, confusion in head.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Stitching pains in right side, commencing in back and going through and up the chest, (<) at night, when lying down or rising up; cutting, lancinating tearing pains, suddenly appearing and of great severity and darting all over abdomen; epigastrium swollen hard, sensitive pulsations therein; pains in hepatic and umbilical regions, also on both sides of inferior parts of stomach down into bladder and testes. SWELLING AND ABSCESS OF LIVER.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Jaundice with sluggish action of liver, pains in hepatic region, light-yellow stools, white or gray coating of tongue, constipation; haemorrhoids.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Bruised pain in hepatic region, with sensation of fulness, must loosen his clothing; feeling of fulness, as if he had eaten too much; ulcerative pain in abdomen.

Lachesis [Lach]

ENLARGED LIVER OR DRUNKARDS, GOING ON TO A LOW GRADE OF SYMPTOMS with inflammation and abscess of liver; jaundice; tenderness on pressure all the time [Lycopodium, only after a meal], intolerance of clothing, deep throbbing on right side, Liver complaints at the climaxis; after ague; from syphilis. Pain as if something had lodged in right side, with stinging pains; much flatulence,

palpitations, pain when coughing as from an ulcerated spot; constant tormenting urging in anus, but no stool follows, or excessively offensive stools; (<) in spring; gastric pains decreasing during eating and returning again after one or two hours; aching pains in shinbones; mental depression.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

WASTING AWAY OF LIVER (Phosphorus), NUTMEG LIVER; sticking pain in liver, with pressure; distention of liver, pain as if an abscess would burst; burning or coldness in stomach and abdomen; constipation or diarrhoea; rapid sinking of the vital forces.

Leptandra [Lept]

Dull aching in right hypochondrium in region of gall bladder and also in posterior portion of liver, accompanied by soreness; burning distress in and about liver, often spreading to stomach and abdomen; drowsiness and despondency; diarrhoea; STOOLS BLACK AS PITCH WITH BURNING, COLICKY PAINS AT THE NAVEL, griping continuing after stool; vomiting of bile with burning distress and occasionally clay-colored stools; urine of a dark color; much soreness of head and eyeballs; frequent chilliness along the spine; pain in left shoulder and arm.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Violent pain in hepatic region across upper part of abdomen; pressure in liver, abdomen feels swollen, as if distended with wind, has to loosen clothing; arthritis with bruised pains all over body.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, especially in drunkards; GIN- LIVER; tongue coated; sour, putrid taste in the morning on rising; hunger, but a few mouthfuls of food fill him up to the the throat, quickly followed by hunger again; distress in stomach immediately after eating; tension in hypochondria after a meal, as from a cord, cannot stretch or stand upright, very sensitive to touch; flatulence tends rather upward than downward; great fermentation of bowels and ineffectual urging to stool, and after stool feeling as if great quantity remained unpassed; cold feet, or one foot cold, the other warm; chronic hepatitis with tendency to hepatic abscess; liver complaint after mortification.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

ENLARGED LIVER OF CHILDREN, who are puny in their growth and rachitic. Pressing pains in enlarged and hard liver when walking or touching it, (<) when lying on right side; regurgitation when walking; knotty stools, like sheep-dung or diarrhoea; tongue large, coated yellow, takes imprint of teeth; dyspnoea and palpitations, (<) when quiet and (>) from moving about; oedema pedum; uterine diseases and indurated os; haemorrhagic diathesis; frequent fainting fits; hysterical uterine and abdominal cramps, extending into thighs.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.